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Last active November 30, 2017 07:08
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Converting TFS to Git (maintaining TFS labels in Git)
Migrating TFS to Git is relatively straightforward with tools such as git-tfs, but how to do it and maintian your labels in a useful way? This is the problem I had to solve recently and this is how I did it.
1. Migrate all version control history (10+ years) from TFS to Git
2. Maintain all of the labels in TFS which were used to mark code releases so that the correct version of code can be hot-fixed or reviewed.
I tried to migrate this all in a single Git repository, but the TFS repository had been branched sufficiently that it made the result unintelligible.
I opted for a cleaner approach which met the requirements and also gave the developers a solid platform from which to start with their new Git repository. Create two Git repositories. One for history containing all of the source, atomic checkins and commit comments, and the other containing the releases (from labels) and which would be the base for the new repository.
The following batch file accepts two parameters
- the subfolder in TFS under which the label was created
- the name of the label
It is run once per label to create an entirely new Git repository in a subfolder with the same name as the label. (Warning: labels must be valid folder names)
@echo off
rem working folder
md %2
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto exit
cd %2
rem Get the source from TFS by label
tf workspace /new /noprompt /s:http://[repository-address] MyWorkspace
tf workfold /map "$/[repository-main-folder]/%~1" .
tf get * /r /version:"L%~2"
git init
echo #%~1 >
echo ##%~2 >>
echo. >>
echo. >>
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set mydate=%%c-%%b-%%a %time%)
echo Created on %mydate% >>
git add -A && git commit -m "Original creation"
tf workspace /delete /noprompt MyWorkspace
After this has been run, each repository is ...
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