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Created July 22, 2012 08:19
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Kongregate API & Unity3D
// Kongregate API integration in Unity3D (UnityScript version)
// 1. Create a "KongAPI" game object in your very first scene.
// 2. Create a new script "KongAPI.js".
// 3. Fill it with the following code :
#pragma strict
static var isConnected:boolean = false;
static var userId:int = 0;
static var username:String = "Guest";
static var gameAuthToken:String = "";
function OnKongregateAPILoaded(userInfoString:String)
isConnected = true;
Debug.Log("Connected to Kongregate.");
var params:String[] = userInfoString.Split("|"[0]);
userId = parseInt(params[0]);
username = params[1];
gameAuthToken = params[2];
function Awake()
if (isConnected)
"if(typeof(kongregateUnitySupport) != 'undefined'){" +
"kongregateUnitySupport.initAPI('KongAPI', 'OnKongregateAPILoaded');" +
static function send(stat:String, value:int)
Debug.Log("Submit to Kongregate : " + stat + " - " + value.ToString());
if (isConnected)
Application.ExternalCall("kongregate.stats.submit", stat, value);
// 4. Add the "KongAPI.js" script to your "KongAPI" game object.
// 5. Send stats to Kongregate using :
KongAPI.send("StatNameInKongAdministration", statValueAsInteger);
// And that's all you need. The "KongAPI" class is static, so you can call "KongAPI.send()" from anywhere and
// from any scene as long as it's been initialized.
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