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Chityanj /
Created December 7, 2021 14:05
Modified Stack: Write a program to implement a special type of stack, which apart from supporting normal stack operations: push(), isFull(), pop() and isEmpty(), supports additional operations: getMax(), getMin(), getMiddle().
def display(stack):
def push(stack,size):
if isFull(stack,size):
print("Stack is full")
def pop(stack):
if isEmpty(stack):
print("error: stack empty")
Chityanj / gist:7da3336bd3c232cd0be38222a759e6e3
Created December 4, 2021 13:55
bsc contract with max wallet buy
*Submitted for verification at on 2021-11-19
*Not Yet Submitted for verification at
''' A script to send all messages from one chat to another. '''
import asyncio
import logging
from import MessageService
from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import FloodWaitError
from telethon import TelegramClient
from telethon.sessions import StringSession
from settings import API_ID, API_HASH, REPLACEMENTS, forwards, get_forward, update_offset, STRING_SESSION
your git repo folder
├─ .gitignore
├─ composer.json
├─ comsoder.lock
├─ Procfile
└─ web
├─ _h5ai
├─ your files
├─ and folders
### What is Treble? ###
I'll keep the technical details about treble away from this thread as it has been covered by xda already.
If you want to know more about that visit here <google-link-here>
It is all treble trouble everywhere so why shouldn't x2 join it?
### What is Treble?
I'll keep the technical details about treble away from this thread as it has been covered by xda already.
If you want to know more about that visit here <google-link-here>
It is all treble trouble everywhere so why shouldn't x2 join it?
I'm proud to announce that Le Max2 will now support project treble and you can flash Generic system images and even Android P. Exciting right?
###What is Treble?
I'll keep the technical details about treble away from this thread as it has been covered by xda already.
If you want to know more about that visit here <google-link-here>
It is all treble trouble everywhere so why shouldn't x2 join it?
I'm proud to announce that Le Max2 will now support project treble and you can flash Generic system images and even Android P. Exciting right?
Chityanj / gist:94b5b5dc40b8a03d674e798980f6ec34
Created July 22, 2018 18:22
Treble documentation for Leeco Le max2
###Treble for Leeco Le Max2###
##It is all treble trouble everywhere so why shouldn't x2 join it? I'm proud to announce that Le Max2 will now support
project treble and you can flash Generic system images and even Android P. Exciting right? You just need to follow the
instructions mentioned and you're good to go.##