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Created March 18, 2013 21:14
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Andrew-Brasuells-MacBook-Pro:tapjoyads abrasuell$ cuc --tags @device_info
Using the default profile...
DEPRECATION WARNING: railtie_name is deprecated and has no effect. (called from require at /Users/abrasuell/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p358@global/gems/bundler-1.2.3/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:68)
WARNING: This version of mysql2 (0.3.11) doesn't ship with the ActiveRecord adapter bundled anymore as it's now part of Rails 3.1
WARNING: Please use the 0.2.x releases if you plan on using it in Rails <= 3.0.x
@javascript @device_info @account_manager
Feature: Device Info
As a Tapjoy employee
I want to search devices
So that I can efficiently manage their clicks, apps and rewards
Scenario: Visiting the "device info" page without a search # features/device_info.feature:7
When I visit the "device info index" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:6
Then I should see the "search bar" # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:1
And the "Apps Section" should be hidden # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:9
And the "Clicks Section" should be hidden # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:9
And the "Devices Section" should be hidden # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:9
Scenario: Visiting the "device info" page with an invalid search # features/device_info.feature:14
When I visit the "invalid device info show" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:6
Then I should see the "search bar" # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:1
And the "Apps Section" should be hidden # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:9
And the "Clicks Section" should be hidden # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:9
And the "Devices Section" should be hidden # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:9
And I should see the "error message" # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:1
Scenario: Visiting the "device info" show page with a valid device id # features/device_info.feature:22
/Users/abrasuell/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p358/gems/factory_girl-2.6.4/lib/factory_girl/attribute_assigner.rb:14:in `send': Reassigning :key of a SimpledbShardedResource object is dangerous. See for details.
When I visit the "device info show" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:6
Then I should see the "search bar" # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:1
And I should see the "Devices Section" # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:1
And there should be no "error message" # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:5
And I should see the "selected device" # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:1
And there should be no "unselected device" # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:5
And I should see the "Apps Section" # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:1
And I should see the "Clicks Section" # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:1
Scenario Outline: Searching for a device on the "Device Info Page" # features/device_info.feature:32
Given I have selected "<search>" in the dropdown and put "<query>" in the search bar # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:13
When I hit the search button # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:29
Then I should see the "device" # features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:1
| search | query |
|/Users/abrasuell/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p358/gems/factory_girl-2.6.4/lib/factory_girl/attribute_assigner.rb:14:in `send': Reassigning :key of a SimpledbShardedResource object is dangerous. See for details.
Smart Search | device_id |
|/Users/abrasuell/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p358/gems/factory_girl-2.6.4/lib/factory_girl/attribute_assigner.rb:14:in `send': Reassigning :key of a SimpledbShardedResource object is dangerous. See for details.
Search by Device ID | device_id |
|/Users/abrasuell/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p358/gems/factory_girl-2.6.4/lib/factory_girl/attribute_assigner.rb:14:in `send': Reassigning :key of a SimpledbShardedResource object is dangerous. See for details.
Smart Search | click_key |
NumberDomainsExceeded: Number of domains limit exceeded. (RightAws::AwsError)
./lib/simpledb_resource.rb:732:in `write_to_sdb_without_mirror'
./lib/logging.rb:3:in `log_info_with_time'
./lib/simpledb_resource.rb:731:in `write_to_sdb_without_mirror'
./lib/riak_mirror.rb:18:in `write_to_sdb'
./lib/simpledb_resource.rb:217:in `save'
./lib/logging.rb:3:in `log_info_with_time'
./lib/simpledb_resource.rb:215:in `save'
./app/models/click.rb:189:in `save'
./lib/simpledb_resource.rb:184:in `save!'
./features/support/device_info_helpers.rb:55:in `click'
./features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:19:in `/^I have selected "(.*?)" in the dropdown and put "(.*?)" in the search bar$/'
features/device_info.feature:33:in `Given I have selected "<search>" in the dropdown and put "<query>" in the search bar'
|/Users/abrasuell/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p358/gems/factory_girl-2.6.4/lib/factory_girl/attribute_assigner.rb:14:in `send': Reassigning :key of a SimpledbShardedResource object is dangerous. See for details.
Search by Click Key | click_key |
NumberDomainsExceeded: Number of domains limit exceeded. (RightAws::AwsError)
./lib/simpledb_resource.rb:732:in `write_to_sdb_without_mirror'
./lib/logging.rb:3:in `log_info_with_time'
./lib/simpledb_resource.rb:731:in `write_to_sdb_without_mirror'
./lib/riak_mirror.rb:18:in `write_to_sdb'
./lib/simpledb_resource.rb:217:in `save'
./lib/logging.rb:3:in `log_info_with_time'
./lib/simpledb_resource.rb:215:in `save'
./app/models/click.rb:189:in `save'
./lib/simpledb_resource.rb:184:in `save!'
./features/support/device_info_helpers.rb:55:in `click'
./features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:19:in `/^I have selected "(.*?)" in the dropdown and put "(.*?)" in the search bar$/'
features/device_info.feature:33:in `Given I have selected "<search>" in the dropdown and put "<query>" in the search bar'
|/Users/abrasuell/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p358/gems/factory_girl-2.6.4/lib/factory_girl/attribute_assigner.rb:14:in `send': Reassigning :key of a SimpledbShardedResource object is dangerous. See for details.
Smart Search | mac_address |
expected css ".device-panel" to return something (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
./features/support/device_info_helpers.rb:3:in `check_visibility_by_id'
./features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:2:in `/^I should see the "(.*?)"$/'
features/device_info.feature:35:in `Then I should see the "device"'
|/Users/abrasuell/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p358/gems/factory_girl-2.6.4/lib/factory_girl/attribute_assigner.rb:14:in `send': Reassigning :key of a SimpledbShardedResource object is dangerous. See for details.
Search by MAC Address | mac_address |
expected css ".device-panel" to return something (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
./features/support/device_info_helpers.rb:3:in `check_visibility_by_id'
./features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:2:in `/^I should see the "(.*?)"$/'
features/device_info.feature:35:in `Then I should see the "device"'
|/Users/abrasuell/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p358/gems/factory_girl-2.6.4/lib/factory_girl/attribute_assigner.rb:14:in `send': Reassigning :key of a SimpledbShardedResource object is dangerous. See for details.
Smart Search | email_address |
expected css ".device-panel" to return something (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
./features/support/device_info_helpers.rb:3:in `check_visibility_by_id'
./features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:2:in `/^I should see the "(.*?)"$/'
features/device_info.feature:35:in `Then I should see the "device"'
|/Users/abrasuell/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p358/gems/factory_girl-2.6.4/lib/factory_girl/attribute_assigner.rb:14:in `send': Reassigning :key of a SimpledbShardedResource object is dangerous. See for details.
Search by Email Address | email_address |
expected css ".device-panel" to return something (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
./features/support/device_info_helpers.rb:3:in `check_visibility_by_id'
./features/step_definitions/device_info_steps.rb:2:in `/^I should see the "(.*?)"$/'
features/device_info.feature:35:in `Then I should see the "device"'
Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/device_info.feature:32 # Scenario: Searching for a device on the "Device Info Page"
cucumber features/device_info.feature:32 # Scenario: Searching for a device on the "Device Info Page"
cucumber features/device_info.feature:32 # Scenario: Searching for a device on the "Device Info Page"
cucumber features/device_info.feature:32 # Scenario: Searching for a device on the "Device Info Page"
cucumber features/device_info.feature:32 # Scenario: Searching for a device on the "Device Info Page"
cucumber features/device_info.feature:32 # Scenario: Searching for a device on the "Device Info Page"
11 scenarios (6 failed, 5 passed)
43 steps (6 failed, 4 skipped, 33 passed)
Andrew-Brasuells-MacBook-Pro:tapjoyads abrasuell$
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