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Created April 15, 2014 21:50
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spectral_cube brainstorm
from spectral_cube import read
mycube = read("ant_COline_5kms_evenbeam.fits")
my_cube.get_data(views, fill='min') # nan replacement fill='min'/'max'
my_cube.flatten(views) # flat, reject nans
my_cube.spectral_slab(30 * / u.s, 50 * / u.s)
my_cube[:5, :10, :10] # Not implemented, but add. Returns Cube
# [:5, :10, :10] -> (slice(None, 5), slice(None, 10), slice(None, 10))
my_cube.subcube(center=[deg, deg, spectral_coord], size=[deg, deg, spectral_width]) #boundary handling
my_cube.subcube_corners(xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi, vlo, vhi) #boundary handling
noise = Noise(my_cube)
mad = noise.calculate_mad()
signal = my_cube > (3 * mad) # returns a functional mask, supports broadcasting
def island_masks(mask):
lbl = ndimage.label(mask.included())
return lbl.find_objects()
masks = signal.island_masks() # long list of masks
my_cube.save_islands(signal, prefix='signal_', format='.fits', padding=4) # signal_0.fits, signal_1.fits... with WCS
# Plot the mask over the cube
def contour_on_peak(cube, noise, signal, axis):
squashed = cube.max(axis=axis) # numpy array, ignore non-valid pixels
signal = signal.max(axis=axis) # to be implemented
plt.imshow(squashed, vmin=0, vmax=noise.mad() * 3)
plt.contour(signal > 0.5)
def pare_on_volume(signal):
ndimage.morphology stuff on a boolean mask
signal.included() # bools
#pass to scipy
# build new mask from a boolean array
return SpectralCubeMask(mask_of_bools)
def cprops(noise, **kwargs):
std = noise.snr_cube()
return SpectralCubeMask()
# Plot the mask again
# Link the mask back in to the cube
with cube.use_mask(~signal, stack=False):
cube_with_signal = cube.add_mask(signal)
cube.reset_mask() # punt for now
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