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Created November 20, 2015 16:45
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AdaBoostRegressor for TPOT
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2015 Randal S. Olson
This file is part of the TPOT library.
The TPOT library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
The TPOT library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
the Twitter Bot library. If not, see
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import operator
import random
import hashlib
from itertools import combinations
from collections import Counter
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn import linear_model, svm, tree, ensemble
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedShuffleSplit
from deap import algorithms
from deap import base
from deap import creator
from deap import tools
from deap import gp
class TPOT(object):
"""TPOT automatically creates and optimizes Machine Learning pipelines using genetic programming.
population_size: int (default: 100)
The number of pipelines in the genetic algorithm population.
Must be > 0. The more pipelines in the population,
the slower TPOT will run, but it's also more likely to
find better pipelines.
generations: int (default: 100)
The number of generations to run pipeline optimization for. Must be > 0.
The more generations you give TPOT to run, the longer it takes,
but it's also more likely to find better pipelines.
mutation_rate: float (default: 0.9)
The mutation rate for the genetic programming algorithm
in the range [0.0, 1.0]. This tells the genetic programming algorithm
how many pipelines to apply random changes to every generation.
We don't recommend that you tweak this parameter unless you
know what you're doing.
crossover_rate: float (default: 0.05)
The crossover rate for the genetic programming algorithm
in the range [0.0, 1.0]. This tells the genetic programming
algorithm how many pipelines to "breed" every generation.
We don't recommend that you tweak this parameter
unless you know what you're doing.
random_state: int (default: 0)
The random number generator seed for TPOT.
Use this to make sure that TPOT will give you the same results
each time you run it against the same data set with that seed.
No random seed if random_state=None.
verbosity: int {0, 1, 2} (default: 0)
How much information TPOT communicates while
it's running. 0 = none, 1 = minimal, 2 = all
best_features_cache_: dict
Best features, available after calling `fit`
optimized_pipeline_: object
The optimized pipeline, available after calling `fit`
optimized_pipeline_ = None
best_features_cache_ = {}
def __init__(self, population_size=100, generations=100,
mutation_rate=0.9, crossover_rate=0.05,
random_state=0, verbosity=0, regressor=False):
"""Sets up the genetic programming algorithm for pipeline optimization."""
self.population_size = population_size
self.generations = generations
self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate
self.crossover_rate = crossover_rate
self.verbosity = verbosity
if random_state > 0:
self.pset = gp.PrimitiveSetTyped('MAIN', [pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame)
self.pset.addPrimitive(self.decision_tree, [pd.DataFrame, int, int], pd.DataFrame)
self.pset.addPrimitive(self.adaboost_regressor, [pd.DataFrame, int, int, int], pd.DataFrame)
self.pset.addPrimitive(self.random_forest, [pd.DataFrame, int, int], pd.DataFrame)
self.pset.addPrimitive(self._combine_dfs, [pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame)
self.pset.addPrimitive(self._subset_df, [pd.DataFrame, int, int], pd.DataFrame)
self.pset.addPrimitive(self._dt_feature_selection, [pd.DataFrame, int], pd.DataFrame)
self.pset.addPrimitive(operator.add, [int, int], int)
self.pset.addPrimitive(operator.sub, [int, int], int)
self.pset.addPrimitive(operator.mul, [int, int], int)
for val in range(0, 101):
self.pset.addTerminal(val, int)
creator.create('FitnessMax', base.Fitness, weights=(1.0,))
creator.create('Individual', gp.PrimitiveTree, fitness=creator.FitnessMax)
self.toolbox = base.Toolbox()
self.toolbox.register('expr', gp.genHalfAndHalf, pset=self.pset, min_=1, max_=2)
self.toolbox.register('individual', tools.initIterate, creator.Individual, self.toolbox.expr)
self.toolbox.register('population', tools.initRepeat, list, self.toolbox.individual)
self.toolbox.register('compile', gp.compile, pset=self.pset)
self.toolbox.register('select', self._combined_selection_operator)
self.toolbox.register('mate', gp.cxOnePoint)
self.toolbox.register('expr_mut', gp.genFull, min_=0, max_=2)
self.toolbox.register('mutate', self._random_mutation_operator)
def fit(self, features, classes, feature_names=None):
"""Uses genetic programming to optimize a Machine Learning pipeline that
maximizes classification accuracy on the provided `features` and `classes`.
Optionally, name the features in the data frame according to `feature_names`.
Performs a stratified training/testing cross-validaton split to avoid
overfitting on the provided data.
features: array-like {n_samples, n_features}
Feature matrix
classes: array-like {n_classnames}
List of class name strings
feature_names: array-like {n_featurenames} (default: None)
List of feature name strings
self.best_features_cache_ = {}
training_testing_data = pd.DataFrame(data=features, columns=feature_names)
training_testing_data['class'] = classes
for column in training_testing_data.columns.values:
if type(column) != str:
training_testing_data.rename(columns={column: str(column).zfill(5)}, inplace=True)
# Randomize the order of the columns so there is no potential bias introduced by the initial order
# of the columns, e.g., the most predictive features at the beginning or end.
data_columns = list(training_testing_data.columns.values)
training_testing_data = training_testing_data[data_columns]
training_indeces, testing_indeces = next(iter(StratifiedShuffleSplit(training_testing_data['class'].values,
training_testing_data.loc[training_indeces, 'group'] = 'training'
training_testing_data.loc[testing_indeces, 'group'] = 'testing'
# Default the basic guess to the most frequent class
most_frequent_class = Counter(training_testing_data.loc[training_indeces, 'class'].values).most_common(1)[0][0]
training_testing_data['guess'] = most_frequent_class
self.toolbox.register('evaluate', self._evaluate_individual, training_testing_data=training_testing_data)
pop = self.toolbox.population(n=self.population_size)
self.hof = tools.HallOfFame(maxsize=1)
stats = tools.Statistics(lambda ind:
stats.register('Minimum accuracy', np.min)
stats.register('Average accuracy', np.mean)
stats.register('Maximum accuracy', np.max)
verbose = (self.verbosity == 2)
pop, log = algorithms.eaSimple(population=pop, toolbox=self.toolbox, cxpb=self.crossover_rate,
mutpb=self.mutation_rate, ngen=self.generations,
stats=stats, halloffame=self.hof, verbose=verbose)
self.optimized_pipeline_ = self.hof[0]
if self.verbosity == 2:
if self.verbosity >= 1:
print('Best pipeline:', self.hof[0])
# Store the best pipeline if the optimization process is ended prematurely
except KeyboardInterrupt:
self.optimized_pipeline_ = self.hof[0]
def predict(self, training_features, training_classes, testing_features):
"""Uses the optimized pipeline to predict the classes for a feature set.
training_features: array-like {n_samples, n_features}
Feature matrix of the training set
training_classes: array-like {n_classnames}
List of class name strings in the training set
testing_features: array-like {n_samples, n_features}
Feature matrix of the test set
array-like: {n_samples, n_features}
Feature matrix of the `guess` values
if self.optimized_pipeline_ is None:
raise Exception('A pipeline has not yet been optimized. Please call fit() first.')
self.best_features_cache_ = {}
training_data = pd.DataFrame(training_features)
training_data['class'] = training_classes
training_data['group'] = 'training'
testing_data = pd.DataFrame(testing_features)
testing_data['class'] = 0
testing_data['group'] = 'testing'
training_testing_data = pd.concat([training_data, testing_data])
most_frequent_class = Counter(training_classes).most_common(1)[0][0]
training_testing_data['guess'] = most_frequent_class
for column in training_testing_data.columns.values:
if type(column) != str:
training_testing_data.rename(columns={column: str(column).zfill(5)}, inplace=True)
# Transform the tree expression in a callable function
func = self.toolbox.compile(expr=self.optimized_pipeline_)
result = func(training_testing_data)
return result[result['group'] == 'testing', 'guess'].values
def score(self, training_features, training_classes, testing_features, testing_classes):
"""Estimates the testing accuracy of the optimized pipeline.
training_features: array-like {n_samples, n_features}
Feature matrix of the training set
training_classes: array-like {n_classnames}
List of class name strings in the training set
test_features: array-like {n_samples, n_features}
Feature matrix of the test set
testing_classes: array-like {n_classnames}
List of class name strings in the test set
accuracy_score: float
The estimated test set accuracy
if self.optimized_pipeline_ is None:
raise Exception('A pipeline has not yet been optimized. Please call fit() first.')
self.best_features_cache_ = {}
training_data = pd.DataFrame(training_features)
training_data['class'] = training_classes
training_data['group'] = 'training'
testing_data = pd.DataFrame(testing_features)
testing_data['class'] = testing_classes
testing_data['group'] = 'testing'
training_testing_data = pd.concat([training_data, testing_data])
most_frequent_class = Counter(training_classes).most_common(1)[0][0]
training_testing_data['guess'] = most_frequent_class
for column in training_testing_data.columns.values:
if type(column) != str:
training_testing_data.rename(columns={column: str(column).zfill(5)}, inplace=True)
return self._evaluate_individual(self.optimized_pipeline_, training_testing_data)[0]
def decision_tree(input_df, max_features, max_depth):
"""Fits a decision tree classifier
input_df: pandas.DataFrame {n_samples, n_features+['class', 'group', 'guess']}
Input DataFrame for fitting the decision tree
max_features: int
Number of features used to fit the decision tree
max_depth: int
Maximum depth of the decision tree
input_df: {n_samples, n_features+['guess']}
Returns a modified input DataFrame with the guess column changed.
if max_features < 1:
max_features = 'auto'
elif max_features == 1:
max_features = None
elif max_features > len(input_df.columns) - 3:
max_features = len(input_df.columns) - 3
if max_depth < 1:
max_depth = None
input_df = input_df.copy()
if len(input_df.columns) == 3:
return input_df
training_features = input_df.loc[input_df['group'] == 'training'].drop(['class', 'group', 'guess'], axis=1).values
training_classes = input_df.loc[input_df['group'] == 'training', 'class'].values
dtc = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_features=max_features,
random_state=42), training_classes)
all_features = input_df.drop(['class', 'group', 'guess'], axis=1).values
input_df['guess'] = dtc.predict(all_features)
# Also store the guesses as a synthetic feature
sf_hash = '-'.join(sorted(input_df.columns.values))
sf_hash += 'DT-{}-{}'.format(max_features, max_depth)
sf_identifier = 'SyntheticFeature-{}'.format(hashlib.sha224(sf_hash.encode('UTF-8')).hexdigest())
input_df[sf_identifier] = input_df['guess'].values
return input_df
def random_forest(input_df, num_trees, max_features):
"""Fits a random forest classifier
input_df: pandas.DataFrame {n_samples, n_features+['class', 'group', 'guess']}
Input DataFrame for fitting the decision tree
num_trees: int
Number of trees in the random forest
max_features: int
Number of features used to fit the decision tree
input_df: {n_samples, n_features+['guess']}
Returns a modified input DataFrame with the guess column changed.
if num_trees < 1:
num_trees = 1
elif num_trees > 500:
num_trees = 500
if max_features < 1:
max_features = 'auto'
elif max_features == 1:
max_features = None
elif max_features > len(input_df.columns) - 3:
max_features = len(input_df.columns) - 3
input_df = input_df.copy()
if len(input_df.columns) == 3:
return input_df
training_features = input_df.loc[input_df['group'] == 'training'].drop(['class', 'group', 'guess'], axis=1).values
training_classes = input_df.loc[input_df['group'] == 'training', 'class'].values
rfc = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=num_trees,
n_jobs=-1), training_classes)
all_features = input_df.drop(['class', 'group', 'guess'], axis=1).values
input_df['guess'] = rfc.predict(all_features)
# Also store the guesses as a synthetic feature
sf_hash = '-'.join(sorted(input_df.columns.values))
sf_hash += 'RF-{}-{}'.format(num_trees, max_features)
sf_identifier = 'SyntheticFeature-{}'.format(hashlib.sha224(sf_hash.encode('UTF-8')).hexdigest())
input_df[sf_identifier] = input_df['guess'].values
return input_df
def adaboost_regressor(input_df, n_estimators, learning_rate, loss):
loss_choices = ['linear', 'square', 'exponential']
if loss < 0:
loss = 0
if loss >= len(loss_choices):
loss = len(loss_choices)-1
if n_estimators < 1:
n_estimators = 1
elif n_estimators > 500:
n_estimators = 500
if learning_rate < 0.01:
learning_rate = 0.01
if learning_rate > 1.0:
learning_rate = 1.0
input_df = input_df.copy()
if len(input_df.columns) == 3:
return input_df
training_features = input_df.loc[input_df['group'] == 'training'].drop(['class', 'group', 'guess'], axis=1).values
training_classes = input_df.loc[input_df['group'] == 'training', 'class'].values
rfc = ensemble.AdaBoostRegressor(n_estimators=n_estimators,
), training_classes)
all_features = input_df.drop(['class', 'group', 'guess'], axis=1).values
input_df['guess'] = rfc.predict(all_features)
# Also store the guesses as a synthetic feature
sf_hash = '-'.join(sorted(input_df.columns.values))
sf_hash += 'RF-{}'.format('-'.join(map(str, [n_estimators, learning_rate, loss])))
sf_identifier = 'SyntheticFeature-{}'.format(hashlib.sha224(sf_hash.encode('UTF-8')).hexdigest())
input_df[sf_identifier] = input_df['guess'].values
return input_df
def _combine_dfs(input_df1, input_df2):
"""Function to combine two DataFrames"""
return input_df1.join(input_df2[[column for column in input_df2.columns.values if column not in input_df1.columns.values]]).copy()
def _subset_df(input_df, start, stop):
"""Subset the provided DataFrame down to the columns between the `start` and `stop` column indeces."""
if stop <= start:
stop = start + 1
subset_df1 = input_df[sorted(input_df.columns.values)[start:stop]]
subset_df2 = input_df[[column for column in ['guess', 'class', 'group'] if column not in subset_df1.columns.values]]
return subset_df1.join(subset_df2).copy()
def _dt_feature_selection(self, input_df, num_pairs):
"""Uses decision trees to discover the best pair(s) of features to keep."""
num_pairs = min(max(1, num_pairs), 50)
# If this set of features has already been analyzed, use the cache.
# Since the smart subset can be costly, this will save a lot of computation time.
input_df_columns_hash = hashlib.sha224('-'.join(sorted(input_df.columns.values)).encode('UTF-8')).hexdigest()
if input_df_columns_hash in self.best_features_cache_:
best_pairs = []
for pair in self.best_features_cache_[input_df_columns_hash][:num_pairs]:
best_pairs += list(pair)
return input_df[sorted(list(set(best_pairs + ['guess', 'class', 'group'])))].copy()
training_features = input_df.loc[input_df['group'] == 'training'].drop(['class', 'group', 'guess'], axis=1)
training_class_vals = input_df.loc[input_df['group'] == 'training', 'class'].values
pair_scores = {}
for features in combinations(training_features.columns.values, 2):
dtc = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=42)
training_feature_vals = training_features[list(features)].values, training_class_vals)
pair_scores[features] = (dtc.score(training_feature_vals, training_class_vals), list(features))
if len(pair_scores) == 0:
return input_df[['guess', 'class', 'group']].copy()
# Keep the best features cache within a reasonable size
if len(self.best_features_cache_) > 1000:
del self.best_features_cache_[list(self.best_features_cache_.keys())[0]]
# Keep `num_pairs` best pairs of features
best_pairs = []
for pair in sorted(pair_scores, key=pair_scores.get, reverse=True)[:num_pairs]:
best_pairs = sorted(list(set(best_pairs)))
# Store the best 50 pairs of features in the cache
self.best_features_cache_[input_df_columns_hash] = [list(pair) for pair in sorted(pair_scores, key=pair_scores.get, reverse=True)[:50]]
return input_df[sorted(list(set(best_pairs + ['guess', 'class', 'group'])))].copy()
def _evaluate_individual(self, individual, training_testing_data):
"""Determines the `individual`'s classification balanced accuracy on the provided data."""
# Transform the tree expression in a callable function
func = self.toolbox.compile(expr=individual)
except MemoryError:
# Throw out GP expressions that are too large to be compiled in Python
return 0.,
result = func(training_testing_data)
result = result[result['group'] == 'testing']
all_classes = list(set(result['class'].values))
all_class_accuracies = []
for this_class in all_classes:
this_class_accuracy = len(result[(result['guess'] == this_class) \
& (result['class'] == this_class)])\
/ float(len(result[result['class'] == this_class]))
balanced_accuracy = np.mean(all_class_accuracies)
return balanced_accuracy,
def _combined_selection_operator(self, individuals, k):
"""Regular selection + elitism."""
best_inds = int(0.1 * k)
rest_inds = k - best_inds
return (tools.selBest(individuals, 1) * best_inds +
tools.selDoubleTournament(individuals, k=rest_inds, fitness_size=3,
parsimony_size=2, fitness_first=True))
def _random_mutation_operator(self, individual):
"""Randomly picks a replacement, insert, or shrink mutation."""
roll = random.random()
if roll <= 0.333333:
return gp.mutUniform(individual, expr=self.toolbox.expr_mut, pset=self.pset)
elif roll <= 0.666666:
return gp.mutInsert(individual, pset=self.pset)
return gp.mutShrink(individual)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A Python tool that'
' automatically creates and optimizes Machine Learning pipelines'
' using genetic programming.')
def positive_integer(value):
value = int(value)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('invalid int value: \'{}\''.format(value))
if value < 0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('invalid positive int value: \'{}\''.format(value))
return value
def float_range(value):
value = float(value)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('invalid float value: \'{}\''.format(value))
if value < 0.0 or value > 1.0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('invalid float value: \'{}\''.format(value))
return value
parser.add_argument('-i', action='store', dest='input_file', required=True,
type=str, help='Data file to optimize the pipeline on. Ensure that the class column is labeled as "class".')
parser.add_argument('-is', action='store', dest='input_separator', default='\t',
type=str, help='Character used to separate columns in the input file.')
parser.add_argument('-g', action='store', dest='generations', default=100,
type=positive_integer, help='Number of generations to run pipeline optimization for.')
parser.add_argument('-mr', action='store', dest='mutation_rate', default=0.9,
type=float_range, help='Mutation rate in the range [0.0, 1.0]')
parser.add_argument('-xr', action='store', dest='crossover_rate', default=0.05,
type=float_range, help='Crossover rate in the range [0.0, 1.0]')
parser.add_argument('-p', action='store', dest='population_size', default=100,
type=positive_integer, help='Number of individuals in the GP population.')
parser.add_argument('-s', action='store', dest='random_state', default=0,
type=int, help='Random number generator seed for reproducibility.')
parser.add_argument('-v', action='store', dest='verbosity', default=1, choices=[0, 1, 2],
type=int, help='How much information TPOT communicates while it is running. 0 = none, 1 = minimal, 2 = all')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbosity >= 2:
print('\nTPOT settings:')
for arg in sorted(args.__dict__):
print('{}\t=\t{}\n'.format(arg, args.__dict__[arg]))
input_data = pd.read_csv(args.input_file, sep=args.input_separator)
if 'Class' in input_data.columns.values:
input_data.rename(columns={'Class': 'class'}, inplace=True)
if args.random_state > 0:
random_state = args.random_state
random_state = None
training_indeces, testing_indeces = next(iter(StratifiedShuffleSplit(input_data['class'].values,
training_features = input_data.loc[training_indeces].drop('class', axis=1).values
training_classes = input_data.loc[training_indeces, 'class'].values
testing_features = input_data.loc[testing_indeces].drop('class', axis=1).values
testing_classes = input_data.loc[testing_indeces, 'class'].values
tpot = TPOT(generations=args.generations, population_size=args.population_size,
mutation_rate=args.mutation_rate, crossover_rate=args.crossover_rate,
random_state=args.random_state, verbosity=args.verbosity), training_classes)
if args.verbosity >= 1:
print('\nTraining accuracy: {}'.format(tpot.score(training_features, training_classes,
training_features, training_classes)))
print('Testing accuracy: {}'.format(tpot.score(training_features, training_classes,
testing_features, testing_classes)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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