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Last active September 23, 2017 17:01
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  • Save ChrSteinert/62ffabe5c9a39a9be15e5613a1b3e099 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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let a0 = 3
let b0 = 5
let c0 = a0 * b0
let d0 = 3L
let e0 = 5L
let f0 = d0 * e0
if a0 |> int64 <> d0 then failwith "Int64 constants are not emitted properly"
if b0 |> int64 <> e0 then failwith "Int64 constants are not emitted properly"
if c0 |> int64 <> f0 then failwith "Int64 constants are not emitted properly"
let a1 = 1997
let b1 = 5711
let c1 = a1 * b1
let d1 = 1997L
let e1 = 5711L
let f1 = d1 * e1
if a1 |> int64 <> d1 then failwith "Int64 constants are not emitted properly"
if b1 |> int64 <> e1 then failwith "Int64 constants are not emitted properly"
if c1 |> int64 <> f1 then failwith "Int64 constants are not emitted properly"
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