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Created November 21, 2016 22:11
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First (failed) attempt at adding a keyed node. I am using elm-mdl so I thought I could wrap their textfield component in a keyed div but that didn't solve the problem.
introField : Model -> Int -> String -> Html Msg
introField model index paragraph =
node "div" []
[ ( toString index
, Textfield.render Mdl [ 3, 0, index ] model.mdl
[ Textfield.label <|
"Paragraph " ++
(toString <| index + 1) ++
" of Introduction"
, Textfield.floatingLabel
, Textfield.textarea
, Textfield.rows 6
, Textfield.value paragraph
, Textfield.onInput <| NewRecipeIntroUpdateParagraph index
introFields : Model -> List (Html Msg)
introFields model =
indexedIntroParagraphs =
List.indexedMap (,) model.newRecipe.intro
--x = log "indexed ps" indexedIntroParagraphs
(\p ->
index =
fst p
text =
snd p
in []
[ Lists.content []
[ introField model index text
, deleteIntroParagraphButton model index
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