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Last active November 2, 2018 17:08
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Lambda calculus for Demo on TryPurescript
module Demo where
import Prelude hiding (succ, pred)
class LambdaCalc repr where
lam :: (repr a -> repr b) -> repr (a -> b)
app :: repr (a -> b) -> repr a -> repr b
fix :: (repr a -> repr a) -> repr a
class LambdaInts repr where
zero :: repr Int
pred :: repr Int -> repr Int
succ :: repr Int -> repr Int
class LambdaBool repr where
tf :: Bool -> repr Bool
bLeq :: repr Int -> repr Int -> repr Bool
bIf :: repr Bool -> repr a -> repr a -> repr a
class LambdaMult repr where
mult :: repr Int -> repr Int -> repr Int
newtype Eval a = Eval a
unwrap :: Eval a -> a
unwrap (Eval a) = a
instance LambdaCalc Eval where
lam f = Eval $ unwrap . f . Eval
app (Eval f) = \(Eval a) -> Eval (f a)
fix f = Eval $ dupe (unwrap . f . Eval)
where dupe fx = fx (dupe fx)
instance LambdaInts Eval where
zero = Eval 0
pred (Eval 0) = Eval 0
pred (Eval n) = Eval (n - 1)
succ (Eval n) = Eval (n + 1)
instance LambdaBool Eval where
tf = Eval
bLeq l r = Eval $ unwrap l <= unwrap r
bIf pred true false = if unwrap pred then true else false
eval :: Show a => Eval a -> String
eval = show . unwrap
instance LambdaMult Eval where
mult l r = Eval $ unwrap l * unwrap r
-- Terms
one :: Eval Int
one = succ zero
seven :: Eval Int
seven = succ (succ ( succ ( succ ( succ ( succ ( succ zero))))))
awkwardTwo :: Eval Int
awkwardTwo = app (lam (\(Eval a) -> succ (Eval a))) (succ zero)
add ::
Eval (Eval Int -> Eval Int -> Eval Int)
add = fix (\self ->
lam (\x ->
lam (\n ->
bIf (bLeq n zero)
(app self (lam (\y -> (succ x) (pred n))))
tpow :: Eval (Int -> Int -> Int)
tpow = lam (\x -> fix (\self -> lam (\n ->
bIf (bLeq n zero)
(mult x (app self (pred n))))
toThe7th :: Eval (Int -> Int)
toThe7th = lam (\x -> app (app tpow x) seven)
twoToThe7th :: Eval Int
twoToThe7th = app toThe7th awkwardTwo
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