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Last active December 19, 2015 01:48
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A WoW script snippet that shows how to calculate the average item level of a unit. Call RequestAverageItemLevel with a unitID to request inspect data for the unit and calculate the unit's average item level once that data is available. The results are printed to chat. This hasn't been tested, so please notify me if it doesn't work.
local SPECID_FURY = 72 -- Fury's specialisation ID, as returned by GetInspectSpecialization
-- Calculate and return a unit's average item level using the formula described on this page:
-- Should only be called after INSPECT_READY fired for the unit
local function CalculateAverageItemLevel(unit)
local totalIlvl = 0
local mainHandEquipLoc, offHandEquipLoc
if slot ~= INVSLOT_BODY and slot ~= INVSLOT_TABARD then -- If this isn't the shirt/tabard slot,
local id = GetInventoryItemID(unit, slot) -- Get the ID of the item in this slot
if id then -- If we have an item in this slot,
local _, _, _, itemLevel, _, _, _, _, itemEquipLoc = GetItemInfo(id) -- Get the item's ilvl and equip location
totalIlvl = totalIlvl + itemLevel -- Add it to the total
if slot == INVSLOT_MAINHAND then -- If this is the main or off hand, store the equip location for later use
mainHandEquipLoc = itemEquipLoc
elseif slot == INVSLOT_OFFHAND then
offHandEquipLoc = itemEquipLoc
local numSlots
if mainHandEquipLoc and offHandEquipLoc then -- The unit has something in both hands, set numSlots to 17
numSlots = 17
else -- The unit either has something in one hand or nothing in both hands
local equippedItemLoc = mainHandEquipLoc or offHandEquipLoc
local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
local isFury = class == "WARRIOR" and GetInspectSpecialization() == SPECID_FURY
-- If the user is holding a one-hand weapon, a main-hand weapon or a two-hand weapon as Fury, set numSlots to 17; otherwise set it to 16
numSlots = (
equippedItemLoc == "INVTYPE_WEAPON" or
equippedItemLoc == "INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND" or
(equippedItemLoc == "INVTYPE_2HWWEAPON" and isFury)
) and 17 or 16
return totalIlvl / numSlots -- Return the average
-- Print out the arguments according to the first format string argument
local function printf(formatStr, ...)
local f = CreateFrame("Frame") -- Create a frame to receive events
f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) -- When an event fires, call the method of the same name
self[event](self, ...)
f:RegisterEvent("INSPECT_READY") -- Fires when the inspect data we requested is ready
function f:INSPECT_READY(guid)
local inspectUnit = self.inspectUnit
if inspectUnit and UnitGUID(inspectUnit) == guid then -- If this is the unit we requested information for,
self.inspectUnit = nil
local avIlvl = CalculateAverageItemLevel(inspectUnit) -- Calculate the unit's average item level
printf("%s has an average item level of %.2f!", UnitName(inspectUnit), avIlvl) -- Print this out to chat
ClearInspectPlayer() -- Tell the game that we're done with this unit's data.
-- Request the average item level of a unit to be calculated
local function RequestAverageItemLevel(unit)
f.inspectUnit = unit
printf("Requesting item level of %s (unitID %s)...", UnitName(unit), unit)
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