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Last active November 18, 2019 11:53
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Utility functions to a) create a zoom of an existing line plot and b) copy lines from a source axis to a destination axis (used in (a) )
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.axes import Axes, mlines
def create_zoom(ax_to_zoom, inset_size, lines=None, loc='lower left', loc1=1, loc2=2,
xlim=None, ylim=None, xticks=2, yticks=2, ec='C7',
inset_kwargs=None, box_kwargs=None, connector_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
"""Zoom into an axis with an inset plot
The valid locations (for `loc`, `loc1`, and `loc2`) are: 'upper right' : 1, 'upper left' : 2, 'lower left' : 3,
'lower right' : 4,
'right' : 5, 'center left' : 6, 'center right' : 7, 'lower center' : 8, 'upper center' : 9, 'center' : 10
:param ax_to_zoom: Source axis which data will be copied from and inset axis inserted.
:type ax_to_zoom: Axes
:param inset_size: Zoom factor for `zoomed_inset_axes` if argument is a float, else is width and height,
respectively, for `inset_axes`.
:type inset_size: float or tuple
:param lines: Lines to plot in inset axis. If None, all lines are plotted.
:type lines: List[Line2D]
:param loc: Location to place the inset axes.
:param loc1: Corner to use for connecting the inset axes and the area in the
parent axes.
:param loc2: Corner to use for connecting the inset axes and the area in the
parent axes.
:param xlim: Limits of x-axis. Also limits data **plotted** when copying to the inset axis.
:type xlim: float or Tuple[float, float]
:param ylim: Limits of y-axis.
:type ylim: float or Tuple[float, float]
:param xticks: Number of ticks (int) or location of ticks (list) or no x-axis (False).
:type xticks: int or list
:param yticks: Number of ticks (int) or location of ticks (list) or no y-axis (False).
:type yticks: int or list
:param ec: Edge color for border of zoom and connecting lines
:param inset_kwargs: Keywords for `inset_axes` or `zoomed_inset_axes`.
E.g. dict(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), bbox_transform=ax_to_zoom.transAxes)
:type inset_kwargs: dict
:param box_kwargs: Keywords for `mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator.mark_inset`.
To remove not mark the inset axis at all, set box_kwargs to `'None'`
:type box_kwargs: dict or str
:param connector_kwargs: Keywords for connecting lines between inset axis and source axis.
To remove connecting lines set to '`None'`.
:type connector_kwargs: dict or str
:param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for plotting. See `Axes` keywords.
:return: inset axis
:rtype: Axes
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes, zoomed_inset_axes, mark_inset
if inset_kwargs is None:
inset_kwargs = dict(bbox_to_anchor=None, bbox_transform=None)
elif 'bbox_to_anchor' in inset_kwargs:
if inset_kwargs['bbox_to_anchor'] is None:
inset_kwargs['bbox_transform'] = None
elif 'bbox_transform' not in inset_kwargs or\
('bbox_transform' in inset_kwargs and inset_kwargs['bbox_transform'] is None):
inset_kwargs['bbox_transform'] = ax_to_zoom.transAxes
if box_kwargs is None:
box_kwargs = dict()
if connector_kwargs is None:
connector_kwargs = dict()
axes_kwargs = dict(facecolor="white")
if type(inset_size) is tuple:
ax_inset: Axes = inset_axes(ax_to_zoom, width=inset_size[0], height=inset_size[1],
loc=loc, axes_kwargs=axes_kwargs, **inset_kwargs)
ax_inset: Axes = zoomed_inset_axes(ax_to_zoom, zoom=inset_size,
loc=loc, axes_kwargs=axes_kwargs, **inset_kwargs)
copy_lines(lines or ax_to_zoom, ax_inset, xlim=xlim, **kwargs)
for _ticks, _ticks_axis in zip([xticks, yticks], ['x', 'y']):
get_axis = ax_inset.get_xaxis if _ticks_axis == 'x' else ax_inset.get_yaxis
if _ticks:
if type(_ticks) is int:
ax_inset.locator_params(nbins=_ticks, axis=_ticks_axis, tight=True)
for spine in ax_inset.spines:
if box_kwargs != 'None':
box_patch, p1, p2 = mark_inset(ax_to_zoom, ax_inset, loc1=loc1, loc2=loc2, ec=ec,
for loc, spine in ax_inset.spines.items():
spine.set(**box_kwargs) # consistency between inset border and marked box
if type(connector_kwargs) is dict:
elif connector_kwargs == 'None':
return ax_inset
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
line_props = {
'agg_filter': 'get_agg_filter',
'alpha': 'get_alpha',
'antialiased': 'get_antialiased',
'color': 'get_color',
'dash_capstyle': 'get_dash_capstyle',
'dash_joinstyle': 'get_dash_joinstyle',
'drawstyle': 'get_drawstyle',
'fillstyle': 'get_fillstyle',
'label': 'get_label',
'linestyle': 'get_linestyle',
'linewidth': 'get_linewidth',
'marker': 'get_marker',
'markeredgecolor': 'get_markeredgecolor',
'markeredgewidth': 'get_markeredgewidth',
'markerfacecolor': 'get_markerfacecolor',
'markerfacecoloralt': 'get_markerfacecoloralt',
'markersize': 'get_markersize',
'markevery': 'get_markevery',
'rasterized': 'get_rasterized',
'solid_capstyle': 'get_solid_capstyle',
'solid_joinstyle': 'get_solid_joinstyle',
'zorder': 'get_zorder',
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
def copy_lines(src, ax_dest, xlim=None, xunit=None, rel_lw=2., cmap=None, **kwargs):
""" Copies the lines from a source Axes `ax_src` to a destination Axes `ax_dest`.
By default, linewidth is doubled. To disable, set rel_lw to 1 or provide 'lw' keyword.
:param src: Source Axes or list of Line2D objects.
:type src: Axes or list
:param ax_dest: Destination Axes.
:type ax_dest: Axes
:param lines: Provide the list of Line2D objects to plot. If None, all lines from ax_src will be re-plotted.
:type lines: List[Axes]
:param xlim: Set the domain of the axis. This will restrict what is plotted (hence should be accompanied by
xunit), not just a call to `set_xlim`
:type xlim: tuple or list or int
:param xunit: The units used with xlim to restrict the domain.
:type xunit: Quantity
:param rel_lw: Relative linewidth change for each line in source. Default doubles the linewidth.
:type rel_lw: float
:param kwargs: Keywords to provide to `Axes.plot` that will overwrite source properties. The aliases to use are
defined in `line_props`.
from matplotlib import cbook, colors
kwargs = cbook.normalize_kwargs(kwargs, mlines.Line2D._alias_map)
if isinstance(src, Axes):
lines = src.get_lines()
elif np.iterable(src):
lines = src
lines = [src]
if xlim is not None and xunit is not None:
if type(xlim) is tuple or type(xlim) is list:
xlim = [int(xlim[0]/xunit), int(xlim[1]/xunit)]
xlim = [int(xlim/xunit), -1]
if cmap is not None and type(cmap) is str:
cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
props = {}
for prop, getter in line_props.items():
props[prop] = getattr(line, getter)()
if cmap is not None:
props['color'] = colors.to_hex(cmap(i), keep_alpha=False)
props = {**props, **kwargs}
if 'linewidth' not in kwargs:
# change relative thickness of line
props['linewidth'] *= rel_lw
x, y = line.get_data()
if xlim is not None and xunit is not None:
x = x[xlim[0]:xlim[1]]
y = y[xlim[0]:xlim[1]]
ax_dest.plot(x, y, **props)
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