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RIP Parkey & the Insignificance of Kickers
pbp_all <- readRDS("pbpdata2009to2019.rds") #I just use prescraped data, but if you don't know where to get this, I would recommend reading Ben Baldwin's tutorial:
field_goals <-
pbp_all %>%
filter(play_type == "field_goal") %>%
select(play_type, desc, field_goal_result, kick_distance, fg_prob, field_goal_attempt, kicker_player_name, posteam, kicker_player_id, season, wpa, epa) %>%
mutate(made_kick = ifelse(field_goal_result == "made", 1, 0),
kick_distance = ifelse(kick_distance < 56, kick_distance, 56))
expected_field_goals <-
field_goals %>%
group_by(kick_distance) %>%
summarize(expected_makes = sum(made_kick), attempts = n()) %>%
mutate(expected_kick_percentage = expected_makes/attempts) %>%
select(-c(expected_makes, attempts))
actual_field_goals <-
field_goals %>%
group_by(kicker_player_name, season, kick_distance) %>%
summarize(actual_makes = sum(made_kick), attempts = n(),
epa = sum(epa, na.rm = TRUE), wpa = sum(wpa, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
left_join(expected_field_goals, by = c("kick_distance")) %>%
mutate(expected_makes = (expected_kick_percentage * attempts)) %>%
group_by(kicker_player_name, season) %>%
summarise(attempts = sum(attempts),
actual_makes = sum(actual_makes),
expected_makes = sum(expected_makes),
makes_over_expectation = (actual_makes - expected_makes),
epa = sum(epa, na.rm = TRUE),
wpa = sum(wpa, na.rm = TRUE))
#Density Plot of FGoE
ggplot(actual_field_goals, aes(x=makes_over_expectation, y=..density..)) +
geom_vline(data = subset(actual_field_goals, kicker_player_name == "C.Parkey" & season == "2018"),
aes(xintercept = makes_over_expectation, color = "orange")) +
geom_density() +
annotate("label", x = -1.5, y= .025,label = "Cody Parkey, 2018 \n -2.76", size = 2.5, color = "black") +
theme_classic() +
theme(axis.text.y=element_blank()) +
guides(color = FALSE) +
x = "Made Field Goals Over Expectation",
y = "Density",
title = "How Much Do Kickers Out-Kick or Under-Kick Expectations?",
subtitle = "2009-2018",
caption = "Data from nflscrapR \n \n @ChiBearsStats"
ggsave('fieldgoalsoverexpectation.png', dpi=1000)
#How much EPA do Kickers bring?
ggplot(actual_field_goals, aes(x=epa, y=..density..)) +
geom_vline(data = subset(actual_field_goals, kicker_player_name == "C.Parkey" & season == "2018"),
aes(xintercept = epa, color = "orange")) +
geom_density() +
annotate("label", x = -7, y= .01,label = "Cody Parkey, 2018 \n -12.0", size = 2.5, color = "black") +
theme_classic() +
theme(axis.text.y=element_blank()) +
guides(color = FALSE) +
x = "Total EPA",
y = "Density",
title = "Kickers EPA",
subtitle = "2009-2018",
caption = "Data from nflscrapR \n \n @ChiBearsStats"
ggsave('kickerepa.png', dpi=1000)
#How much WPA do Kickers bring?
ggplot(actual_field_goals, aes(x=wpa, y=..density..)) +
geom_vline(data = subset(actual_field_goals, kicker_player_name == "C.Parkey" & season == "2018"),
aes(xintercept = wpa, color = "orange")) +
geom_density() +
annotate("label", x = -.2, y= .1,label = "Cody Parkey, 2018 \n -.45", size = 2.5, color = "black") +
theme_classic() +
theme(axis.text.y=element_blank()) +
guides(color = FALSE) +
x = "Total WPA",
y = "Density",
title = "Kickers WPA",
subtitle = "2009-2018",
caption = "Data from nflscrapR \n \n @ChiBearsStats"
ggsave('kickerwpa.png', dpi=1000)
#Let's take a look at accuracy vs attempts
attempts_lm = lm(makes_over_expectation ~ attempts, data=actual_field_goals)
rsquared <- summary(attempts_lm)$r.squared
rsquared <- signif(rsquared, digits = 2)
rsquaredlabel <- expression(paste(" ",R^2 ,"= .05"))
ggplot(actual_field_goals, aes(x = attempts, makes_over_expectation)) +
geom_point() +
geom_point(data = subset(actual_field_goals, (kicker_player_name == "C.Parkey")),
color = "orange",
size = 2) +
data = subset(actual_field_goals, (kicker_player_name == "C.Parkey" & season == 2018)),
aes(image = ""), size = .05) +
annotate("text", x = 50, y= -4,label = rsquaredlabel, size = 4, color = "black") +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = 4, color = "black") +
data = subset(actual_field_goals, (makes_over_expectation > 5)
| attempts > 50
| makes_over_expectation < -5),
aes(label = paste(kicker_player_name, substr(season, 3, 4)))) +
data = subset(actual_field_goals, (kicker_player_name == "C.Parkey")),
aes(label = substr(season, 3, 4)),
color = "blue",
nudge_y = 1,
nudge_x = 1) +
theme_classic() +
x = "Total Attempts",
y = "Made Field Goals Over Expectation",
title = "FGoE vs Attempts (Cody Parkey Seasons Highlighted)",
subtitle = "2009-2018",
caption = "Data from nflscrapR \n \n @ChiBearsStats"
ggsave('madefieldgoalsvsattempts.png', dpi=1000)
actual_field_goals_career <-
field_goals %>%
group_by(kicker_player_name, kick_distance) %>%
summarize(actual_makes = sum(made_kick), attempts = n(),
epa = sum(epa, na.rm = TRUE), wpa = sum(wpa, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
left_join(expected_field_goals, by = c("kick_distance")) %>%
mutate(expected_makes = (expected_kick_percentage * attempts)) %>%
group_by(kicker_player_name) %>%
summarise(attempts = sum(attempts),
actual_makes = sum(actual_makes),
expected_makes = sum(expected_makes),
makes_over_expectation = ((actual_makes - expected_makes)/expected_makes),
epa = sum(epa, na.rm = TRUE),
wpa = sum(wpa, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(attempts > 20)
ggplot(actual_field_goals_career, aes(x = attempts, makes_over_expectation)) +
geom_point() +
geom_point(data = subset(actual_field_goals_career, (kicker_player_name == "C.Parkey")),
color = "orange",
size = 2) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = 4, color = "black") +
data = subset(actual_field_goals_career, (makes_over_expectation > .05)
| attempts > 300
| makes_over_expectation < -.15),
aes(label = kicker_player_name)) +
data = subset(actual_field_goals_career, (kicker_player_name == "C.Parkey")),
aes(label = kicker_player_name),
color = "blue",
nudge_y = -.005,
nudge_x = .1) +
theme_classic() +
x = "Total Attempts",
y = "Made Field Goals Over Expectation",
title = "Field Goals Over Expectation (%)",
subtitle = "2009-2018, minimum of 20 Attempts",
caption = "Data from nflscrapR \n \n @ChiBearsStats"
ggsave('careerfgattempts.png', dpi=1000)
#Year Over Year Kicker Accuracy
actual_field_goals_yoy <-
actual_field_goals %>%
filter(attempts >= 10) %>%
mutate(following_season = season + 1) %>%
left_join(select(actual_field_goals_yoy, kicker_player_name, season, makes_over_expectation),
by = c("kicker_player_name", "following_season" = "season")) %>%
yoy_lm = lm(makes_over_expectation.x ~ makes_over_expectation.y, data=actual_field_goals_yoy)
rsquared_yoy <- summary(yoy_lm)$r.squared
rsquared_yoy <- signif(rsquared_yoy, digits = 2)
rsquaredlabel_yoy <- expression(paste(" ",R^2 ,"= .043"))
ggplot(actual_field_goals_yoy, aes(x = makes_over_expectation.x, makes_over_expectation.y)) +
geom_point() +
geom_point(data = subset(actual_field_goals_yoy, (kicker_player_name == "C.Parkey")),
color = "orange",
size = 2) +
annotate("text", x = 5, y= -4,label = rsquaredlabel_yoy, size = 4, color = "black") +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, lty = 2) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 2) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = 2) +
data = subset(actual_field_goals_yoy, (makes_over_expectation.y > 5)
| makes_over_expectation.x > 5
| makes_over_expectation.y < -5
| makes_over_expectation.x < -5),
aes(label = paste(kicker_player_name, substr(season, 3, 4), "-", substr(following_season, 3, 4)))) +
data = subset(actual_field_goals_yoy, (kicker_player_name == "C.Parkey")),
aes(label = paste(substr(season, 3, 4), "-", substr(following_season, 3, 4))),
color = "blue",
nudge_y = .5,
nudge_x = .5) +
theme_classic() +
x = "Year X",
y = "Year X + 1",
title = "Field Goals Over Expectation, Year Over Year",
subtitle = "2009-2018, Minimum 10 Attempts",
caption = "Data from nflscrapR \n \n @ChiBearsStats"
ggsave('yearoveryearfieldgoals.png', dpi=1000)
#Let's do it proportionally to make sure we're not penalizing high attempt seasons
actual_field_goals_yoy <-
actual_field_goals %>%
filter(attempts >= 10) %>%
mutate(following_season = season + 1,
difference_percentage = ((actual_makes - expected_makes)/expected_makes)) %>%
left_join(select(actual_field_goals_yoy, kicker_player_name, season, difference_percentage),
by = c("kicker_player_name", "following_season" = "season")) %>%
yoyper_lm = lm(difference_percentage.x ~ difference_percentage.y, data=actual_field_goals_yoy)
rsquared_yoyper <- summary(yoyper_lm)$r.squared
rsquared_yoyper <- signif(rsquared_yoy, digits = 2)
rsquaredlabel_yoyper <- expression(paste(" ",R^2 ,"= .043"))
ggplot(actual_field_goals_yoy, aes(x = difference_percentage.x, difference_percentage.y)) +
geom_point() +
geom_point(data = subset(actual_field_goals_yoy, (kicker_player_name == "C.Parkey")),
color = "orange",
size = 2) +
annotate("text", x = .2, y= -.2,label = rsquaredlabel_yoy, size = 4, color = "black") +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, lty = 2) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 2) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = 2) +
data = subset(actual_field_goals_yoy, (difference_percentage.x > .2)
| difference_percentage.y > .2
| difference_percentage.x < -.2
| difference_percentage.y < -.22),
aes(label = paste(kicker_player_name, substr(season, 3, 4), "-", substr(following_season, 3, 4)))) +
data = subset(actual_field_goals_yoy, (kicker_player_name == "C.Parkey")),
aes(label = paste(substr(season, 3, 4), "-", substr(following_season, 3, 4))),
color = "blue",
nudge_y = .05,
nudge_x = .05) +
theme_classic() +
x = "Year X",
y = "Year X + 1",
title = "Field Goals Over Expectation (%), Year Over Year",
subtitle = "2009-2018, Minimum 10 Attempts",
caption = "Data from nflscrapR \n \n @ChiBearsStats"
ggsave('yearoveryearfieldgoalspercentage.png', dpi=1000)
#Lastly, let's look at "clutch" kicks
actual_field_goals_clutch <-
pbp_all %>%
filter(play_type == "field_goal") %>%
select(game_seconds_remaining, game_half, score_differential, play_type, desc, field_goal_result, kick_distance, fg_prob, field_goal_attempt, kicker_player_name, posteam, kicker_player_id, season, wpa, epa) %>%
mutate(made_kick = ifelse(field_goal_result == "made", 1, 0),
kick_distance = ifelse(kick_distance < 56, kick_distance, 56)) %>%
filter((game_seconds_remaining < 300 & score_differential <= 3 & score_differential >= -3) |
game_half == "Overtime") %>%
group_by(kicker_player_name, kick_distance) %>%
summarize(actual_makes = sum(made_kick), attempts = n(),
epa = sum(epa, na.rm = TRUE), wpa = sum(wpa, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
left_join(expected_field_goals, by = c("kick_distance")) %>%
mutate(expected_makes = (expected_kick_percentage * attempts)) %>%
group_by(kicker_player_name) %>%
summarise(attempts = sum(attempts),
actual_makes = sum(actual_makes),
expected_makes = sum(expected_makes),
difference_percentage = ((actual_makes - expected_makes)/expected_makes),
makes_over_expectation = (actual_makes - expected_makes)) %>%
filter(attempts > 10) %>%
left_join(actual_field_goals_career, by = c("kicker_player_name")) %>%
mutate(difference_percentage_career = ((actual_makes.y - expected_makes.y)/expected_makes.y))
clutch_lm = lm(difference_percentage ~ difference_percentage_career, data=actual_field_goals_clutch)
rsquared_clutch <- summary(clutch_lm)$r.squared
rsquared_clutch <- signif(rsquared_clutch, digits = 2)
rsquaredlabel_clutch <- expression(paste(" ",R^2 ,"= .17"))
ggplot(actual_field_goals_clutch, aes(x = difference_percentage,difference_percentage_career)) +
geom_point() +
geom_point(data = subset(actual_field_goals_clutch, (kicker_player_name == "C.Parkey")),
color = "orange",
size = 2) +
geom_smooth(method = lm) +
annotate("text", x = .2, y= -.05,label = rsquaredlabel_clutch, size = 4, color = "black") +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, lty = 2) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 2) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = 2) +
data = subset(actual_field_goals_clutch, (difference_percentage > .05)
| difference_percentage_career > .05
| difference_percentage < -.15
| difference_percentage < -.22),
aes(label = kicker_player_name)) +
data = subset(actual_field_goals_clutch, (kicker_player_name == "C.Parkey")),
aes(label = kicker_player_name),
color = "blue",
nudge_y = .005,
nudge_x = -.005) +
theme_classic() +
x = "Clutch Kicks Above Expectation (%)",
y = "All Kicks",
title = "Clutch Kicking",
subtitle = "2009-2018, Minimum 10 Attempts",
caption = "Clutch Kick = <5 minutes remaining in Reg. or in OT in a 3 point game. \n Data from nflscrapR \n @ChiBearsStats"
ggsave('clutchkicks.png', dpi=1000)
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