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Last active May 4, 2020 16:51
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Gym 102443 #Codeforces
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define ll long long
#define Android ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(NULL)
#define debug(s, r) std::cerr << #s << ": " << (s) << (r == 0 ? ' ' : '\n')
#define pii pair<int, int>
#define sqr(x) ((x) * (x))
using namespace std;
ll bin_search(ll l, ll r, std::function<bool(ll)> check) {
ll result = l, mid;
while (l <= r) {
mid = (l + r) >> 1;
if (check(mid)) {
result = mid;
r = mid - 1;
} else {
l = mid + 1;
return result;
void solve() {
ll L, len, mx, a, b, c, n;
cin >> L >> len;
len = len - L + 1;
mx = bin_search(3, 2000, [&](ll mid) -> bool {
return mid * mid * mid * (mid - 2) >= L;
L -= (mx - 1) * (mx - 1) * (mx - 1) * (mx - 3);
a = (ll)ceil(1.0 * L / (mx * mx * (mx - 2) - (mx - 1) * (mx - 1) * (mx - 3)));
a = min(a, mx); // 如果a应该为mx,那么通过上式求得的a可能大于mx
L -= (a - 1) * (mx * mx * (mx - 2) - (mx - 1) * (mx - 1) * (mx - 3));
if (a == mx) {
// b = bin_search(1, mx, [&](ll mid) -> bool {
// if(mid == mx) return true;
// return mid * mx * (mx - 2) >= L;
// });
b = ceil(1.0 * L / (mx * (mx-2)));
b = min(b, mx);
L -= (b - 1) * mx * (mx - 2);
} else {
b = bin_search(1, mx, [&](ll mid) -> bool {
if(mid == mx) return true;
return mid * (mx * (mx - 2) - (mx - 1) * (mx - 3)) >= L;
// b = ceil(1.0 * L / (mx * (mx - 2) - (mx - 1) * (mx - 3)));
// b = min(b, mx);
L -= (b - 1) * (mx * (mx - 2) - (mx - 1) * (mx - 3));
if(a == mx || b == mx){
c = ceil(1.0 * L / (mx-2));
c = min(c, mx);
L -= (c-1) * (mx-2);
c = min(L, mx);
L -= c-1;
if(a == mx || b == mx || c == mx){
n = L + 2;
n = mx;
// debug(a, 0), debug(b, 0), debug(c, 0), debug(n, 1);
for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
double val_a = pow(1.0 * a / c, n);
double val_b = pow(1.0 * b / c, n);
// 判断条件必须是 '<',精度(数据)问题
// 正解应当是:如果fabs(val_a+val_b-1) < eps,则暴力高精度计算
if(val_a + val_b < 1){
printf("%lld^%lld+%lld^%lld<%lld^%lld\n", a, n, b, n, c, n);
printf("%lld^%lld+%lld^%lld>%lld^%lld\n", a, n, b, n, c, n);
if(a == mx && b == mx && c == mx && n == mx){
a = b = c = 1;
n = mx;
if(n < mx){
if(c > mx) c=1, b++;
if(b > mx) b=1, a++;
n = (c==mx||b==mx||a==mx)?3:mx;
signed main() {
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