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Created June 7, 2019 22:28
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class MaintenancePatching {
[int]$PendingUpdates = 0
#TODO figure out why the hell this breaks
<# Objects of either of these types run fine when the definition is run interactively but both fail when importing/using in a configuration. A mystery for some time that isn't 10:30pm on a friday before a long weekend.
hidden [object] GetWuaWrapper([ScriptBlock] $tryBlock) {
$ExceptionReturnValue = $null
return $(
try {
$Return = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $tryBlock -NoNewScope
if ($Return) {
} else {
catch [System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException]
# 0x8024001e -2145124322 WU_E_SERVICE_STOP Operation did not complete because the service or system was being shut down. wuerror.h
-2145124322 {
Write-Warning 'Got an error that WU service is stopping. Handling the error.'
# 0x8024402c -2145107924 WU_E_PT_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED Same as ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED - the proxy server or target server name cannot be resolved. wuerror.h
-2145107924 {
# TODO: add retry for this error
Write-Warning 'Got an error that WU could not resolve the name of the update service. Handling the error.'
# 0x8024401c -2145107940 WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT Same as HTTP status 408 - the server timed out waiting for the request. wuerror.h
-2145107940 {
# TODO: add retry for this error
Write-Warning 'Got an error a request timed out (http status 408 or equivalent) when WU was communicating with the update service. Handling the error.'
# 0x8024402f -2145107921 WU_E_PT_ECP_SUCCEEDED_WITH_ERRORS External cab file processing completed with some errors. wuerror.h
-2145107921 {
# No retry needed
Write-Warning 'Got an error that CAB processing completed with some errors.'
default {
hidden [void] InitializeObjectHandler(){
$this.ObjectHandler = @{
Settings = $null
Session = $null
Searcher = $null
Search = $null
ServiceManager = $null
Services = $null
DefaultService = $null
DownloadResult = $null
InstallResult = $null
hidden [Object] GetWuaAu() {
return (New-Object -ComObject 'Microsoft.Update.AutoUpdate')
hidden [void] GetWuaSession() {
$this.ObjectHandler.Session = (New-Object -ComObject 'Microsoft.Update.Session')
hidden [void] GetWuaServiceManager() {
$this.ObjectHandler.ServiceManager = (New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager)
$this.ObjectHandler.Services = $this.ObjectHandler.ServiceManager.Services
$this.ObjectHandler.DefaultService = @($this.ObjectHandler.Services).where{$_.IsDefaultAuService}
Write-Verbose -Message "Get default search service: $($this.ObjectHandler.DefaultService.ServiceId)"
if($this.ObjectHandler.DefaultService.ServiceId -eq '7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d')
$this.Source = 'MicrosoftUpdate'
elseif ($this.ObjectHandler.DefaultService.IsManaged) {
$this.Source = 'WSUS'
} else {
$this.Source = 'WindowsUpdate'
hidden [void] GetWuaAuSettings() {
$this.ObjectHandler.settings = ($this.GetWuaAu()).Settings
hidden [void] GetWuaSearchString ([bool]$security,[bool]$important,[bool]$optional) {
$securityCategoryId = "'0FA1201D-4330-4FA8-8AE9-B877473B6441'"
# security and optional and important
# not security and optional and important
$this.SearchString = $(
if($optional -and $important)
# Installing everything not hidden and not already installed
'IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0'
# security and optional and not important
elseif ($security -and $optional) {
# or can only be used at the top most boolean expression
"(IsAssigned=0 and IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0) or (CategoryIds contains $securityCategoryId and IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0)"
# security and not optional and important
elseif($security -and $important ){
# Installing everything not hidden,
# not optional (optional are not assigned) and not already installed
'IsAssigned=1 and IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0'
elseif ($optional -and $important) {
# Installing everything not hidden,
# not optional (optional are not assigned) and not already installed
'IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0'
# security and not optional and not important
elseif ($security) {
# Installing everything that is security and not hidden,
# and not already installed
"CategoryIds contains $securityCategoryId and IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0"
# not security and not optional and important
elseif ($important) {
# Installing everything that is not hidden,
# is assigned (not optional) and not already installed
# not valid cannot do not contains or a boolean not
# Note important updates will include security updates
"IsAssigned=1 and IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0"
# not security and optional and not important
elseif ($optional) {
# Installing everything that is not hidden,
# is not assigned (is optional) and not already installed
# not valid cannot do not contains or a boolean not
# Note optional updates may include security updates
"IsAssigned=0 and IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0"
} else {
"CategoryIds contains $securityCategoryId and IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0"
hidden [void] GetWuaSearcher() {
$this.GetWuaSearchString(($this.Category -contains 'Security'),($this.Category -contains 'Important'),($this.Category -contains 'Optional'))
$this.ObjectHandler.Searcher = $this.ObjectHandler.Session.CreateUpdateSearcher()
Write-Verbose -Message "Searching for updating using: $($this.SearchString)" -Verbose
$this.ObjectHandler.Search = $this.ObjectHandler.Searcher.Search($this.SearchString)
hidden [bool] TestSearchResult() {
if(!(@($this.ObjectHandler.Search | get-member |Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) -contains 'Updates'))
Write-Verbose 'Did not find updates on SearchResult'
return $false
if(!(@(Get-Member -InputObject $this.ObjectHandler.Search.Updates |Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) -contains 'Count'))
Write-Verbose 'Did not find count on updates on SearchResult'
return $false
return $true
hidden [void] GetWuaAuNotificationLevel() {
$this.CurrentUpdatesNotificationSetting = @{
0 = 'Not Configured'
1 = 'Disabled'
2 = 'Notify before download'
3 = 'Notify before installation'
4 = 'Scheduled installation'
[string]::Empty = 'Reserved'
hidden [void] InvokeWuaDownloadUpdates() {
$downloader = $this.ObjectHandler.Session.CreateUpdateDownloader()
$downloader.Updates = $this.ObjectHandler.Search.Updates
Write-Verbose -Message 'Downloading updates...' -Verbose
$This.ObjectHandler.DownloadResult = $downloader.Download()
hidden [void] InvokeWuaInstallUpdates() {
$installer = $this.ObjectHandler.Session.CreateUpdateInstaller()
$installer.Updates = $this.ObjectHandler.Search.Updates
Write-Verbose -Message 'Installing updates...' -Verbose
$this.ObjectHandler.InstallResult = $installer.Install()
hidden [int] GetWuaAuNotificationLevelInt() {
$intNotificationLevel =0
switch -Regex ($this.AutomaticUpdatesNotificationSetting) {
'^Not\s*Configured$' { $intNotificationLevel = 0 }
'^Disabled$' { $intNotificationLevel = 1 }
'^Notify\s*before\s*download$' { $intNotificationLevel = 2 }
'^Notify\s*before\s*installation$' { $intNotificationLevel = 3 }
'^Scheduled\s*installation$' { $intNotificationLevel = 4 }
default { throw 'Invalid notification level'}
return $intNotificationLevel
hidden [void] SetWuaAuNotificationLevel() {
$this.ObjectHandler.settings.NotificationLevel = $this.GetWuaAuNotificationLevelInt()
hidden [void] AddWuaService() {
[string]$ServiceId = '7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d'
[int]$Flags = 7
[string]$AuthorizationCabPath = [string]::Empty
$this.ObjectHandler.ServiceManager.AddService2($ServiceId, $Flags, $AuthorizationCabPath)
hidden [void] RemoveWuaService() {
[string]$ServiceId = '7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d'
[MaintenancePatching] Get() {
if($this.ObjectHandler.Search -and ($this.TestSearchResult()))
$this.PendingUpdates = $this.ObjectHandler.Search.Updates.Count
} else {
$this.PendingUpdates = 0
$this.UpdatesFound = [bool]$this.PendingUpdates
$this.notificationCompliant = (!$this.NotificationSettings -or $this.NotificationSettings -eq $this.CurrentUpdatesNotificationSetting)
$this.SourceCompliant = (!$this.UpdateSource -or $this.UpdateSource -eq $this.Source)
return $this
Set() {
$status = $this.Get()
if($status.ObjectHandler.Search -and $status.ObjectHandler.Search.Updates.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message 'Installing updates...'
#Write Results
$status.ObjectHandler.Search.Updates | ForEach-Object {
Write-Verbose -Message "Found update: $($_.Title)" -Verbose
} else {
Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message 'No updates'
if(!$status.notificationCompliant) {
Try {
#TODO verify that group policy is not overriding this settings
# if it is throw an error, if it conflicts
} Catch {
$ErrorMsg = $_.Exception.Message
Write-Verbose $ErrorMsg
if(!$status.SourceCompliant) {
if($status.UpdateSource -eq 'MicrosoftUpdate') {
Write-Verbose "Enable the Microsoft Update setting"
Restart-Service wuauserv -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} elseif($status.UpdateSource -eq 'WindowsUpdate') {
Write-Verbose "Disable the Microsoft Update setting"
[bool] Test() {
$status = $this.Get()
#TODO Add a modified version of Test-TargetResourceProperties here for verbose parameter validation
Write-Verbose "Updates Found: $($status.UpdatesFound)"
Write-Verbose "notifications compliant: $($status.notificationCompliant)"
Write-Verbose "service compliant: $($status.SourceCompliant)"
If(!$status.UpdatesFound -and $status.notificationCompliant -and $status.SourceCompliant) {
Write-Verbose 'No pending updates found.'
return $true
Else {
Write-Verbose 'Checking Window'
$window = ([MaintenanceWindow]$status.MaintenanceWindow).CheckWindow()
Write-Verbose "Window: $window"
return $window
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