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Created October 7, 2014 17:33
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  • Save Chili-Man/f2b479c4a93c56bde55d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Chili-Man/f2b479c4a93c56bde55d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
postgresql 3.4.8 instrumented
[2014-10-07T16:40:45+00:00] INFO: Forking chef instance to converge...
Starting Chef Client, version 11.14.6
[2014-10-07T16:40:45+00:00] INFO: *** Chef 11.14.6 ***
[2014-10-07T16:40:45+00:00] INFO: Chef-client pid: 24306
[2014-10-07T16:40:51+00:00] INFO: Setting the run_list to ["role[local-full-stack]"] from CLI options
[2014-10-07T16:40:52+00:00] INFO: Run List is [role[local-full-stack]]
[2014-10-07T16:40:52+00:00] INFO: Run List expands to [og-dev-stack]
[2014-10-07T16:40:52+00:00] INFO: Starting Chef Run for staging-habanero-og-dev-stack-20141007-000
[2014-10-07T16:40:52+00:00] INFO: Running start handlers
[2014-10-07T16:40:52+00:00] INFO: Start handlers complete.
Compiling Cookbooks...
[2014-10-07T16:41:05+00:00] INFO: WindowsPackage lightweight resource already initialized -- overriding!
Recipe: base::discover
* chef_gem[ipaddress] action install (up to date)
[2014-10-07T16:41:08+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for service[collectd] from prior resource (CHEF-3694)
[2014-10-07T16:41:08+00:00] WARN: Previous service[collectd]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/collectd/recipes/default.rb:24:in `from_file'
[2014-10-07T16:41:08+00:00] WARN: Current service[collectd]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/collectd/recipes/default.rb:88:in `from_file'
[2014-10-07T16:41:09+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for package[ncurses-dev] from prior resource (CHEF-3694)
[2014-10-07T16:41:09+00:00] WARN: Previous package[ncurses-dev]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/build-essential/recipes/_debian.rb:27:in `block in from_file'
[2014-10-07T16:41:09+00:00] WARN: Current package[ncurses-dev]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/rbenv/recipes/default.rb:71:in `from_file'
[2014-10-07T16:41:09+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for ruby_block[set HOME for rbenv at 1412700069] from prior resource (CHEF-3694)
[2014-10-07T16:41:09+00:00] WARN: Previous ruby_block[set HOME for rbenv at 1412700069]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/rbenv/libraries/chef_mixin_rbenv.rb:111:in `with_home_for_user'
[2014-10-07T16:41:09+00:00] WARN: Current ruby_block[set HOME for rbenv at 1412700069]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/rbenv/libraries/chef_mixin_rbenv.rb:111:in `with_home_for_user'
[2014-10-07T16:41:09+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for ruby_block[unset HOME for rbenv 1412700069] from prior resource (CHEF-3694)
[2014-10-07T16:41:09+00:00] WARN: Previous ruby_block[unset HOME for rbenv 1412700069]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/rbenv/libraries/chef_mixin_rbenv.rb:125:in `with_home_for_user'
[2014-10-07T16:41:09+00:00] WARN: Current ruby_block[unset HOME for rbenv 1412700069]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/rbenv/libraries/chef_mixin_rbenv.rb:125:in `with_home_for_user'
MEMORY: 3629
[2014-10-07T16:41:10+00:00] WARN: insatlling the following packages
[2014-10-07T16:41:10+00:00] WARN: ["postgresql-9.3"]
[2014-10-07T16:41:10+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for postgresql_database_user[transactionsuploader-app] from prior resource (CHEF-3694)
[2014-10-07T16:41:10+00:00] WARN: Previous postgresql_database_user[transactionsuploader-app]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/transactions-uploader-app/recipes/trapp_postgres_db.rb:25:in `from_file'
[2014-10-07T16:41:10+00:00] WARN: Current postgresql_database_user[transactionsuploader-app]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/transactions-uploader-app/recipes/trapp_postgres_db.rb:38:in `from_file'
[2014-10-07T16:41:11+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for group[rbenv] from prior resource (CHEF-3694)
[2014-10-07T16:41:11+00:00] WARN: Previous group[rbenv]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/rbenv/recipes/default.rb:77:in `from_file'
[2014-10-07T16:41:11+00:00] WARN: Current group[rbenv]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/fake-dynamo/recipes/default.rb:24:in `from_file'
[2014-10-07T16:41:11+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for python_pip[virtualenv] from prior resource (CHEF-3694)
[2014-10-07T16:41:11+00:00] WARN: Previous python_pip[virtualenv]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/python/recipes/virtualenv.rb:23:in `from_file'
[2014-10-07T16:41:11+00:00] WARN: Current python_pip[virtualenv]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/fileparser-api/recipes/gunicorn.rb:4:in `from_file'
[2014-10-07T16:41:12+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for rbenv_gem[bundler] from prior resource (CHEF-3694)
[2014-10-07T16:41:12+00:00] WARN: Previous rbenv_gem[bundler]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/transactions-uploader-app/recipes/default.rb:52:in `from_file'
[2014-10-07T16:41:12+00:00] WARN: Current rbenv_gem[bundler]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/delphius-app/recipes/setup.rb:43:in `from_file'
[2014-10-07T16:41:12+00:00] INFO: [delphius app] Generating unicorn config: /etc/unicorn/DelphiusApp-normal.unicorn.rb
[2014-10-07T16:41:14+00:00] INFO: ohai plugins will be at: /etc/chef/ohai_plugins
Recipe: ohai::default
* remote_directory[/etc/chef/ohai_plugins for cookbook ohai] action create
Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
* cookbook_file[/etc/chef/ohai_plugins/README] action create (up to date)
(up to date)
Recipe: ohai::default
* ohai[custom_plugins] action reload[2014-10-07T16:41:18+00:00] INFO: ohai[custom_plugins] reloaded
- re-run ohai and merge results into node attributes
[2014-10-07T16:41:19+00:00] WARN: Cloning resource attributes for service[nginx] from prior resource (CHEF-3694)
[2014-10-07T16:41:19+00:00] WARN: Previous service[nginx]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/nginx/recipes/package.rb:46:in `from_file'
[2014-10-07T16:41:19+00:00] WARN: Current service[nginx]: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/nginx/recipes/default.rb:24:in `from_file'
[2014-10-07T16:41:19+00:00] INFO: [haproxy-nginx-lb] 1 found through the search.
[2014-10-07T16:41:19+00:00] INFO: [haproxy-nginx-lb] Node: staging-habanero-og-dev-stack-20141007-000
[2014-10-07T16:41:19+00:00] INFO: [haproxy-nginx-lb] Node: staging-habanero-og-dev-stack-20141007-000
[2014-10-07T16:41:19+00:00] INFO: [haproxy-nginx-lb] Node: staging-habanero-og-dev-stack-20141007-000
[2014-10-07T16:41:19+00:00] INFO: [haproxy-nginx-lb] Node: staging-habanero-og-dev-stack-20141007-000
[2014-10-07T16:41:20+00:00] INFO: [haproxy-nginx-lb] Node: staging-habanero-og-dev-stack-20141007-000
[2014-10-07T16:41:20+00:00] INFO: [haproxy-nginx-lb] Node: staging-habanero-og-dev-stack-20141007-000
Converging 329 resources
Recipe: base::default
* execute[locale-gen] action run[2014-10-07T16:41:21+00:00] INFO: execute[locale-gen] ran successfully
- execute locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
Recipe: chef-client::delete_validation
* file[/etc/chef/validation.pem] action delete (skipped due to only_if)
Recipe: apt::default
* execute[apt-get-update] action run (skipped due to not_if)
* execute[apt-get update] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
* execute[apt-get autoremove] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
* execute[apt-get autoclean] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
* package[update-notifier-common] action install (up to date)
* execute[apt-get-update-periodic] action run (skipped due to only_if)
* directory[/var/cache/local] action create (up to date)
* directory[/var/cache/local/preseeding] action create (up to date)
Recipe: openssh::default
* package[openssh-client] action install (up to date)
* package[openssh-server] action install (up to date)
* service[ssh] action enable (up to date)
* service[ssh] action start (up to date)
* template[/etc/ssh/ssh_config] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/ssh/sshd_config] action create (up to date)
Recipe: build-essential::_debian
* package[autoconf] action install (up to date)
* package[binutils-doc] action install (up to date)
* package[bison] action install (up to date)
* package[build-essential] action install (up to date)
* package[flex] action install (up to date)
* package[gettext] action install (up to date)
* package[ncurses-dev] action install[2014-10-07T16:41:21+00:00] INFO: package[ncurses-dev] is a virtual package, actually acting on package[libncurses5-dev]
(up to date)
Recipe: ntp::default
* package[ntp] action install (up to date)
* package[ntpdate] action install (up to date)
* directory[/var/lib/ntp] action create (up to date)
* directory[/var/log/ntpstats/] action create (up to date)
* cookbook_file[/etc/ntp.leapseconds] action create (up to date)
Recipe: ntp::apparmor
* service[apparmor] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
* cookbook_file[/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.ntpd] action create (up to date)
Recipe: ntp::default
* template[/etc/ntp.conf] action create (up to date)
* service[ntp] action enable (up to date)
* service[ntp] action start (up to date)
Recipe: base::setup
* execute[disable_dynamic_motd] action run (skipped due to only_if)
* cookbook_file[/etc/motd] action create (skipped due to not_if)
Recipe: git::default
* package[git] action install (up to date)
Recipe: base::setup
* package[install-vim] action install (up to date)
* package[install-ruby1.9.1] action install (up to date)
* package[install-ruby1.9.1-dev] action install (up to date)
Recipe: base::discover
* chef_gem[ipaddress] action install (up to date)
Recipe: hostname::default
* file[/etc/hostname] action create (up to date)
* execute[hostname staging-habanero-og-dev-stack-20141007-000] action run (skipped due to only_if)
* hostsfile_entry[localhost] action append[2014-10-07T16:41:22+00:00] INFO: hostsfile_entry[localhost] content already matches - nothing to do.
(up to date)
* hostsfile_entry[set hostname] action create[2014-10-07T16:41:22+00:00] INFO: hostsfile_entry[set hostname] content already matches - nothing to do.
(up to date)
* ohai[reload] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
Recipe: base::discover
* directory[/etc/metadata] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/metadata/info.json] action create (up to date)
Recipe: god::default
* package[ruby1.9.1-dev] action install (up to date)
* gem_package[god] action install (up to date)
* directory[/etc/god] action create (up to date)
* directory[/etc/god/conf.d] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/god/master.rb] action create (up to date)
* upstart_job[god] action create[2014-10-07T16:41:22+00:00] INFO: upstart_job[god] job already exists - nothing to do.
(up to date)
* service[god] action enable (up to date)
* service[god] action start (up to date)
Recipe: base::resources
* remote_directory[/etc/skel] action create
Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
* cookbook_file[/etc/skel/.vimrc] action create (up to date)
* cookbook_file[/etc/skel/.ssh/config] action create (up to date)
* cookbook_file[/etc/skel/.emacs] action create (up to date)
* cookbook_file[/etc/skel/.bashrc] action create (up to date)
(up to date)
Recipe: base::resources
* execute[make-bashrc-invincible-/etc/skel] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
* remote_directory[/root] action create
Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
* cookbook_file[/root/.vimrc] action create (up to date)
* cookbook_file[/root/.ssh/config] action create (up to date)
* cookbook_file[/root/.emacs] action create (up to date)
* cookbook_file[/root/.bashrc] action create (up to date)
(up to date)
Recipe: base::resources
* execute[make-bashrc-invincible-/root] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
* remote_directory[/home/vagrant] action create
Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
* cookbook_file[/home/vagrant/.vimrc] action create (up to date)
* cookbook_file[/home/vagrant/.ssh/config] action create (up to date)
* cookbook_file[/home/vagrant/.emacs] action create (up to date)
* cookbook_file[/home/vagrant/.bashrc] action create (up to date)
(up to date)
Recipe: base::resources
* execute[make-bashrc-invincible-/home/vagrant] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
* remote_directory[/home/ubuntu] action create
Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
* cookbook_file[/home/ubuntu/.vimrc] action create (up to date)
* cookbook_file[/home/ubuntu/.ssh/config] action create (up to date)
* cookbook_file[/home/ubuntu/.emacs] action create (up to date)
* cookbook_file[/home/ubuntu/.bashrc] action create (up to date)
(up to date)
Recipe: base::resources
* execute[make-bashrc-invincible-/home/ubuntu] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
* template[/etc/init.d/chef-remove] action create (up to date)
* execute[add-chef-remove-script] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
Recipe: logstash::default
* group[adm] action create (up to date)
* user[logstash] action create (up to date)
* directory[/opt/logstash] action create (up to date)
Recipe: java::openjdk
* package[openjdk-7-jdk] action install (up to date)
* package[openjdk-7-jre-headless] action install (up to date)
* java_alternatives[set-java-alternatives] action set (up to date)
Recipe: java::default_java_symlink
* link[/usr/lib/jvm/default-java] action create (up to date)
Recipe: java::set_java_home
* ruby_block[set-env-java-home] action run (skipped due to not_if)
* directory[/etc/profile.d] action create (up to date)
* file[/etc/profile.d/] action create (up to date)
Recipe: yum::default
* yum_globalconfig[/etc/yum.conf] action create
* template[/etc/yum.conf] action create (up to date)
(up to date)
Recipe: logstash::agent
* directory[/srv/logstash] action create (up to date)
* directory[/srv/logstash/bin] action create (up to date)
* link[/var/lib/logstash/bin] action create (up to date)
* directory[/srv/logstash/etc] action create (up to date)
* link[/var/lib/logstash/etc] action create (up to date)
* directory[/srv/logstash/lib] action create (up to date)
* link[/var/lib/logstash/lib] action create (up to date)
* directory[/srv/logstash/tmp] action create (up to date)
* link[/var/lib/logstash/tmp] action create (up to date)
* directory[/srv/logstash/log] action create (up to date)
* link[/var/lib/logstash/log] action create (up to date)
* directory[/srv/logstash/etc/conf.d] action create (up to date)
* directory[/srv/logstash/etc/patterns] action create (up to date)
* template[/srv/logstash/etc/patterns/haproxy_capture] action create (up to date)
* remote_file[/srv/logstash/lib/logstash-1.3.3.jar] action create_if_missing (up to date)
* link[/srv/logstash/lib/logstash.jar] action create (up to date)
* template[/srv/logstash/etc/conf.d/logstash.conf] action create (up to date)
* directory[/var/log/logstash] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/init/logstash_agent.conf] action create (up to date)
* service[logstash_agent] action enable (up to date)
* service[logstash_agent] action start (up to date)
Recipe: logrotate::default
* package[logrotate] action install (up to date)
Recipe: logstash::agent
* template[/etc/logrotate.d/logstash] action create (up to date)
Recipe: nagios::client_package
* package[nagios-nrpe-server] action install (up to date)
* package[nagios-plugins] action install (up to date)
* package[nagios-plugins-basic] action install (up to date)
* package[nagios-plugins-standard] action install (up to date)
* package[nagios-plugins-extra] action install (up to date)
* package[nagios-plugins-contrib] action install (up to date)
Recipe: nagios::client
* directory[/etc/nagios/nrpe.d] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg] action create (up to date)
* service[nagios-nrpe-server] action start[2014-10-07T16:41:29+00:00] INFO: service[nagios-nrpe-server] started
- start service service[nagios-nrpe-server]
* service[nagios-nrpe-server] action enable (up to date)
Recipe: base::nagios
* nagios_nrpecheck[check_base_disk] action add[2014-10-07T16:41:29+00:00] INFO: Adding check_base_disk to /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/
(up to date)
* file[/etc/nagios/nrpe.d/check_base_disk.cfg] action create (up to date)
* nagios_nrpecheck[check_base_load] action add[2014-10-07T16:41:29+00:00] INFO: Adding check_base_load to /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/
(up to date)
* file[/etc/nagios/nrpe.d/check_base_load.cfg] action create (up to date)
* nagios_nrpecheck[check_base_procs] action add[2014-10-07T16:41:29+00:00] INFO: Adding check_base_procs to /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/
(up to date)
* file[/etc/nagios/nrpe.d/check_base_procs.cfg] action create (up to date)
* nagios_nrpecheck[check_base_procs_mem] action add[2014-10-07T16:41:29+00:00] INFO: Adding check_base_procs_mem to /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/
(up to date)
* file[/etc/nagios/nrpe.d/check_base_procs_mem.cfg] action create (up to date)
* nagios_nrpecheck[check_base_users] action add[2014-10-07T16:41:29+00:00] INFO: Adding check_base_users to /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/
(up to date)
* file[/etc/nagios/nrpe.d/check_base_users.cfg] action create (up to date)
* nagios_nrpecheck[check_base_memory] action add[2014-10-07T16:41:29+00:00] INFO: Adding check_base_memory to /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/
(up to date)
* file[/etc/nagios/nrpe.d/check_base_memory.cfg] action create (up to date)
Recipe: base::collectd
* remote_file[/var/chef/cache/collectd.deb] action create_if_missing (up to date)
* remote_file[/var/chef/cache/collectd-core.deb] action create_if_missing (up to date)
* execute[install_collectd] action run (skipped due to not_if)
Recipe: collectd::default
* package[collectd] action install (up to date)
* service[collectd] action nothing (up to date)
* directory[/etc/collectd] action create (up to date)
* directory[/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d] action create (up to date)
* directory[/var/lib/collectd] action create (up to date)
* directory[/usr/lib/collectd] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/collectd/collectd.conf] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/collectd/collection.conf] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/collectd/thresholds.conf] action create (up to date)
* ruby_block[delete_old_plugins] action run[2014-10-07T16:41:29+00:00] INFO: ruby_block[delete_old_plugins] called
- execute the ruby block delete_old_plugins
* service[collectd] action enable (up to date)
* service[collectd] action start (up to date)
Recipe: base::collectd
* template[/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/syslog.conf] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/cpu.conf] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/disk.conf] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/df.conf] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/interface.conf] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/load.conf] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/processes.conf] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/memory.conf] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/statsd.conf] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/rrdtool.conf] action create (up to date)
* package[librrds-perl] action install (up to date)
* package[libjson-perl] action install (up to date)
* package[libhtml-parser-perl] action install (up to date)
* user[collectd-web] action create (up to date)
* group[collectd-web] action create (up to date)
* directory[/etc/collectd/collect-web] action create (up to date)
* tar_extract[] action extract
* directory[/tmp] action create (up to date)
* remote_file[collect-web-0.4.1.tar.gz] action create (up to date)
* execute[extract /tmp/collect-web-0.4.1.tar.gz] action run (up to date)
(up to date)
* upstart_job[collectd-web] action create[2014-10-07T16:41:30+00:00] INFO: upstart_job[collectd-web] job already exists - nothing to do.
(up to date)
* service[collectd-web] action start (up to date)
Recipe: base::users
* users_manage[super_users] action remove (up to date)
* users_manage[super_users] action create
- would create /home/krishna/.ssh
- would create /home/mrose/.ssh
- would create /home/habanero/.ssh
* user[krishna] action create (up to date)
* directory[/home/krishna/.ssh] action create (up to date)
* template[/home/krishna/.ssh/authorized_keys] action create (up to date)
* user[mrose] action create (up to date)
* directory[/home/mrose/.ssh] action create (up to date)
* template[/home/mrose/.ssh/authorized_keys] action create (up to date)
* user[habanero] action create (up to date)
* directory[/home/habanero/.ssh] action create (up to date)
* template[/home/habanero/.ssh/authorized_keys] action create (up to date)
* group[super_users] action create (up to date)
Recipe: sudo::default
* package[sudo] action install (skipped due to not_if)
* directory[/etc/sudoers.d] action create (up to date)
* cookbook_file[/etc/sudoers.d/README] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/sudoers] action create (up to date)
Recipe: nodejs::nodejs_from_binary
* ark[nodejs-binary] action install
* directory[/usr/local/nodejs-binary-0.10.32] action create (up to date)
* remote_file[/var/chef/cache/nodejs-binary-0.10.32.tar.gz] action create (up to date)
* execute[unpack /var/chef/cache/nodejs-binary-0.10.32.tar.gz] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
* execute[set owner on /usr/local/nodejs-binary-0.10.32] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
* link[/usr/local/bin/node] action create (up to date)
* link[/usr/local/bin/npm] action create (up to date)
* link[/usr/local/nodejs-binary] action create (up to date)
* template[/etc/profile.d/] action create (skipped due to only_if)
* ruby_block[adding '/usr/local/nodejs-binary-0.10.32/bin' to chef-client ENV['PATH']] action run (skipped due to only_if)
(up to date)
Recipe: rbenv::default
* package[curl] action install (up to date)
* package[libc6-dev] action install (up to date)
* package[automake] action install (up to date)
* package[libtool] action install (up to date)
* package[libyaml-dev] action install (up to date)
* package[zlib1g] action install (up to date)
* package[zlib1g-dev] action install (up to date)
* package[openssl] action install (up to date)
* package[libssl-dev] action install (up to date)
* package[libreadline-dev] action install (up to date)
* package[libxml2-dev] action install (up to date)
* package[libxslt1-dev] action install (up to date)
* package[ncurses-dev] action install[2014-10-07T16:41:31+00:00] INFO: package[ncurses-dev] is a virtual package, actually acting on package[libncurses5-dev]
(up to date)
* package[pkg-config] action install (up to date)
* group[rbenv] action create (up to date)
* user[rbenv] action create (up to date)
* directory[/opt/rbenv] action create (up to date)
* ruby_block[set HOME for rbenv at 1412700069] action run[2014-10-07T16:41:31+00:00] INFO: ruby_block[set HOME for rbenv at 1412700069] called
- execute the ruby block set HOME for rbenv at 1412700069
* git[/opt/rbenv] action sync (up to date)
* ruby_block[unset HOME for rbenv 1412700069] action run[2014-10-07T16:41:37+00:00] INFO: ruby_block[unset HOME for rbenv 1412700069] called
- execute the ruby block unset HOME for rbenv 1412700069
* template[/etc/profile.d/] action create (up to date)
* ruby_block[initialize_rbenv] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)
* directory[/opt/rbenv/shims] action create (up to date)
* directory[/opt/rbenv/versions] action create (up to date)
* directory[/opt/rbenv/plugins] action create (up to date)
Recipe: rbenv::ruby_build
* ruby_block[set HOME for rbenv at 1412700069] action run[2014-10-07T16:41:37+00:00] INFO: ruby_block[set HOME for rbenv at 1412700069] called
- execute the ruby block set HOME for rbenv at 1412700069
* git[/opt/rbenv/plugins/ruby_build] action sync (up to date)
* ruby_block[unset HOME for rbenv 1412700069] action run[2014-10-07T16:41:43+00:00] INFO: ruby_block[unset HOME for rbenv 1412700069] called
- execute the ruby block unset HOME for rbenv 1412700069
Recipe: transactions-uploader-app::default
* group[transactionsuploader-app] action create (up to date)
* user[transactionsuploader-app] action create (up to date)
* rbenv_gem[bundler] action install (up to date)
Recipe: postgresql::client
* package[postgresql-client-9.3] action install (up to date)
* package[libpq-dev] action install (up to date)
Recipe: postgresql::config_pgtune
* log[MAX_CONNECTIONS is greater than Memory allocated. Setting WORK_MEM to 1] action write[2014-10-07T16:41:43+00:00] INFO: MAX_CONNECTIONS is greater than Memory allocated. Setting WORK_MEM to 1
Recipe: postgresql::server_debian
* package[postgresql-9.3] action install (up to date)
* service[postgresql] action enable (up to date)
* service[postgresql] action start
Error executing action `start` on resource 'service[postgresql]'
Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
---- Begin output of /etc/init.d/postgresql start ----
STDOUT: * Starting PostgreSQL 9.3 database server
* The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log output.!
---- End output of /etc/init.d/postgresql start ----
Ran /etc/init.d/postgresql start returned 1
Resource Declaration:
# In /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/postgresql/recipes/server_debian.rb
30: service "postgresql" do
31: service_name node['postgresql']['server']['service_name']
32: supports :restart => true, :status => true, :reload => true
33: action [:enable, :start]
34: end
Compiled Resource:
# Declared in /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/postgresql/recipes/server_debian.rb:30:in `from_file'
service("postgresql") do
action [:enable, :start]
supports {:restart=>true, :status=>true, :reload=>true}
retries 0
retry_delay 2
guard_interpreter :default
service_name "postgresql"
enabled true
pattern "postgresql"
cookbook_name :postgresql
recipe_name "server_debian"
[2014-10-07T16:42:14+00:00] INFO: Running queued delayed notifications before re-raising exception
Running handlers:
[2014-10-07T16:42:14+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
Running handlers complete
[2014-10-07T16:42:14+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
[2014-10-07T16:42:14+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /var/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
Chef Client failed. 10 resources updated in 89.144574871 seconds
[2014-10-07T16:42:14+00:00] ERROR: service[postgresql] (postgresql::server_debian line 30) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
---- Begin output of /etc/init.d/postgresql start ----
STDOUT: * Starting PostgreSQL 9.3 database server
* The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log output.!
---- End output of /etc/init.d/postgresql start ----
Ran /etc/init.d/postgresql start returned 1
[2014-10-07T16:42:14+00:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1)
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