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Last active April 26, 2017 15:02
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Using a Recipe in my Layout with elm-mdl
-- TYPE MISMATCH ----------------------------------- ./src/components/Layout.elm
The 1st and 2nd branches of this `case` produce different types of values.
46| case msg of
47| Mdl msg' ->
48| Material.update msg' model
50| Update msg' ->
51|> ( { model | recipe = Recipe.update msg' model.recipe }, Cmd.none )
The 1st branch has this type:
( { b
| ...
, recipe :
{ author : String
, id : Int
, intro : String
, mdl : Material.Model
, raised : Int
, title : String
, Cmd Msg
But the 2nd is:
( { b | ..., recipe : ( Recipe.Model, Cmd Recipe.Msg ) }, Cmd b )
Hint: All branches in a `case` must have the same type. So no matter which one
we take, we always get back the same type of value.
module Layout exposing ( .. )
import Html exposing ( .. )
import Html.App
import Html.Attributes exposing ( .. )
import Material
import Material.Scheme as Scheme
import Material.Layout as Layout
import Material.List as List'
import Material.Color as Color
import Material.Options exposing ( Style )
import Material.Options as Options exposing ( cs, css )
import Recipe
type alias Model =
{ mdl : Material.Model
, recipe : Recipe.Model
init : Model
init =
{ mdl = Material.model
, recipe = Recipe.init
type Msg
= Mdl (Material.Msg Msg)
| Update Recipe.Msg
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
Mdl msg' ->
Material.update msg' model
Update msg' ->
( { model | recipe = Recipe.update msg' model.recipe }, Cmd.none )
type alias Mdl =
drawer : List (Html a)
drawer =
List'.ul []
[ List'.li []
[ List'.content []
[ text "Menus"
, List'.li []
[ List'.content []
[ text "Recipes"
, List'.li []
[ List'.content []
[ List'.icon "delete" []
, text "Trash"
header : List (Html a)
header =
[ h4 [ id "brand" ] [ text "Nimble Chef" ] ]
tabs : (List (Html m), List (Style m))
tabs =
[ text "Meal Plans"
, text "Menus"
, text "Recipes"
, text "Ingredinets"
, text "Nutrients"
, text "News"
, []
main' : Model -> List (Html Msg)
main' model =
[ Update ( Recipe.view model.recipe ) ]
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ Scheme.topWithScheme Color.Green Color.DeepPurple
( Layout.render Mdl
[ Layout.fixedHeader
{ header = header
, drawer = drawer
, tabs = tabs
, main = main' model
module Main exposing ( .. )
import Html.App as App
import Layout
--- MAIN
main : Program Never
main =
{ init = ( Layout.init, Cmd.none )
, view = Layout.view
, update = Layout.update
, subscriptions = always Sub.none
module Recipe exposing ( .. )
import Html exposing ( .. )
import Html.Attributes exposing ( class, id )
import Html.Events exposing ( onClick, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave )
import Material
import Material.Scheme
import Material.Card as Card
import Material.Options as Options exposing ( cs, css )
import Material.Textfield as Textfield
import Material.Elevation as Elevation
type alias Model =
{ id : Int
, mdl : Material.Model
, raised : Int
, title : String
, author : String
, intro : String
init : Model
init =
{ id = 0
, mdl = Material.model
, raised = -1
, title = ""
, author = ""
, intro = ""
type Msg
= Raise Int
| Mdl ( Material.Msg Msg )
| Title String
| Author String
| Intro String
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
Raise k ->
( { model | raised = k }, Cmd.none )
Mdl msg' ->
Material.update msg' model
Title title ->
( { model | title = title }, Cmd.none )
Author author ->
( { model | author = author }, Cmd.none )
Intro intro ->
( { model | intro = intro }, Cmd.none )
---- VEIW
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
k = 12
div [ id "content" ]
[ Card.view
[ css "width" "300px"
--, Color.background (Color.color Color.Brown Color.S500)
-- Elevation
, if model.raised == k then Elevation.e8 else Elevation.e2
, Elevation.transition 250
, Options.attribute <| onMouseEnter ( Raise k )
, Options.attribute <| onMouseLeave ( Raise -1 )
[ Card.title
[ css "flex-direction" "column"
, css "height" "200px"
, css "background" "url('assets/recipes/lg304.jpg') center / cover"
[ Card.head [] [ text "Edit Recipe" ]
, Card.actions []
[ div [ class "js-recipe" ]
[ Textfield.render Mdl [ 0 ] model.mdl
[ Textfield.label "Title"
, Textfield.floatingLabel
, Textfield.onInput Title
, Textfield.render Mdl [ 1 ] model.mdl
[ Textfield.label "Author"
, Textfield.floatingLabel
, Textfield.onInput Author
, Textfield.render Mdl [ 2 ] model.mdl
[ Textfield.label "Introduction"
, Textfield.floatingLabel
, Textfield.textarea
, Textfield.rows 6
, Textfield.onInput Intro
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