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Created May 5, 2022 04:47
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const, final, var etc in Dart
void main() {
//Exercise 3
//Question 1
//Use the declared variables below to decide whether or not a person is eligible to rent movies
//A person is eligible when the age is more than 20 and the person can show his/her ID
//An example printout: Eligible to rent movies? false
int age = 15;
bool id = true;
print('Eligible to rent movies? ${age > 20 && id}');
//Question 2
//Use the variable below and work out the price the customer will pay to enter the Wild Life Park
//For a Bike, the driver will pay $10 entry
//For a Car, the driver will pay $20 entry
//For a Bus, the driver will pay $30 entry
//Example printout: You will pay $10 to enter the Wild Life Park
String type = 'Bike';
print('You will pay ${type == 'Bike'? '\$10' :type =='Car'? '\$20' : '\$30' } to enter the Wild Life Park');
//Question 3
//Use the email declared below and test if it is a valid email address
//For an email address to be valid, it must contain the @ symbol and a .
//Example printout: Valid email address? true
String email = '';
print('Valid email address? ${email.contains('@') && email.contains('.')} ');
print('$email'.contains('@')? 'Valid email address': 'Not Valid');
//Question 4
//Look at the following declarations of variables. You need to change all the String declarations to
//const, final or var
//try this first on a piece of paper and then check it in coding
const firstName = 'Peter';
const lastName = 'Johnson';
var fullName = '$firstName $lastName';
final fullNameLength = fullName.length.toString();
fullName = 'Peter Pollock';
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