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Last active October 26, 2019 16:54
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* Author:
* Description: link-cut Tree. Supports BST-like augmentations. (Can be used in place of HLD).
* Current implementation supports update value at a node, and query max on a path.
* For details about the structure, refer to
* Tested on:
* Status: Passes existing fuzz tests (with function names modified).
struct Node {
bool flip = 0;
// pp = path parent, p = splay tree parent
Node *pp, *p, *c[2];
// add stuff
int val = 0, cval = 0;
Node() { pp = p = c[0] = c[1] = 0; }
void push() {
if (flip) {
rep(i, 0, 2) if (c[i]) c[i]->flip ^= 1;
swap(c[0], c[1]); flip = 0;
void pull() {
push(), cval = val;
if(c[0]) c[0]->push(), cval = max(cval, c[0]->cval);
if(c[1]) c[1]->push(), cval = max(cval, c[1]->cval);
void rot(bool t) {
Node *y = p, *z = y->p, *&w = c[t];
if (z) z->c[z->c[1] == y] = this;
if (w) w->p = y;
y->c[!t] = w;
w = y; p = z;
y->p = this; y->pull();
void g() { if (p) p->g(), pp = p->pp; push(); }
void splay() {
while (p) {
Node* y = p; Node *z = y->p;
bool t1 = (y->c[1] != this);
bool t2 = z && (z->c[1] != y) == t1;
if (t2) y->rot(t1);
if (z && !t2) rot(!t1);
Node* access() {
for (Node *y = 0, *z = this; z; y = z, z = z->pp) {
if (z->c[1]) z->c[1]->pp = z, z->c[1]->p = 0;
if (y) y->p = z;
z->c[1] = y; z->pull();
flip ^= 1;
return this;
struct LinkCut {
vector<Node> nodes;
LinkCut(int N) : nodes(N) {}
bool cut(int u, int v) { /// start-hash
Node *y = nodes[v].access();
Node *x = nodes[u].access();
if (x->c[0] != y || y->c[1]) return false;
x->c[0] = y->p = y->pp = 0;
return true;
} /// end-hash
bool isConnected(int u, int v) {
Node *x = nodes[u].access();
Node *y = nodes[v].access();
return x == y || x -> p;
bool link(int u, int v) {
if (isConnected(u, v)) return false;
nodes[u].access()->pp = &nodes[v];
return true;
void update(int u, int c) {
nodes[u].access()->val += c;
int query(int u, int v) { // Find max on the path.
return nodes[u].access()->cval;
int zeller(int y,int m,int d) {
if (m<=2) y--,m+=12; int c=y/100; y%=100;
int w=((c>>2)-(c<<1)+y+(y>>2)+(13*(m+1)/5)+d-1)%7;
if (w<0) w+=7; return(w);
int getId(int y, int m, int d) {
if (m < 3) {y --; m += 12};
return 365 * y + y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400 + (153 * m + 2) / 5 + d;
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