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Created May 25, 2022 14:38
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Infix expression to Postfix expression (C)
char LastPopedChar; //Global variable bc im lazy
struct cLinkedList //Use a linked list as a stack
char cData;
struct cLinkedList* pLink;
struct cLinkedList* PushWhatTo(char x, struct cLinkedList* pHead)
struct cLinkedList* Temp = (struct cLinkedList*)malloc(sizeof(struct cLinkedList));
Temp->cData = x;
Temp->pLink = pHead;
pHead = Temp;
return pHead;
struct cLinkedList* PopStack(struct cLinkedList* pHead)
if (pHead == NULL)
puts("Nothing is in the stack! You idiot!");
return pHead;
struct cLinkedList* Temp = pHead;
LastPopedChar = pHead->cData;
pHead = pHead->pLink;
return pHead;
SetConsoleTitle(TEXT("Infix to Postfix converter."));
struct cLinkedList* LLStack = NULL;
char Input[100], Output[100];
int OutputCharCount = 0;
puts("Enter an infix expression below, use () as parenthesis.");
puts("Converting to postfix....");
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(Input); i++)
switch (Input[i])
case '+':
case '-':
case '*':
case '/':
case '(':
//If stack operator has higher associativity than input operator
if (IsTopHigher(LLStack, Input[i]))
while (!DumpedAll(LLStack)) //Dump & Output all till empty or '('
LLStack = PopStack(LLStack);
Output[OutputCharCount++] = LastPopedChar;
LLStack = PushWhatTo(Input[i], LLStack); //Then push the input operator
else LLStack = PushWhatTo(Input[i], LLStack);
case ')':
while (LLStack->cData != '(') //Dump & Output till the next '('
LLStack = PopStack(LLStack);
Output[OutputCharCount++] = LastPopedChar;
LLStack = PopStack(LLStack); //Pop the '(' but not outputting
default: //Operand, output as normal.
Output[OutputCharCount++] = Input[i];
while (LLStack != NULL)
Output[OutputCharCount++] = LLStack->cData;
LLStack = PopStack(LLStack);
Output[OutputCharCount] = '\0';
puts("The converted expression is:");
printf("%s", Output);
return 0;
BOOL IsTopHigher(struct cLinkedList* pHead, char para)
if (pHead == NULL) return FALSE; //Empty list, not higher.
if (pHead->cData == '*' || pHead->cData == '/') //Top is higher
if (para == '*' || para == '/' || para == '(') return FALSE; //Input is of same level
else return TRUE;
else return FALSE; //Top is lower, including when input is of same level or higher
BOOL DumpedAll(struct cLinkedList* pHead)
if (pHead == NULL || pHead->cData == '(') return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
//Logical Refrence:
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