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Created May 20, 2022 09:12
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Test file saving on Shiny server
# Shiny app with 3 fields that the user can submit data for
ui <- fluidPage(
DT::dataTableOutput("responses", width = 300), tags$hr(),
textInput("name", "Name", ""),
checkboxInput("used_shiny", "I've built a Shiny app in R before", FALSE),
sliderInput("r_num_years", "Number of years using R",
0, 25, 2, ticks = FALSE),
actionButton("submit", "Submit")
server <- function(input, output) {
# Whenever a field is filled, aggregate all form data
formData <- reactive({
data <- sapply(fields, function(x) input[[x]])
# When the Submit button is clicked, save the form data
observeEvent(input$submit, {
# Show the previous responses
# (update with current response when Submit is clicked)
output$responses <- DT::renderDataTable({
outputDir <- "responses"
saveData <- function(data) {
data <- t(data)
# Create a unique file name
fileName <- sprintf("%s_%s.csv", as.integer(Sys.time()), digest::digest(data))
# Write the file to the local system
x = data,
file = file.path(outputDir, fileName),
row.names = FALSE, quote = TRUE
loadData <- function() {
# Read all the files into a list
files <- list.files(outputDir, full.names = TRUE)
data <- lapply(files, read.csv, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Concatenate all data together into one data.frame
data <-, data)
# Define the fields we want to save from the form
fields <- c("name", "used_shiny", "r_num_years")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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