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Created September 16, 2015 19:44
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Maybe Modad Example
'use strict';
import Maybe from 'maybe';
import R from 'ramda';
var person = {
'name' : 'Homer Simpson',
'address' : {
'street' : '123 Fake St.',
'city' : 'Springfield'
age : 20
const state = x => x.state;
const address = x => x.address;
const toUpper = ''.toUpperCase;
const toLower = ''.toLowerCase;
const concat = [].concat;
const age = x => x.age;
const personsState = Maybe.of( person )
.map( address )
.map( state )
.map( toUpper )
.map( toLower );
console.log( personsState );
const newAge = Maybe.of( person )
.map( age )
.map( R.add( 5 ) )
.map( R.multiply( 10 ) );
console.log( newAge );
const anotherWay = R.compose( R.add( 5 ), age ) );
console.log( anotherWay( Maybe.of( person ) ) );
// from
'use strict';
const Maybe = function( x ) {
this.__value = x;
Maybe.of = function( x ) {
return new Maybe( x );
Maybe.prototype.isNothing = function() {
return ( this.__value === null || this.__value === undefined );
}; = function( f ) {
return this.isNothing() ? Maybe.of( null ) : Maybe.of( f( this.__value ) );
export default Maybe;
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