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Created April 26, 2021 23:55
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import group_theory.semidirect_product
import group_theory.free_group
open free_group multiplicative semidirect_product
universes u v
def free_group_hom_ext {α G : Type*} [group G] {f g : free_group α →* G}
(h : ∀ a : α, f (of a) = g (of a)) (w : free_group α) : f w = g w :=
free_group.induction_on w (by simp) h (by simp) (by simp {contextual := tt})
def free_group_equiv {α β : Type*} (h : α ≃ β) : free_group α ≃* free_group β :=
{ to_fun := h,
inv_fun := h.symm,
left_inv := λ w, begin rw [← monoid_hom.comp_apply],
conv_rhs {rw ← monoid_hom.id_apply (free_group α) w},
exact free_group_hom_ext (by simp) _ end,
right_inv := λ w, begin rw [← monoid_hom.comp_apply],
conv_rhs {rw ← monoid_hom.id_apply (free_group β) w},
exact free_group_hom_ext (by simp) _ end,
map_mul' := by simp }
#print monoid_hom.ext_mint
def free_group_perm {α : Type u} : equiv.perm α →* mul_aut (free_group α) :=
{ to_fun := free_group_equiv,
map_one' := by ext; simp [free_group_equiv],
map_mul' := by intros; ext; simp [free_group_equiv, ←] }
def phi : multiplicative ℤ →* mul_aut (free_group (multiplicative ℤ)) :=
(@free_group_perm (multiplicative ℤ)).comp
(mul_action.to_perm (multiplicative ℤ) (multiplicative ℤ))
#print int.to_add_gpow
example : free_group bool ≃* free_group (multiplicative ℤ) ⋊[phi] multiplicative ℤ :=
{ to_fun := free_group.lift (λ b, cond b (inl (of (of_add (0 : ℤ)))) (inr (of_add (1 : ℤ)))),
inv_fun := semidirect_product.lift
(free_group.lift (λ a, of ff ^ (to_add a) * of tt * of ff ^ (-to_add a)))
(gpowers_hom _ (of ff))
assume g,
apply free_group_hom_ext,
assume b,
simp only [mul_equiv.coe_to_monoid_hom,
gpow_neg, function.comp_app, monoid_hom.coe_comp, gpowers_hom_apply,
mul_equiv.map_inv, lift.of, mul_equiv.map_mul, mul_aut.conj_apply, phi,
free_group_perm, free_group_equiv, mul_action.to_perm,
units.smul_perm_hom, units.smul_perm],
dsimp [free_group_equiv, units.smul_perm],
simp [to_units, mul_assoc, gpow_add]
left_inv := λ w, begin
conv_rhs { rw ← monoid_hom.id_apply _ w },
rw [← monoid_hom.comp_apply],
apply free_group_hom_ext,
intro a,
cases a; refl,
right_inv := λ s, begin
conv_rhs { rw ← monoid_hom.id_apply _ s },
rw [← monoid_hom.comp_apply],
refine congr_fun (congr_arg _ _) _,
apply semidirect_product.hom_ext,
{ ext,
{ simp only [right_inl, mul_aut.apply_inv_self, mul_right,
mul_one, monoid_hom.map_mul, gpow_neg, lift_inl,
mul_left, function.comp_app, left_inl, cond, monoid_hom.map_inv,
monoid_hom.coe_comp, monoid_hom.id_comp, of_add_zero,
inv_left, lift.of, phi, free_group_perm, free_group_equiv,
mul_action.to_perm, units.smul_perm_hom, units.smul_perm],
dsimp [free_group_equiv, units.smul_perm],
simp only [← monoid_hom.map_gpow],
simp [- monoid_hom.map_gpow],
rw [← int.of_add_mul, one_mul],
simp [to_units] },
{ simp } },
{ apply monoid_hom.ext_mint,
refl }
map_mul' := by simp }
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