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Created February 17, 2016 01:35
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wheel of infinite fortune
import os
import pickle
from collections import defaultdict
from random import choice
import requests
from soupy import Soupy, Q
ROM = open('wheel.nes', 'rb').read()
CLUESET_PATH = 'clues.pickle'
CLUE_START, CLUE_STOP = 0x109d0, 0x14618
TITLE = 'Title'
PHRASE = 'TV Quote'
PERSON = 'Person'
THING = 'Thing'
PLACE = 'Place'
EVENT = 'Event'
LANDMARK = 'Landmark'
u'Star & Role': PERSON,
u'Proper Name': PERSON,
u'On the Map': LANDMARK,
u'Title': TITLE,
u'Things': THING,
u'TV Quote': PHRASE,
u'Character': PERSON,
u'Song Lyrics': TITLE,
u'Food & Drink': THING,
u'\xa0Phrase': PHRASE,
u'Proper Names': PERSON,
u'Husband & Wife': PERSON,
u'Movie Title': TITLE,
u'Fun & Games': THING,
u'Living Things': THING,
u'Events': EVENT,
u'Same Letter': THING,
u'Same Name': THING,
u'Movie Quote': PHRASE,
u'Fictional Place': PLACE,
u'Person': PERSON,
u'Next Line Please': PHRASE,
u'Rhyme Time': PHRASE,
u'Clue': PHRASE,
u'Who Is It?': PERSON,
u'\xa0Thing': THING,
u'Fictional Character': PERSON,
u'Headline': TITLE,
u'College Life': THING,
u'On the Menu': THING,
u'Living Thing': THING,
u'Slogan': PHRASE,
u'Places': PLACE,
u'Title/Author': TITLE,
u'Thing': THING,
u'Before & After': PHRASE,
u'Place': PLACE,
u'Around the House': THING,
u'Phrase': PHRASE,
u'Landmark': LANDMARK,
u'Best Seller': TITLE,
u'Fictional Characters': PERSON,
u'In the Kitchen': THING,
u'Song Title': TITLE,
u'People': PERSON,
u'Song/Artist': TITLE,
u'Fictional Family': PERSON,
u'Classic TV': TITLE,
u'Slang': PHRASE,
u'Show Biz': THING,
u'Quotation': PHRASE,
u'TV Title': TITLE,
u'Event': EVENT,
u'Occupation': PERSON
def parse_clues(data):
Traverse a block of encoded puzzles, yielding each decoded puzzle
word = []
for pos, char in enumerate(data):
# check for signal character
if char & 0x80:
# the correct ascii value
char = char & ~0x80
# determine if this is a newline or a clue boundary
if data[pos - 1] & 0x80: # end of clue
yield bytes(word).decode('ascii')
word = []
elif not data[pos + 1] & 0x80: # newline
def wordwrap(clue):
clue = clue.replace('\n', ' ')
words = clue.split()
lines = [[]]
for word in words:
if len(word) > MAX_LINE_LEN:
raise ValueError("Word Too Long: %s" % word)
if len(word) + sum(map(len, lines[-1])) + len(lines[-1]) > MAX_LINE_LEN:
if len(lines) > MAX_LINES:
raise ValueError("Too many lines: %s" % lines)
return '\n'.join(' '.join(word for word in line) for line in lines)
def encode(clue):
result = []
for c in clue:
if c == '\n':
result[-1] |= 0x80
result[-1] |= 0x80
result[-2] |= 0x80
return bytes(result)
def bday(n):
"""The number of samples in a collection of N where P(collision)>0.5"""
prob = 1.0
for i in range(n + 1):
prob *= 1.0 * (n - i) / n
if prob < 0.5:
return i + 1
def scrape():
url = ""
for i in range(1, 31):
dom = Soupy(requests.get(url % i).text, 'html5')
data = (
.find('td', 'sites-tile-name-content-1')
yield from ((puzzle, category) for puzzle, category, _, _ in data)
def rollup(pairs):
result = defaultdict(set)
for key, val in pairs:
return {key: list(val) for key, val in result.items()}
def clean_new_clues(new_data):
for clue, cat in new_data:
if cat in CLEAN_CATS:
encoded = encode(str(wordwrap(clue)))
yield (CLEAN_CATS[cat], len(encoded)), encoded
except ValueError:
def build_clueset():
if os.path.exists(CLUESET_PATH):
return pickle.load(open(CLUESET_PATH, 'rb'))
clues = list(parse_clues(ROM[CLUE_START:CLUE_STOP]))
encoded = list(map(encode, clues))
assert b''.join(encoded) == ROM[CLUE_START: CLUE_STOP]
old_cats = [
(PLACE, (1, 167)),
(PERSON, (167, 358)),
(THING, (358, 516)),
(LANDMARK, (516, 537)),
(PHRASE, (537, 752)),
(TITLE, (752, 899)),
(EVENT, (899, 1002)),
old_clues = [
((cat, len(clue)), clue)
for cat, (start, stop) in old_cats
for clue in encoded[start:stop]
new_clues_dirty = scrape()
new_clues = list(clean_new_clues(new_clues_dirty))
all_clues = rollup(
(key, clue)
for clueset in [old_clues, new_clues]
for key, clue in clueset
result = {
'old_clues': old_clues,
'all_clues': all_clues,
with open(CLUESET_PATH, 'wb') as outfile:
pickle.dump(result, outfile)
return result
def resample_clues():
clueset = build_clueset()
old_clues = clueset['old_clues']
all_clues = clueset['all_clues']
result = [encode('WHEEL\nOF\nFORTUNE')]
for key, clue in old_clues:
return b''.join(result)
def resample_random():
clueset = build_clueset()
old_clues = clueset['old_clues']
result = [encode('WHEEL\nOF\nFORTUNE')]
trans = list(range(256))
trans[ord('A'):ord('Z')] = [choice(chars) for _ in range(26)]
for _, clue in old_clues:
[clue] = parse_clues(clue)
new_clue = encode(clue.translate(trans))
return b''.join(result)
def single_char_replace(char):
clueset = build_clueset()
old_clues = clueset['old_clues']
result = [encode('WHEEL\nOF\nFORTUNE')]
trans = list(range(256))
trans[ord('A'):ord('Z')] = [ord(char)] * 26
for _, clue in old_clues:
[clue] = parse_clues(clue)
new_clue = encode(clue.translate(trans))
return b''.join(result)
def strip_newlines():
clueset = build_clueset()
old_clues = clueset['old_clues']
result = [encode('WHEEL\nOF\nFORTUNE')]
for _, clue in old_clues:
[clue] = parse_clues(clue)
result.append(encode(clue.replace('\n', ' ')))
return b''.join(result)
def new_rom(rom, out_path, resampler):
data = list(rom)
data[CLUE_START:CLUE_STOP] = list(resampler())
with open(out_path, 'wb') as outfile:
if __name__ == "__main__":
new_rom(ROM, 'random.nes', resample_random)
new_rom(ROM, 'wheel2.nes', resample_clues)
new_rom(ROM, 'wheelx.nes', lambda: single_char_replace('X'))
new_rom(ROM, 'wheelquote.nes', lambda: single_char_replace("'"))
new_rom(ROM, 'allspace.nes', lambda: single_char_replace(" "))
new_rom(ROM, 'no_newlines.nes', strip_newlines)
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bunder2015 commented Jun 20, 2021

Hi, I tried testing this and seem to have run across a bug where it doesn't translate ampersands (or maybe plusses) correctly. I would love to fix it, but sadly my python isn't all that great.
edit: this might work on line 126

        if c == '&':
            result.append(ord(' '))


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