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Created May 20, 2010 12:51
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; This is ~/.clojure/repl-init.clj
; I start a clojure repl something like:
; rlwrap --remember --complete-filenames \
; --history-filename ~/.clojure/history \
; --break-chars "\"\\'(){}[],^%$#@;:|" \
; java -server -Xbootclasspath/a:clojure.jar \
; -cp clojure.jar:clojure clojure.main \
; -i ~/.clojure/repl-init.clj -e "(my-repl)"
(set! *print-length* 103)
(set! *print-level* 15)
(use 'clojure.contrib.repl-utils)
(use '[clojure.contrib.pprint :only []])
(defn my-repl []
:prompt #(printf
"\033[32m-----\033[m\n%s=> "
(ns-name *ns*))
:print (try
(fn [x]
(print "\033[34m")
((resolve 'clojure.contrib.pprint/pprint) x)
(print "\033[m")
(catch Exception e
(prn e)))))
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