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Last active September 14, 2021 19:41
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Converts a list of strings/descriptions to numeric "descriptor" for (some) Sam4s cash registers.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Christopher Hindefjord -
# September 2021
# License: CC-0 (Public domain)
# ===========================
# Converts a list of strings/descriptions to numeric "descriptor" for (some) Sam4s cash registers.
# The character codes are taken from the "Operator's and Programming manual" for Sam4s ER-5200M/5240M!
# Refer to the manual of your unit, to see if it uses the same codes.
# USAGE: Change the values of the first array bellow [strings] to the text that you want to convert
# You can also change the how the resulting codes are separated (by default just a space)
# REQUIRES Python3+
# For character codes with one (or two) leading zeros (0) you do need to enter (on the PoS unit)
# the zeros for every character (except the first one),
# so the text ABC (A: 065, B: 066, C: 067) would need to be entered as
# 65066067
# - - - -
# No quarantees given that the output of this script produces the correct codes!
# Sam4s is a trademark of SHIN HEUNG PRECISION CO., LTD.,
# which have no affiliations with the author (or the existance) of this script
# ===========================
# Change these values to the text that you want converted
strings = [ "My Amazing store",
# Change this if you want the character codes to be one per line, etc.
separator = " " # For one character per line, change to: "\n", or comma separated: ", "
# ----------------------- MAIN CODE (no need to edit!)--------------------------- #
# Array with all the "Descriptor codes" for (some) Sam4s cash registers
ch_list = { "Ç": "001", "ü": "002", "é": "003", "â": "004", "ä": "005", "à": "006", "å": "007", "ç": "008", "ê": "009", "ë": "010",
"è": "011", "ï": "012", "î": "013", "ì": "014", "Ä": "015", "Å": "016", "É": "017", "æ": "018", "Ǽ": "019", "ô": "020",
"ö": "021", "ò": "022", "û": "023", "ù": "024", "ÿ": "025", "Ö": "026", "Ü": "027", "¢": "028", "£": "029", "¥": "030",
"€": "031", " ": "032", "!": "033", "\"": "034", "#": "035", "$": "036", "%": "037", "&": "038", "'": "039", "(": "040",
")": "041", "*": "042", "+": "043", ",": "044", "-": "045", ".": "046", "/": "047", "0": "048", "1": "049", "2": "050",
"3": "051", "4": "052", "5": "053", "6": "054", "7": "055", "8": "056", "9": "057", ":": "058", ";": "059", "<": "060",
"=": "061", ">": "062", "?": "063", "@": "064", "A": "065", "B": "066", "C": "067", "D": "068", "E": "069", "F": "070",
"G": "071", "H": "072", "I": "073", "J": "074", "K": "075", "L": "076", "M": "077", "N": "078", "O": "079", "P": "080",
"Q": "081", "R": "082", "S": "083", "T": "084", "U": "085", "V": "086", "W": "087", "X": "088", "Y": "089", "Z": "090",
"a": "097", "b": "098", "c": "099", "d": "100",
"e": "101", "f": "102", "g": "103", "h": "104", "i": "105", "j": "106", "k": "107", "l": "108", "m": "109", "n": "110",
"o": "111", "p": "112", "q": "113", "r": "114", "s": "115", "t": "116", "u": "117", "v": "118", "w": "119", "x": "120",
"y": "121", "z": "122", "\x08": "123", }
# "": "091", "": "092", "": "093", "": "094", "": "095", "": "096", # <<-- These character codes are not used (as per the manual)
# "": "999", # <<-- This "character" (DOUBLE) does not have a matching character in ASCII/UTF-8
# The functiono that does "the work":
# Takes a string and outputs the matching character code
# The seperator between each character code can be changed by setting the second (seperator) argument (default: [SPACE])
def convert(in_str, separator = " "):
print(in_str + ":")
for ch in in_str:
c = ch_list[ch]
print(c, end = separator)
# Loop through the list of strings to convert
for s in strings:
convert(s, separator)
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