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Last active February 5, 2025 06:53
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Klipper bed mesh on print area only macro install guide


Adaptive bed mesh is merged into klipper master branch. You can use this feature without this custom macro. Official klipper adaptive bed mesh

Klipper mesh on print area only install guide

What this macro do

  • This macro will dynamically changing the bed mesh area based on the size of the parts will be printed. The fw will only probe on the area that the part will be printed (plus mesh_area_offset value)

Setup guide

  • (1) Add the following macro to your printer config, this will replace the default BED_MESH_CALIBRATE command.
[gcode_macro BED_MESH_CALIBRATE]
rename_existing: BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE
; gcode parameters
variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0
variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0
; the clearance between print area and probe area 
variable_mesh_area_offset : 5.0
; number of sample per probe point
variable_probe_samples : 2
; minimum probe count
variable_min_probe_count : 4
; scale up the probe count, should be 1.0 ~ < variable_max_probe_count/variable_min_probe_count
variable_probe_count_scale_factor : 1.0
; enable preference index
variable_enable_reference_index : False
    {% if params.AREA_START and params.AREA_END %}
        {% set bedMeshConfig = printer["configfile"].config["bed_mesh"] %}
        {% set safe_min_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[0]|float %}
        {% set safe_min_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[1]|float %}
        {% set safe_max_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[0]|float %}
        {% set safe_max_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[1]|float %}

        {% set area_min_x = params.AREA_START.split(",")[0]|float %}
	{% set area_min_y = params.AREA_START.split(",")[1]|float %}
	{% set area_max_x = params.AREA_END.split(",")[0]|float %}
	{% set area_max_y = params.AREA_END.split(",")[1]|float %}

	{% if bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")|length == 2 %}
            {% set meshPointX = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %}
            {% set meshPointY = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[1]|int %}
        {% else %}
            {% set meshPointX = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %}
            {% set meshPointY = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %}
        {% endif %}

	{% set meshMaxPointX = meshPointX %}
	{% set meshMaxPointY = meshPointY %}

        {% if (area_min_x < area_max_x) and (area_min_y < area_max_y) %}
            {% if area_min_x - mesh_area_offset >=  safe_min_x %}
                {% set area_min_x = area_min_x - mesh_area_offset %}
            {% else %}
                {% set area_min_x = safe_min_x %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if area_min_y - mesh_area_offset >=  safe_min_y %}
                {% set area_min_y = area_min_y - mesh_area_offset %}
            {% else %}
                {% set area_min_y = safe_min_y %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if area_max_x + mesh_area_offset <=  safe_max_x %}
                {% set area_max_x = area_max_x + mesh_area_offset %}
            {% else %}
                {% set area_max_x = safe_max_x %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if area_max_y + mesh_area_offset <=  safe_max_y %}
                {% set area_max_y = area_max_y + mesh_area_offset %}
            {% else %}
                {% set area_max_y = safe_max_y %}
            {% endif %}

            {% set meshPointX = (meshPointX * (area_max_x - area_min_x) / (safe_max_x - safe_min_x) * probe_count_scale_factor)|round(0)|int %}
            {% if meshPointX < min_probe_count %}
                {% set meshPointX = min_probe_count %}
            {% endif %}
	    {% if meshPointX > meshMaxPointX %}
                {% set meshPointX = meshMaxPointX %}
            {% endif %}

            {% set meshPointY = (meshPointY * (area_max_y -area_min_y ) / (safe_max_y - safe_min_y) * probe_count_scale_factor )|round(0)|int %}
            {% if meshPointY < min_probe_count %}
                {% set meshPointY = min_probe_count %}
            {% endif %}
	    {% if meshPointY > meshMaxPointY %}
                {% set meshPointY = meshMaxPointY %}
            {% endif %}

            {% set algorithm = "bicubic" %}
	    {% if "algorithm" in bedMeshConfig %}
	        {% set algorithm = bedMeshConfig.algorithm %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if meshPointX >=7 or meshPointY >=7 %}
                {% set algorithm = "bicubic" %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if enable_reference_index %}
                {% set referenceIndex = (meshPointX * meshPointY / 2 - 1 )|round(0)|int %}
                BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} samples={probe_samples|int} algorithm={algorithm} relative_reference_index={referenceIndex}
            {% else %}
                BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} samples={probe_samples|int} algorithm={algorithm}
            {% endif %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}
  • (2) Go to slicer setting and replace the old bed mesh gcode the following command.

Prusa Slicer
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE AREA_START={first_layer_print_min[0]},{first_layer_print_min[1]} AREA_END={first_layer_print_max[0]},{first_layer_print_max[1]}

Ideal maker
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE AREA_START={print_pos_min_x},{print_pos_min_y} AREA_END={print_pos_max_x},{print_pos_max_y}

Cura slicer

*(Cura slicer plugin) To make the macro to work in Cura slicer, you need to install the post process plugin click here to download (based on frankbags's script)
- In cura menu Help -> Show configuration folder.
- Copy the python script from the above link in to scripts folder.
- Restart Cura
- In cura menu Extensions -> Post processing -> Modify G-Code and select Klipper print area mesh

For user using single command START_PRINT

  • (*) If you use single command start gcode like START_PRINT BED_TEMP={material_bed_temperature_layer_0} EXTRUDER_TEMP={material_print_temperature_layer_0} .You might need to add parameter parsing to BED_MESH_CALIBRATE inside START_PRINT. This is an example, also check my macro sample
[gcode_macro START_PRINT]
variable_parameter_EXTRUDER_TEMP: 190
variable_parameter_BED_TEMP: 60
; gcode parameters for area bed mesh
variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0
variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0
    # preheat, homing, etc
    BED_MESH_CALIBRATE AREA_START={params.AREA_START|default("0,0")} AREA_END={params.AREA_END|default("0,0")}
    # the rest of your start macro here

And you will need to change Slicer start gcode to this

  • Cura: START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={material_print_temperature_layer_0} BED_TEMP={material_bed_temperature_layer_0} AREA_START=%MINX%,%MINY% AREA_END=%MAXX%,%MAXY%
  • Prusa slicer: START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP=[first_layer_temperature] BED_TEMP=[first_layer_bed_temperature] AREA_START={first_layer_print_min[0]},{first_layer_print_min[1]} AREA_END={first_layer_print_max[0]},{first_layer_print_max[1]}

change logs

  • 2022/07/21
    • Added force lagrange algorithm for mesh with lower than 3 points
    • Added enable_reference_index config flag

The code does not work?

  • I will try to help if possible, you will have to post ALL of your configs, your slicer start gcode and your sliced gcode.
  • If I'm cannot or too slow to respose, our discord members might help you. Check our discord here
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Lekkz commented Jan 27, 2023

please help, I sometimes get an error and I haven't figured out the reason why? the frustrating thing is that it only happens sometimes. although I do understand what the error is saying I don't understand why is happening.
2023-01-27 11_14_26
2023-01-27 11_13_28
``[gcode_macro BED_MESH_CALIBRATE]
rename_existing: BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE
; gcode parameters
variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0
variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0
; the clearance between print area and probe area
variable_mesh_area_offset : 2.0
; number of sample per probe point
variable_probe_samples : 1
; minimum probe count
variable_min_probe_count : 3
; scale up the probe count, should be 1.0 ~ < variable_max_probe_count/variable_min_probe_count
variable_probe_count_scale_factor : 1.0
; enable preference index
variable_enable_reference_index : False
{% if params.AREA_START and params.AREA_END %}
{% set bedMeshConfig = printer["configfile"].config["bed_mesh"] %}
{% set safe_min_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set safe_min_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_min.split(",")[1]|float %}
{% set safe_max_x = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set safe_max_y = bedMeshConfig.mesh_max.split(",")[1]|float %}

    {% set area_min_x = params.AREA_START.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set area_min_y = params.AREA_START.split(",")[1]|float %}
{% set area_max_x = params.AREA_END.split(",")[0]|float %}
{% set area_max_y = params.AREA_END.split(",")[1]|float %}

{% if bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")|length == 2 %}
        {% set meshPointX = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %}
        {% set meshPointY = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[1]|int %}
    {% else %}
        {% set meshPointX = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %}
        {% set meshPointY = bedMeshConfig.probe_count.split(",")[0]|int %}
    {% endif %}

{% set meshMaxPointX = meshPointX %}
{% set meshMaxPointY = meshPointY %}

    {% if (area_min_x < area_max_x) and (area_min_y < area_max_y) %}
        {% if area_min_x - mesh_area_offset >=  safe_min_x %}
            {% set area_min_x = area_min_x - mesh_area_offset %}
        {% else %}
            {% set area_min_x = safe_min_x %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if area_min_y - mesh_area_offset >=  safe_min_y %}
            {% set area_min_y = area_min_y - mesh_area_offset %}
        {% else %}
            {% set area_min_y = safe_min_y %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if area_max_x + mesh_area_offset <=  safe_max_x %}
            {% set area_max_x = area_max_x + mesh_area_offset %}
        {% else %}
            {% set area_max_x = safe_max_x %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if area_max_y + mesh_area_offset <=  safe_max_y %}
            {% set area_max_y = area_max_y + mesh_area_offset %}
        {% else %}
            {% set area_max_y = safe_max_y %}
        {% endif %}

        {% set meshPointX = (meshPointX * (area_max_x - area_min_x) / (safe_max_x - safe_min_x) * probe_count_scale_factor)|round(0)|int %}
        {% if meshPointX < min_probe_count %}
            {% set meshPointX = min_probe_count %}
        {% endif %}
    {% if meshPointX > meshMaxPointX %}
            {% set meshPointX = meshMaxPointX %}
        {% endif %}

        {% set meshPointY = (meshPointY * (area_max_y -area_min_y ) / (safe_max_y - safe_min_y) * probe_count_scale_factor )|round(0)|int %}
        {% if meshPointY < min_probe_count %}
            {% set meshPointY = min_probe_count %}
        {% endif %}
    {% if meshPointY > meshMaxPointY %}
            {% set meshPointY = meshMaxPointY %}
        {% endif %}

        {% set algorithm = "lagrange" %}
        {% if "algorithm" in bedMeshConfig and meshPointX >=4 and meshPointY >=4 %}
            {% set algorithm = bedMeshConfig.algorithm %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if enable_reference_index %}
            {% set referenceIndex = (meshPointX * meshPointY / 2 - 1 )|round(0)|int %}
            BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} samples={probe_samples|int} algorithm={algorithm} relative_reference_index={referenceIndex}
        {% else %}
            BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE mesh_min={area_min_x},{area_min_y} mesh_max={area_max_x},{area_max_y} probe_count={meshPointX},{meshPointY} samples={probe_samples|int} algorithm={algorithm}
        {% endif %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

``[gcode_macro START_PRINT]
variable_parameter_EXTRUDER_TEMP: 235
variable_parameter_BED_TEMP: 50
; gcode parameters for area bed mesh
variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0
variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0
{% set BED_TEMP = params.BED_TEMP|default(50)|float %}
{% set EXTRUDER_TEMP = params.EXTRUDER_TEMP|default(235)|float %}
# preheat, homing, etc
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE AREA_START={params.AREA_START|default("0,0")} AREA_END={params.AREA_END|default("0,0")}
# the rest of your start macro here
M117 Waiting for temperature
# Start bed heating and continue
{% if printer.heater_bed.temperature < params.BED_TEMP|float0.95 %}
M190 S{params.BED_TEMP|float
0.95} # wait till 0.85 of bed temp is reached, then continue
{% endif %}
M117 Printing...

[gcode_macro END_PRINT]
M117 Done printing :)
# move z down
G1 Z10 F3000
G1 E-5
G28 X Y
#disable hotend and heated bed
M104 S0
M140 S0
# disable steppers

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ChipCE commented Jan 27, 2023

@Lekkz the mesh is completed so your macro setting is good.
Here is the problem: Unlike full size bed mesh witch the last probe position always in the bed corner, bed mesh area more likely end at center of the bed where the printed part are. You have to modify your PRIME_LINE, move the toolhead to the prime line start position before calling the extrude gcodes.

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Lekkz commented Jan 28, 2023

@ChipCE thanks for the response, this is what I have for my PRIME_LINE [gcode_macro PRIME_LINE] gcode: M117 Prime Line G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder # move z axis G1 Z2.0 F3000 ;Move Z Axis up # move to prime position G1 X10 Y30 Z0.28 F5000.0 ;Move to start position G1 X10 Y200.0 Z0.28 F1500.0 E15 ;Draw the first line G1 X15 Y200.0 Z0.28 F5000.0 ;Move to side a little G1 X15 Y50 Z0.28 F1500.0 E30 ;Draw the second line G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder G1 Z2.0 F3000 ;Move Z Axis up

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ChipCE commented Jan 29, 2023

@Lekkz I think add G90 command at the start of your prime line will fix that

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sgoph commented Feb 7, 2023

Can someone please explain what this section does:

{% set algorithm = "lagrange" %}
{% if "algorithm" in bedMeshConfig and meshPointX >=4 and meshPointY >=4 %}
{% set algorithm = bedMeshConfig.algorithm %}
{% endif %}

Is it setting the algorithm to lagrange if the mesh points are 4 or greater? Or.. Is it setting the algorithm to whatever is set in printer.cfg if the points are >=4?

If I wanted to increase the number of probe points calculated for any given print area, would I just increase the scale factor (ie 1.25, 1.5, 1.75)?


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ChipCE commented Feb 7, 2023

@sgoph It's not that well writen, but similar to this.

{% set algorithm = bedMeshConfig.algorithm %} {% if meshPointX <4 and meshPointY <4 %} {% set algorithm = "lagrange" %} {% endif %} Bicubic need 4 points or more so we will need to force change to lagrange if the meshPoints are under 4.

Yes. Increase the scale factor will do it.

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whi-tw commented Feb 9, 2023

I'm working on a macro which enables per-object meshes if:

  1. 'Label Objects' is turned on in the slicer
  2. moonraker is set up with:
    enable_object_processing: True
  3. klipper is configured with [exclude_object]

This will make a single small mesh for every item on the bed and load it dynamically when the object starts printing: (adaptive_bed_mesh.cfg in the Assets section)

This has the benefit of the meshes being very detailed, as they are only made on the area of each object - no wasted space.

If anyone wants to give it a go, please leave feedback on the repo with any issues.

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Minor help request from y'all experts... for some reason I can't seem to get this right.

My Ender bed isn't very flat (hah!)

So if I have it calculate a mesh for a smaller object in the center of the bed, when it moves fromt he post-purge line to the center, it'll scratch/drag my nozzle on the way over.

Trying to get it to move up 1mm, navigate to 'skirt/brim/whatever' start ,then lower back down 1mm

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ChipCE commented Feb 14, 2023

@rstudner This macro cannot be changed to fix your problem. But modify your start gcode can fix that. Post your start gcode here and i will try to look at it.

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andrewt27 commented Feb 19, 2023

@ChipCE Hi, I have a fairly large distance between the nozzle and the sensor (57mm). With large print I get errors like this
!! Move out of range: -27.016 86.484 5.000 [0.000]
How to compensate it?

[SOLVED] I have changed x min in config:
mesh_min: 57, 10

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Internal error on command:"PRINT_START"
Internal error on command:"BED_MESH_CALIBRATE"
Internal error on command:"BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE"

Getting this error after my voron does QGL and homes.

Here is my print start macro:
[gcode_macro PRINT_START]
variable_parameter_EXTRUDER_TEMP: 190
variable_parameter_BED_TEMP: 30

gcode parameters for area bed mesh

variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0
variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0
G32 ; home all axes
G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 Z20 F3000 ; move nozzle away from bed
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE AREA_START={params.AREA_START|default("0,0")} AREA_END={params.AREA_END|default("0,0")}

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Where exactly did you get %MINX% etc. from in Cura slicer? in my Cura that does not pass anything but the %MINX% and similar.

I am already using the "START_PRINT BED_TEMP=110 EXTRUDER_TEMP=255" part but the definition of area does not seem to work

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Sorry. I didnt see the part where the plugin is it working now.

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Zephyrus67 commented Mar 3, 2023

But will you not need a "BED_MESH_PROFILE Load=default" in your printer.cfg to actually load the saved mesh? With normal BED_MESH_CALIBRATE you need to.

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1yrik commented Mar 10, 2023

The script works great, mostly. I have one issue (more of a minor inconvenience) where the Klipper gives a "Must home axis first: 0.000 0.000 5.000 [0.000]" on 3 consecutive lines. I just have to manually home the printer and then it works great, it's still just an inconvenience. My though is just that a G28 (I have a G28 macro) needs to be thrown in somewhere, I'm just not sure where exactly...
Thanks in advance for any help!
8% Printing - ETA_ 21_12 - handletest gcode - Google Chrome 2023-03-09 8_36_18 PM

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ChipCE commented Mar 10, 2023

@1yrik I think you need to edit your start gcode. This override macro is the same as the original BED_MESH_CALIBRATE, it can be called without homed axis.

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1yrik commented Mar 10, 2023

@ChipCE I know I have to add in a "G28" somewhere, I'm just not sure where. I'll take another look and see if anything obvious needs changing.

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When I boot up my printer after doing said changes I get this error. How can I fix this?

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ChipCE commented Mar 14, 2023

@Matei-alt seem like you dont have [bed_mesh] enabled in your config.

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@ChipCE Oh, I tought "this will replace the default BED_MESH_CALIBRATE command." meant to just replace that whole thing. Sorry for bothering you.

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I have a question when probing begins the probe almost drags across the bed, like it does not go up it stays on the bed moves to the left then goes up a little and back down, is that correct?

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frankbags commented Mar 25, 2023

That's normal behavior if you have the option under [bltouch] stow_on_each_sample: false

if you have no clearance issues then it shouldn't be a problem, it does save a lot of time when building a mesh

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Ya the probe was actually touching the bed as it moved to the next point which was causing false readings. I have to add a line in mesh section like horizontal_Z_probe: 8. This wasn't the exact line but something similar

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Anyone using Bambu Studio or Orcaslicer ? I cant seem to get this to work using either of those slicers.. using the prusaslicer settings ... "START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP=[first_layer_temperature] BED_TEMP=[first_layer_bed_temperature] AREA_START={first_layer_print_min[0]},{first_layer_print_min[1]} AREA_END={first_layer_print_max[0]},{first_layer_print_max[1]}"

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M190 S[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single]
M109 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer]
PRINT_START EXTRUDER=[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer] BED=[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] PRINT_MIN={first_layer_print_min[0]},{first_layer_print_min[1]} PRINT_MAX={first_layer_print_max[0]},{first_layer_print_max[1]}

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DaKlassiker commented Apr 17, 2023

Unknown command:"AREA_START=158.387,158.396"

it does the full bed then. Any ideas? i´m using klicky probe

PRINT_START BED=[first_layer_bed_temperature] EXTRUDER={first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder]+extruder_temperature_offset[initial_extruder]} CHAMBER=[chamber_temperature]
AREA_START={first_layer_print_min[0]},{first_layer_print_min[1]} AREA_END={first_layer_print_max[0]},{first_layer_print_max[1]}

[gcode_macro PRINT_START]
variable_parameter_AREA_START : 0,0
variable_parameter_AREA_END : 0,0

{% set FILAMENT = params.FILAMENT|default('Default')|string %}
{% set MIN_TEMP = params.EXTRUDER|int * 0.9 %}
{% set BED_TEMP = params.BED|default(0)|int %}
{% set EXTRUDER_TEMP = params.EXTRUDER|default(0)|float %}
{% set chamber = params.CHAMBER|default(0)|int %}


{% if params.FILAMENT == 'ABS' %}
	{% set nevermore_fan_speed = 0.70 %}
{% elif params.FILAMENT == 'ASA' %}
    {% set nevermore_fan_speed = 0.70 %}

{% elif params.FILAMENT == 'PETG' %}
	{% set nevermore_fan_speed = 0.40 %}
{% elif params.FILAMENT == 'PLA' %}
	{% set nevermore_fan_speed = 0 %}

{% elif params.FILAMENT == 'WOOD' %}
	{% set nevermore_fan_speed = 0 %}
{% else %} 
	{% set nevermore_fan_speed = 0 %}
{% endif %}

SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=Nevermore SPEED={nevermore_fan_speed}
M117 {params.FILAMENT}
M190 S{BED_TEMP} #M140
 {% if printer["temperature_sensor chamber"].temperature < chamber %}              
    HEATSOAK T={BED_TEMP} MOVE=1                                                         
    M190 S{BED_TEMP}                                                                    
    TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR="temperature_sensor chamber" MINIMUM={chamber}          
{% else %}                                                                         
    {% if printer.heater_bed.temperature < (BED_TEMP-2) %}                               
        HEATSOAK T={BED_TEMP} MOVE=1                                                     
        M190 S{BED_TEMP}                                                                 
    {% else %}                                                                      
        HEATSOAK T={BED_TEMP} MOVE=0                                                   
    {% endif %}
{% endif %} 
M106 S0                                                                              
G28 Z                                                                           
G0 Z20                                                                              
G0 X{printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.x/2} Y{printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.y/2} F19500 
BED_MESH_CALIBRATE AREA_START={params.AREA_START|default("0,0")} AREA_END={params.AREA_END|default("0,0")}
G1 E-1 F300
G92 E0                                                                             

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ChipCE commented Apr 18, 2023

@DaKlassiker your Prusa start gcode is splitted into 2 lines. They must be in the same line.

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HelioSG commented May 3, 2023

Dear, I'm trying to use the macro Klipper mesh on print area only, but I'm getting an error message:
"Internal error on command:"BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_BASE"
Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the
"FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the
config, and restart the host software." Could you help me

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gtollini commented May 6, 2023

Klipper has a minimum probe distance which isn't addressed by the current script. This can easily be solved by adding:

{% if (area_max_x - area_min_x) / meshMaxPointX < 1 %}
  {% set meshPointX = (area_max_x - area_min_x)|int %}
{% endif %}


{% if (area_max_y - area_min_y) / meshMaxPointY < 1 %}
  {% set meshPointY = (area_max_y - area_min_y)|int %}
{% endif %}

After the checks at lines 69-71 and 77-79.

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ChipCE commented May 7, 2023

@gtollini Thank for point out the bug!

I have some question about your fix code

{% if (area_max_x - area_min_x) / meshMaxPointX < 1 %}
  {% set meshPointX = (area_max_x - area_min_x)|int %}
{% endif %}
  • in the first line, we check if the probe distance is smaller than 1 or not, {% if (area_max_x - area_min_x) / meshMaxPointX < 1 %} should be {% if (area_max_x - area_min_x) / meshPointX < 1 %}
  • Why set {% set meshPointX = (area_max_x - area_min_x)|int %}? We set the mesh to 1mm distance with this?

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