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Created May 6, 2022 08:09
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Switch to 4.07.0

$ opam switch create 4.07.0
$ opam install js_of_ocaml js_of_ocaml-ppx

$ ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -pkg js_of_ocaml-ppx -pkg js_of_ocaml library.byte && js_of_ocaml --opt=3 -o bf.js library.byte

Switch to 4.04.0

$ opam switch create 4.04.0
$ opam install js_of_ocaml=3.0 js_of_ocaml-ppx=3.0

Switch to 4.02.1

$ opam switch create 4.02.1
$ opam install js_of_ocaml=2.5 menhir=20151103

$ ocamlbuild -pp "camlp4o -I ~/.opam/4.02.1/lib js_of_ocaml/pa_js.cmo" -pkg js_of_ocaml library_402.byte && js_of_ocaml --opt=3 -o bf.js library_402.byte


ocaml js_of_ocaml size
4.14.0 4.0.0 76k
4.07 4.0.0 75k
4.07 3.5.0 28k
4.04 3.0 16K
4.02.1 2.5 12.2k
type operands =
| Incr_PTR
| Decr_PTR
| Incr_value
| Decr_value
| Output
| Input
| While'
| End
type instructions = IntCst of int
let get_correction base previous ch =
let factor, delta =
let factor = ch / base in
let delta = ch - (factor * base) in
if delta > base / 2 then
let corr = ch - ((factor + 1) * base) in
(factor + 1, corr)
else (factor, delta)
let adelta = abs delta and delta_previous = ch - previous in
if adelta + 3 + factor < abs delta_previous then (factor, delta)
else (0, delta_previous)
(* Count the instruction number for represent the character ch inside a loop *)
let get_loop_size base (previous_char, current_base) ch =
let factor, delta = get_correction base previous_char ch in
let count_letter = if factor = 0 then 0 else 3 in
(ch, current_base + factor + abs delta + count_letter)
(* Extract the min and max values from the different values *)
let get_extrema (mini, maxi) chr = (min mini chr, max maxi chr)
let choose_base str =
let min_base, max_base =
Common.fold_string get_extrema (max_int, min_int) str
let rec _choose_base (current, value) base =
if base > max_base then current
let base_value =
Common.fold_string (get_loop_size base) (0, base) str |> snd
let new_val =
if base_value < value then (base, base_value) else (current, value)
_choose_base new_val (base + 1)
let init_base = float_of_int min_base |> sqrt |> int_of_float in
_choose_base (init_base, max_int) 1
let rec to_instruction = function
| IntCst i ->
let op = if i > 0 then Incr_value else Decr_value in
Common.make_list (abs i) op
and print str =
let base = choose_base str in
let build_char factor _delta = to_instruction (IntCst factor)
and print_char _factor delta = to_instruction (IntCst delta) @ [ Output ] in
let build_str (previous, coef_acc, printer_acc) ch =
let factor, delta = get_correction base previous ch in
let prev = match factor with 0 -> [] | _ -> [ Incr_PTR ] in
( ch,
coef_acc @ prev @ build_char factor delta,
printer_acc @ prev @ print_char factor delta )
let _, coef, printer = Common.fold_string build_str (0, [], []) str in
let count_letter = Common.count_list Incr_PTR coef in
to_instruction (IntCst base)
@ (While' :: coef)
@ Common.make_list count_letter Decr_PTR
@ (Decr_value :: End :: printer)
let to_brainfuck = function
| Incr_PTR -> ">"
| Decr_PTR -> "<"
| Incr_value -> "+"
| Decr_value -> "-"
| Output -> "."
| Input -> "+"
| While' -> "["
| End -> "]"
let to_ook = function
| Incr_PTR -> "Ook. Ook? "
| Decr_PTR -> "Ook? Ook. "
| Incr_value -> "Ook. Ook. "
| Decr_value -> "Ook! Ook! "
| Output -> "Ook! Ook. "
| Input -> "Ook. Ook! "
| While' -> "Ook! Ook? "
| End -> "Ook? Ook! "
let _ =
let str = "Hello_ World!" in
print str
|> List.iter (fun x -> print_string (to_brainfuck x))
; print_endline "Ook? Ook?"
let make_list length value =
let rec _make_list acc = function
| 0 -> acc
| x -> _make_list (value :: acc) (x - 1)
_make_list [] length
let count_list elem l =
let rec _count_list acc = function
| [] -> acc
| hd :: tl ->
let count = if hd = elem then acc + 1 else acc in
_count_list count tl
_count_list 0 l
let fold_string (func : 'a -> int -> 'a) init str =
let max_idx = String.length str in
let rec _fold_str acc idx str =
if idx = max_idx then acc
let ch = String.get str idx |> int_of_char |> func acc in
_fold_str ch (idx + 1) str
_fold_str init 0 str
open Js_of_ocaml
let convert_bf printer str =
str |> Js.to_string |> Brainfuck.print |> printer
|> List.fold_left ( ^ ) ""
let _ =
let convert_bf = Js.wrap_callback (convert_bf Brainfuck.to_brainfuck)
and convert_ook = Js.wrap_callback (convert_bf Brainfuck.to_ook) in
let open Js.Unsafe in
global##.converter :=
obj [| ("to_bf", inject convert_bf); ("to_ook", inject convert_ook) |]
let convert_bf printer str =
str |> Js.to_string |> Brainfuck.print |> printer
|> List.fold_left ( ^ ) ""
let _ =
let convert_bf = Js.wrap_callback (convert_bf Brainfuck.to_brainfuck)
and convert_ook = Js.wrap_callback (convert_bf Brainfuck.to_ook) in
let open Js.Unsafe in
obj [| ("to_bf", inject convert_bf); ("to_ook", inject convert_ook) |]
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