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Last active April 15, 2023 13:58
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  • Save ChlodAlejandro/4b980db4fafc0be6fdd9f66a8659cc14 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ChlodAlejandro/4b980db4fafc0be6fdd9f66a8659cc14 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Scan for contentful Wikipedia edits per minute
import WikimediaStream from "wikimedia-streams";
import axios from 'axios';
import * as fs from "fs/promises";
import { MediaWikiRecentChangeEditEvent } from "wikimedia-streams/build/src/streams/MediaWikiRecentChangeEvent";
import { diffSentences } from "diff";
const outputFile = "data.json";
const outputMap: Record<string, number> = {};
(async () => {
const words: Record<string, true> = Object.fromEntries(
(await fs.readFile("words.txt"))
// Filter out number/symbol-only words
.filter((v) => /[a-z]/i.test(v))
.map((v) => [v.toLowerCase(), true])
console.log("loaded " + Object.keys(words).length + " words");
const stream = new WikimediaStream('recentchange')
.all({ wiki: 'enwiki', type: 'edit' })
.any({ namespace: 0 })
.any({ namespace: 118 })
.addListener(async (rc) => {
const byteDiff = - rc.length.old;
const revid =;
if ( byteDiff > 500 ) {
console.log(`HIT [Special:Diff/${revid}]: +${byteDiff} on "${rc.title}" by ${rc.user}`);
if (await checks(rc)) {
async function bumpCount() {
const key = new Date().toISOString().replace(/:\d\d\.\d\d\dZ/, "Z");
if ( outputMap[key] ) {
} else {
outputMap[key] = 1;
await fs.writeFile(outputFile, JSON.stringify(outputMap));
async function checks(diff: MediaWikiRecentChangeEditEvent): Promise<boolean> {
const revid =;
const data = await axios("", {
params: {
'format': 'json',
'formatversion': '2',
'action': 'query',
'prop': 'revisions',
'revids': [diff.revision.old,].join("|"),
'rvprop': 'ids|content',
'rvslots': 'main'
responseType: 'json'
}).then(r =>;
if ( !data?.query?.pages ) {
console.error("Cannot work on data.", data.query);
return false;
const revs = data.query.pages.reduce((p: any[], n: { revisions: any }) => {
return p.concat(n.revisions)
}, []);
const oldContent = revs.find((r: any) => r.revid === diff.revision.old)?.slots?.main?.content;
const newContent = revs.find((r: any) => r.revid ===;
if ( !oldContent || !newContent ) {
console.warn("old/new revision not found", revs);
return false;
const diffed = diffSentences(oldContent, newContent);
const added = diffed.filter(v => v.added).map(v => v.value.trim()).join(" ");
let cleaned = added
// Strip Wikipedia reference tags
.replace(/<ref[^>]*\/>/g, "")
// Strip Wikipedia reference tags
.replace(/<ref[^>]*>[\S\s]+?<\/ref>/g, "")
// <small>
.replace(/<\/?small>/g, "")
// External links
.replace(/==\s*External links\s*==[\S\s]*/i, "")
// Strip HTML comments
.replace(/<!--[\S\s]+?-->/g, "")
// Strip common HTML attributes
.replace(/(style|class|colspan|rowspan|width|alt|name)="[^"]+"/g, "")
// Section headings
.replace(/==([^\n]+)==/g, "$1:")
// and
.replace(/\s+&\s+/g, " and ")
// [[Wikilinks]]
.replace(/\[\[([^\]]+)\]\]/g, "$1")
// [[Piped|Wikilinks]] (and pipe trick)
.replace(/\[\[([^\]\|]+)\|([^\]]+)?\]\]/g, "$2 ($1)")
// Bold, italics, etc.
.replace(/'''''([^']+)'''''/g, "$1")
.replace(/'''([^']+)'''/g, "$1")
.replace(/''([^']+)''/g, "$1");
// Get just the wordy text
const wordy: string[] =
.map( v => v[0] )
.filter(v => words[/\w+/.exec(v)?.[0].toLowerCase() ?? -1] );
if (wordy.length > 60) {
console.log(`HIT [Special:Diff/${revid}]: Pre-check HIT, ${wordy.length} words`);
return true;
} else {
return false;
"2023-04-07T01:49Z": 3,
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"2023-04-07T02:38Z": 1,
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"2023-04-07T02:40Z": 3,
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"2023-04-07T03:15Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T03:16Z": 1,
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"2023-04-07T05:20Z": 3,
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"2023-04-07T05:27Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T05:28Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T05:29Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T05:30Z": 1,
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"2023-04-07T05:32Z": 3,
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"2023-04-07T05:37Z": 3,
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"2023-04-07T05:41Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T05:42Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T05:43Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T05:44Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T05:45Z": 2,
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"2023-04-07T05:47Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T05:48Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T05:49Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T05:50Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T05:51Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T05:52Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T05:53Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T05:54Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T05:55Z": 5,
"2023-04-07T05:56Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T05:57Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T05:58Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T05:59Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T06:00Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T06:01Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T06:03Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T06:04Z": 5,
"2023-04-07T06:05Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T06:06Z": 5,
"2023-04-07T06:07Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T06:08Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T06:09Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T06:10Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T06:11Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T06:12Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T06:13Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T06:14Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T06:15Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T06:16Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T06:17Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T06:18Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T06:19Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T06:20Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T06:21Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T06:22Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T06:23Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T06:24Z": 5,
"2023-04-07T06:26Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T06:27Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T06:28Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T06:29Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T06:30Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T06:31Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T06:32Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T06:33Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T06:34Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T06:35Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T06:36Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T06:37Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T06:38Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T06:39Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T06:40Z": 5,
"2023-04-07T06:41Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T06:42Z": 6,
"2023-04-07T06:43Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T06:44Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T06:45Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T06:46Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T06:47Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T06:48Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T06:49Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T06:50Z": 5,
"2023-04-07T06:51Z": 6,
"2023-04-07T06:52Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T06:53Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T06:54Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T06:55Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T06:56Z": 5,
"2023-04-07T06:57Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T06:58Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T06:59Z": 5,
"2023-04-07T07:00Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T07:01Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:02Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T07:03Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:04Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T07:05Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:06Z": 5,
"2023-04-07T07:07Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T07:08Z": 5,
"2023-04-07T07:09Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T07:10Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:11Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:12Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:13Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T07:14Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T07:15Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T07:16Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:17Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T07:18Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T07:19Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T07:20Z": 5,
"2023-04-07T07:21Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T07:22Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:23Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T07:24Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T07:25Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T07:26Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:27Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T07:28Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T07:30Z": 7,
"2023-04-07T07:31Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T07:32Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T07:33Z": 5,
"2023-04-07T07:34Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T07:35Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T07:36Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:37Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T07:38Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:39Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:40Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T07:41Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:43Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T07:44Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T07:45Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:46Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T07:47Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T07:48Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T07:49Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:50Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T07:51Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T07:52Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T07:53Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:54Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T07:55Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T07:56Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T07:57Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T07:58Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T07:59Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T08:00Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T08:01Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T08:02Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T08:03Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T08:04Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T08:05Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T08:06Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T08:07Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T08:08Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T08:09Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T08:10Z": 6,
"2023-04-07T08:11Z": 7,
"2023-04-07T08:12Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T08:13Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T08:14Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T08:15Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T08:16Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T08:17Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T08:18Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T08:19Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T08:20Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T08:21Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T08:22Z": 3,
"2023-04-07T08:23Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T08:25Z": 4,
"2023-04-07T08:26Z": 6,
"2023-04-07T08:28Z": 2,
"2023-04-07T08:29Z": 1,
"2023-04-07T08:30Z": 1
"dependencies": {
"axios": "^1.3.5",
"diff": "^5.1.0",
"wikimedia-streams": "^1.0.0-8b04cf0"
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"typescript": "^5.0.3"
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ChlodAlejandro commented Apr 15, 2023

Summarizing the data:

> a = { ... }
> start = Object.keys(a)[0]; end = Object.keys(a)[Object.keys(a).length - 1];
> minutes = (new Date(end).getTime() - new Date(start).getTime()) / 1000 / 60
> checksPerDay = ((24 * 60) / minutes) * Object.values(a).reduce((p,n) => p + n)

401 minutes total. 389 minutes with edits. Estimated 4,298 edits to be checked per day. 128,940 checks for an entire 30-day month.

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