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Created March 1, 2013 20:51
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Notepad++ style lexer theme for Scintillua
-- Notepad++ lexer theme for Scintillua.
-- Based on scite lexer theme by Mitchell
local l, color, style = lexer, lexer.color,
l.colors = {
black = color('00', '00', '00'),
green = color('00', '80', '00'),
maroon = color("95", "00", "4A"),
brown = color("80", "40", "00"),
blue = color("00", "00", "FF"),
yellow = color("FF", "80", "00"),
grey = color("80", "80", "80"),
darkblue = color("00", "00", "80"),
lightblue = color("00", "80", "C0"),
purple = color("80", "00", "FF"),
darkerblue = color("00", "00", "A0"),
red = color('7F', '00', '00'),
teal = color('00', '7F', '7F'),
white = color('FF', 'FF', '00'),
--setmetatable(l.colors, {__index=print})
l.style_nothing = style{ }
l.style_class = style{fore =, bold = true}
l.style_comment = style{fore = }
l.style_constant = style{fore = l.colors.teal, bold = true } -- Change to lightblue?
l.style_definition = style{fore =, bold = true}
l.style_error = style{fore = }
l.style_function = style{fore = l.colors.lightblue, bold = true}
l.style_keyword = style{fore =, bold = true }
l.style_number = style{fore = l.colors.teal }
l.style_operator = style{fore = l.colors.darkblue, bold = true}
l.style_string = style{fore = l.colors.grey }
l.style_preproc = style{fore = l.colors.brown }
l.style_tag = style{fore = }
l.style_type = style{fore = l.colors.purple }
l.style_variable = style{fore = }
l.style_embedded = style{fore = }
l.style_label = style{fore = l.colors.teal, bold = true }
l.style_regex = style{fore = l.colors.purple }
l.style_longstring = style{fore = l.colors.maroon }
l.style_identifier = l.style_nothing
-- Default styles.
local font_face = '!Monospace'
local font_size = 11
if WIN32 then
font_face = not GTK and 'Courier New' or '!Courier New'
elseif OSX then
font_face = '!Monaco'
font_size = 12
l.style_default = style{
font = font_face,
size = font_size,
fore =,
back = l.colors.white,
l.style_line_number = style{back = color('C0', 'C0', 'C0')}
l.style_bracelight = style{fore = color('00', '00', 'FF'), bold = true}
l.style_bracebad = style{fore = color('FF', '00', '00'), bold = true}
l.style_controlchar = style_nothing
l.style_indentguide = style{
fore = color('C0', 'C0', 'C0'), back = l.colors.white
l.style_calltip = style{fore = l.colors.white, back = color('44', '44', '44')}
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