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Created January 16, 2020 23:22
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from mpmath import mp
# * Initializing accuracy level and value of const_k
mp.dps = 100
const_k = mp.fmul(8.9875518, 10**9)
def dipole(r:float, theta:float, charge:float, a:float):
Purpose : To calculate Electric Potential due to Dipole considering very small values
Formula Used :
(q/const_k)*(1/r_1 - 1/r_2)
r_1 = distance between negative charge and point of observation
= (r^2 + a^2 - 2*a*Cos(theta))^0.5
r_2 = distance between positive charge and point of observation
= (r^2 + a^2 + 2*a*Cos(theta))^0.5
const_k = 4*pi*epsilon_not
= 8.9875518 x 10^9
Parameters :
a) r - distance between center of the dipole and point of observation
b) theta - Angle between positive charge and point of observation
c) charge - either charge irrespective of sign
d) a - distance between either charge and center of dipole
# Calculating values of r_1 and r_2
r_1 = mp.sqrt(mp.fsub(mp.fadd(mp.power(r, 2), mp.power(a, 2)), mp.fmul(2, mp.fmul(a, mp.fmul(r, mp.cos(mp.radians(theta)))))))
r_2 = mp.sqrt(mp.fadd(mp.fadd(mp.power(r, 2), mp.power(a, 2)), mp.fmul(2, mp.fmul(a, mp.fmul(r, mp.cos(mp.radians(theta)))))))
# Calculating final result
result = mp.fmul(mp.fmul(charge, const_k), mp.fsub(mp.fdiv(1, r_1), mp.fdiv(1, r_2)))
# returning final result
return result
def dipole_approx(r:float, theta:float, charge:float, a:float):
Purpose : To calculate Electric Potential due to Dipole neglecting very small value of a^2
Formula Used :
q*2*a*cos(theta)/( const_k*(r^2) )
const_k = 4*pi*epsilon_not
= 8.9875518 x 10^9
Parameters :
a) r - distance between center of the dipole and point of observation
b) theta - Angle between positive charge and point of observation
c) charge - either charge irrespective of sign
d) a - distance between either charge and center of dipole
# Applying Formula to given parameters
result = mp.fdiv(mp.fmul(const_k, mp.fmul(charge, mp.fmul(2, mp.fmul(a, mp.cos(mp.radians(theta)))))), mp.power(r,2))
# returning final result
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(mp) # Configurations of mpmath
# Testing Values
r = 0.1 # in meters
theta = 60 # in degrees
charge = 1 # in coulombs
a = 10**(-9) # in meters
exact = dipole(r, theta, charge, a) # Exact Electric Potential due to Dipole
approx = dipole_approx(r, theta, charge, a) # Approx Electric Potential to Dipole
diff = mp.fsub(approx, exact) # Error
# Printing Results
print('Exact Result : ', exact)
print('Approx Result : ', approx)
print('Difference : ', diff)
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