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Created June 25, 2020 21:03
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# lol haven't tested on non-squarefree N
# if you see any bugs let me know or something i guess
# implementation of algorithm detailed at section 4.2 of
# for redpwnctf 2019
# note:
# when i got a solution for d = 3, so the root of the hilbert
# class polynomial was trivial, stuff didn't work... not sure if
# this is an issue that arises with the particular thingo that
# the author uses to simplify computation of roots. maybe
# a closer (read: any) reading of this paper reveals why this
# happens, and i just missed something.
# anyways, it's resolved by just iterating higher :^)
# this impl is way shorter if you don't worry about non squarefree
# things, which i didn't originally, but since i'm doing it again
# might as well do things right yknow
def four_point_two(N):
f = factor(N)
# for the square divisors of N
Ns = 1
for p, e in f:
Ns *= p^(e//2)
S = Ns.divisors()
d = 0
while True:
# fifth step: wait, five is larger than two?
d += 1
# second step
if not is_squarefree(d):
# preprocessing stuffs
K.<a> = QuadraticField(-d)
Zw = K.ring_of_integers()
w = a
if (-d) % 4 == 1:
w = (-1 + a) / 2
# the units in Z[w]
U = [Zw(1), Zw(-1)]
if d == 1:
U += [w, -w]
if d == 3:
U += [w, -w, w*w, -w*w]
# third step: splitting behaviour of primes
# k1 and k2 are always 1 for squarefree N,
# which is probably what you have, but whatever
k1 = 1
D = K.discriminant()
fail = False
for p, e in f:
l = kronecker(D, p)
if l == -1:
# inert
if e % 2 == 1:
fail = True
k1 *= p^(e//2)
if l == 0:
# ramifies
k1 *= p^(e//2)
if fail:
N1 = N // k1^2
ZN1 = ZZ.quo(ZZ*N1)
# fourth step: stuff
# r is a root of f, found via quad formula
for r in ZN1(-d).sqrt(all=True):
if (-d) % 4 == 1:
r = (-1 + r) / 2
# square divisors (trivial if N squarefree)
for k2 in S:
k = k1 * k2
N0 = N1 // k2^2
# sage inbuilts ;)
I = Ideal(N0, w - Zw(r))
G = I.gens_reduced()
if len(G) > 1:
# couldn't find a single generator
# iterate over "all generators"
# i.e. chosen generator times units
for g in G:
for u in U:
alpha0 = g * u
alpha = k*alpha0
# casting to integer is important lol
n = ZZ((1-alpha).norm())
if is_prime(n):
yield d, alpha
# just my value, put whatevs here
N = 648000029051172520969507317226754839528660854785798909825348737
F = four_point_two(N)
# i'm doing this because sometimes d = 3 dies, like i mentioned
while True:
d, alpha = next(F)
print("trying", d, alpha)
p = ZZ((1-alpha).norm())
K.<a> = QuadraticField(-d)
Fp.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(p))
# CM algorithm, also detailed in the paper at blah blah dot blah
# somewhere in 3 or something
Pd = hilbert_class_polynomial(K.discriminant())
Fpm.<y> = Pd(x).splitting_field()
# who can be bothered dealing with polynomials that don't split completely?
# not me.
# also idk what the overbar notation in the paper means, lmao
if y != 1:
print("failure :(")
R = Pd.roots(GF(p))
if not R:
print("failure :(")
j = R[0][0]
if j == 0:
E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [0, 1])
elif j == 1728:
E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [1, 0])
a = 27*j / (4 * (1728 - j))
E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [a, -a])
if E.order() == N:
print("success!", E)
E = E.quadratic_twist()
if E.order() == N:
print("success!", E)
# rip, what a shame
# this isn't really meant to happen as far as i can tell
# but life is like that sometimes
print("failure :(")
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