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Created March 31, 2022 15:06
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CFD Python (close to realism)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
n = 50
density = 0
u = 0
v = 0
accuracy = 10
time_step = 0.5
diffusion_amount = 0.1
advection_amount = 10
im = 0
cb = 0
frametime = 0.01
pressure_global = 0
quiv = 0
def main():
while (True):
def update():
display = density
global quiv
vmin = min(-0.1, display.min())
vmax = max(0.1, display.max())
im.set_norm(colors.TwoSlopeNorm(vmin=vmin, vcenter=0, vmax=vmax))
quiv = plt.quiver(u.T, -1 * v.T)
def internal_sum(array):
sum = 0
for i in range(1, n+1):
for j in range(1, n+1):
sum += array[i,j]
return sum
def display():
global cb
global im
global quiv
im = plt.imshow(density.T, interpolation='none', cmap='ocean')
cb = plt.colorbar()
quiv = plt.quiver(u.T,-1*v.T)
def setup():
global density, u, v, im
density = set_bounds(0, density_init())
u = set_bounds(1, -1*np.zeros((n + 2, n + 2)))
v = set_bounds(2, -1*np.zeros((n + 2, n + 2)))
def density_init():
density = np.zeros((n+2, n+2))
#density[10,10] = 50
#density[10, 40] = 50
#density[40, 10] = 50
#density[40, 40] = 50
#density[44,46] = 50
#density[46, 44] = 50
return density
def evolve_density():
global density
density = diffusion(density, 0)
density = advect(density, 0)
#density[10, 10] = 50
#density[10, 40] = 50
#density[40, 10] = 50
#density[40, 40] = 50
#density[44, 46] = 50
#density[46, 44] = 50
#density[26, 25] = 50
density[10,10] = 50
def evolve_velocity():
global u, v
u[9, 10] = 5
u = diffusion(u, 1)
v = diffusion(v, 2)
u = advect(u, 1)
v = advect(v, 2)
def diffusion(density, boundary_type):
# factor = speed * dt
# d_old = d_new - factor * (surrounding - 4 * d_new)
# ...
# d_new = (x_old + factor * (surrounding)) / (1 + 4 * factor)
factor = time_step * diffusion_amount
for k in range(accuracy):
for x in range(1, n + 1):
for y in range(1, n + 1):
density[x, y] = (density[x, y] + factor * (density[x + 1, y] + density[x - 1, y] + density[x, y + 1] +
density[x, y - 1])) / (1 + 4 * factor)
density = set_bounds(boundary_type, density)
return density
def advect(array, boundary_type):
factor = time_step * advection_amount
new_array = np.zeros((n + 2, n + 2))
for x in range(1, n + 1):
for y in range(1, n + 1):
from_x = clamp(x - factor * u[x, y], 0.5, n + 0.5)
from_y = clamp(y - factor * v[x, y], 0.5, n + 0.5)
x_floor = int(from_x)
y_floor = int(from_y)
ratio_x = from_x - x_floor
ratio_y = from_y - y_floor
#value_interpolate = linear_interpolate(
#linear_interpolate(array[x_floor, y_floor], array[x_floor + 1, y_floor], ratio_x),
#linear_interpolate(array[x_floor, y_floor + 1], array[x_floor + 1, y_floor + 1], ratio_x),
x_ceil = x_floor + 1
y_ceil = y_floor + 1
s1 = ratio_x
s0 = 1 - s1
t1 = ratio_y
t0 = 1 - t1
value_interpolate = s0*(t0*array[x_floor, y_floor]+t1*array[x_floor, y_ceil]) + s1*(t0*array[x_ceil, y_floor]+t1*array[x_ceil, y_ceil])
new_array[x, y] = value_interpolate
return set_bounds(boundary_type, new_array)
def linear_interpolate(a, b, ratio):
return a * (1 - ratio) + b * ratio
def clamp(num, min_value, max_value):
return max(min(num, max_value), min_value)
def divergence(u, v):
h = 1 / n
div = np.zeros((n + 2, n + 2))
for x in range(1, n + 1):
for y in range(1, n + 1):
div[x, y] = -0.5 * h * ((u[x+1, y] - u[x-1, y]) + v[x, y+1] - v[x, y-1])
# zeros can be left for boundaries; not used in any calculations (linear solve)
return set_bounds(0, div)
def pressure_from_divergence(divergence):
# difference in pressure = divergence
# reverse this, solve for pressure from the equation
# (sum p[surrounding]) - 4*(p[xy]) = divergence
# p[xy] = (sum(p[surrounding]) - divergence)/4
global pressure_global
pressure = np.zeros((n + 2, n + 2))
for k in range(accuracy):
for x in range(1, n + 1):
for y in range(1, n + 1):
pressure[x, y] = (divergence[x,y] + pressure[x-1, y] + pressure[x+1, y] + pressure[x, y+1] + pressure[x, y-1])/4
pressure = set_bounds(0, pressure) # sets pressure boundaries to surrounding equal each repetition
pressure_global = pressure
return pressure
def gradient(pressure):
# gradient of a vector field returns the direction of the steepest ascent, returns [u,v] of this vector
# (pressure-induced-velocity)
u = np.zeros((n + 2, n + 2))
v = np.zeros((n + 2, n + 2))
for x in range(1, n + 1):
for y in range(1, n + 1):
u[x, y] = 0.5*(pressure[x + 1, y] - pressure[x - 1, y]) / (1 / n)
v[x, y] = 0.5*(pressure[x, y + 1] - pressure[x, y - 1]) / (1 / n)
#u = set_bounds(1, u)
#v = set_bounds(2, v)
return [u, v]
def set_bounds(type, a):
for i in range(1, n + 1):
a[0, i] = (-1 * a[1, i]) if type == 1 else (a[1, i])
a[n + 1, i] = (-1 * a[n, i]) if type == 1 else (a[n, i])
a[i, 0] = (-1 * a[i, 1]) if type == 2 else (a[i, 1])
a[i, n + 1] = (-1 * a[i, n]) if type == 2 else (a[i, n])
a[0, 0] = a[1, 1] if type == 0 else 0
a[0, n + 1] = a[1, n] if type == 0 else 0
a[n + 1, 0] = a[n, 1] if type == 0 else 0
a[n + 1, n + 1] = a[n, n] if type == 0 else 0
return a
def conserve_mass():
global u, v
divergence_array = divergence(u, v)
pressure = pressure_from_divergence(divergence_array)
induced_velocity = gradient(pressure)
compensate_x = induced_velocity[0]
compensate_y = induced_velocity[1]
u = u - compensate_x
v = v - compensate_y
u = set_bounds(1, u)
v = set_bounds(2, v)
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