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Last active February 21, 2019 15:29
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  • Save Chippit/e6aef007cec06a593d7a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Chippit/e6aef007cec06a593d7a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to handle producing symbolic links for various Library folders in Unity, to ease multi-platform development and reduce unneeded import time.
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Handles producing symbolic links to various library folders, for different
# texture compression options in Unity Android, or to switch libraries for
# different platforms
# Unity stores all its imported data inside its ./Library/ folder, containing
# only derived data for your project. When switching platforms or texture
# compression settings, contents of this folder change accordingly, but can
# be preserved between switches. This script can help needlessly importing
# assets when platform switches happen regularly, without needing to rely
# on keeping multiple asset copies or running a Unity Cache Server.
# WARNING: This script will alter your files. Use at your own risk.
# Especially when performing initial folder preparation, be sure to back up
# your files in case something goes wrong. Once it's done, your Unity project
# will have its root in a new, different directory, so paths to source control
# and in Unity itself will need to be updated.
# Requires Python >= 3.2
# Usage examples
# ./ Standalone
# ./ AndroidATC
# ./ --prepare iOS
# Expects project folder arrangement:
# ./Libraries/
# ./Libraries/<LIBRARY1>
# ./Libraries/<LIBRARY2>
# ./Libraries/<LIBRARY...>
# ./Project/
# ./Project/<UNITY-PROJECT-FILES...>
# ./
# Can transform existing projects into this format. Place inside root Unity
# folder and execute with --prepare.
# --prepare can take an optional parameter that determines the name of the
# existing library when symlinks are created.
# On MS Windows, permissions to create symbolic links are not granted
# by default to ordinary users. As a result, the script needs to be
# executed with administrator privileges
import os
import os.path
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
TempPath = os.path.join("Project", "Temp", "UnityLockfile")
# Safety checks
# Look for temp folder first of all. If it exists, we assume Unity is running
if (os.path.exists(TempPath)):
print("Unity seems to be running (Lock file exists).\nClose Unity first.")
# Create argument parser
parses = ArgumentParser(description='Unity library switcher')
group = parses.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('library', nargs='?',
help='The name of the library to switch to. This should be a valid directory under ./Library/')
group.add_argument('--prepare', const='library', nargs='?',
help="Prepare an existing Unity library for symlinking. Can be provided with an optional parameter that determines the current library's name")
args = parses.parse_args();
# Switch library?
if args.library != None:
LibraryPath = os.path.join("Project", "Library")
# Check if the existing library folder is a symbolic link. If not, we stop too
if (not os.path.islink(LibraryPath) and os.path.exists(LibraryPath)):
print("Library directory is not a symbolic link.\nNot continuing in case we destroy data.\n\nDo you need to prepare your Unity folder first?")
newLibrary = sys.argv[1]
newLibraryPath = os.path.join("Libraries", newLibrary)
# Check if the new library folder exists
if (not os.path.exists(newLibraryPath)):
print ("Library directory {} does not appear to exist.\nDoing nothing.\n\nDo you need to prepare your Unity folder first?".format(newLibrary))
# Do the stuff!
# Remove existing symlink
if (os.path.exists(LibraryPath)):
# Create folder symlink
os.symlink(os.path.join("..", newLibraryPath), LibraryPath, True)
elif args.prepare != None:
# Transform existing Unity library.
TempPath = os.path.join("Temp", "UnityLockfile")
SymlinkLibraryPath = os.path.join("Libraries")
ProjectPath = os.path.join("Project")
# Look for temp folder in different root path, because we're expected to run in a different folder structure
if (os.path.exists(TempPath)):
print("Unity seems to be running (Lock file exists).\nClose Unity first.")
# Check if the existing library folder is a symbolic link. If it is, we don't know what to do
if (os.path.islink(os.path.join("Library"))):
print("Library directory is already a symbolic link.\nNot continuing in case we destroy data.")
# Check if the existing library folder is a symbolic link. If it is, we don't know what to do
if (os.path.exists(ProjectPath)):
print("A Project directory already exists in this Unity folder.\nNot continuing in case we stomp something.")
# Check if the existing library folder is a symbolic link. If it is, we don't know what to do
if (os.path.exists(SymlinkLibraryPath)):
print("A Libraries directory already exists in this Unity folder.\nNot continuing in case we stomp something.")
# Get file list BEFORE we make new folders
allFiles = os.listdir()
# Loop through all files in CWD
for existingFile in allFiles:
newPath = os.path.join(ProjectPath, existingFile)
if existingFile == os.path.basename(__file__): # found ourselves!
print("Found ourselves. We stay put")
elif os.path.isdir(existingFile):
if existingFile == "Library":
newPath = os.path.join(SymlinkLibraryPath, args.prepare)
print("Found library dir {}. Moving to {}".format(existingFile, newPath))
os.rename(existingFile, newPath)
symlinkPath = os.path.join(ProjectPath, "Library")
relativePath = os.path.join("..", newPath)
print("Creating symlink to {} at {}".format(relativePath, symlinkPath))
os.symlink(relativePath, symlinkPath, True)
print("Found dir {}. Moving to {}".format(existingFile, newPath))
os.rename(existingFile, newPath)
print("Found file {}. Moving to {}".format(existingFile, newPath))
os.rename(existingFile, newPath)
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