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Created April 7, 2022 12:36
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import data.mv_polynomial.variables
import field_theory.is_alg_closed.basic
import data.finset.lattice
import data.zmod.basic
noncomputable theory
/-- the data of a polynomial map consists of n polynomials in n variables -/
@[simp] def poly_map (K : Type*) [comm_semiring K] (n : ℕ) : Type* :=
fin n → mv_polynomial (fin n) K
namespace poly_map
open mv_polynomial
variables {K : Type*} [comm_semiring K] {n : ℕ}
/-- a polynomial map evaluates those polynomials that it consists of -/
def eval {n : ℕ} : poly_map K n → (fin n → K) → (fin n → K) :=
λ ps as k, mv_polynomial.eval as (ps k)
lemma _root_.mv_polynomial.eval_mem {σ : Type*} [decidable_eq K]
(p : mv_polynomial σ K) (s : subsemiring K)
(hs : ∀ i, p.coeff i ∈ s) (v : σ → K) (hv : ∀ i, v i ∈ s) :
mv_polynomial.eval v p ∈ s :=
revert hs,
refine mv_polynomial.induction_on''' p _ _,
{ intros a hs,
simpa using hs 0 },
{ intros a b f ha hb0 ih hs,
rw [map_add],
refine subsemiring.add_mem _ _ _,
{ rw [eval_monomial],
refine subsemiring.mul_mem _ _ _,
{ have := hs a,
rwa [coeff_add, coeff_monomial, if_pos rfl, not_mem_support_iff.1 ha, add_zero] at this },
{ refine subsemiring.prod_mem _ (λ i hi, _),
refine subsemiring.pow_mem _ _ _,
exact hv _ } },
{ refine ih (λ i, _),
have := hs i,
rw [coeff_add, coeff_monomial] at this,
split_ifs at this with h h,
{ subst h,
rw [not_mem_support_iff.1 ha],
exact subsemiring.zero_mem _ },
{ rwa zero_add at this } } }
lemma eval_mem_aux {σ : Type*} [decidable_eq K]
(p : fin n → mv_polynomial σ K) (s : subsemiring K)
(hs : ∀ i, ↑((p i).support.image (λ x, coeff x (p i))) ⊆ (s : set K)) :
∀ (v : σ → K) (hv : ∀ i, v i ∈ s) (i : fin n), mv_polynomial.eval v (p i) ∈ s :=
induction n with n ih,
{ intros _ _ i,
exact i.elim0 },
{ intros v hv i,
refine fin.cases _ _ i,
{ apply mv_polynomial.eval_mem (p 0) s,
{ intros m,
by_cases hm : m ∈ (p 0).support,
{ exact hs 0 (finset.mem_image.2 ⟨m, hm, rfl⟩) },
{ rw [not_mem_support_iff.1 hm],
exact subsemiring.zero_mem _ } },
{ assumption } },
{ intro j,
apply ih (λ i, p i.succ) _ _ hv,
intro k,
apply hs } }
lemma eval_mem [decidable_eq K]
(p : poly_map K n) (s : subsemiring K)
(hs : ∀ i, ↑((p i).support.image (λ x, coeff x (p i))) ⊆ (s : set K)) :
∀ (v : fin n → K) (hv : ∀ i, v i ∈ s) (i : fin n), mv_polynomial.eval v (p i) ∈ s :=
eval_mem_aux p s hs
/-- Any injective polynomial map over an algerbaically closed field of char p is surjective -/
lemma Ax_Groth_of_locally_finite {K : Type*} [comm_ring K] {p : ℕ} [hp : fact]
[algebra (zmod p) K] (alg : algebra.is_algebraic (zmod p) K)
(ps : poly_map K n) (hinj : function.injective (eval ps)) :
function.surjective (eval ps) :=
have is_int : ∀ x : K, is_integral (zmod p) x,
from λ x, is_algebraic_iff_is_integral.1 (alg x),
intros v,
let s : finset K :=
finset.bUnion (finset.univ : finset (fin n))
(λ i, (ps i).support.image (λ x, coeff x (ps i)))
∪ (finset.univ : finset (fin n)).image v,
have hs₁ : ∀ (i : fin n),
(finset.image (λ (x : fin n →₀ ℕ), coeff x (ps i)) (ps i).support : set K) ⊆
subsemiring.closure (s : set K),
from λ j x hx, subsemiring.subset_closure
(finset.mem_union_left _
(finset.mem_bUnion.2 ⟨j, finset.mem_univ _, hx⟩)),
have hv₁ : ∀ i, v i ∈ subsemiring.closure (s : set K),
from λ j, subsemiring.subset_closure
(finset.mem_union_right _
(finset.mem_image.2 ⟨j, finset.mem_univ _, rfl⟩)),
have hs : ∀ i, eval ps v i ∈ subsemiring.closure (s : set K),
from eval_mem ps _ hs₁ v hv₁,
letI : fintype (subsemiring.closure (s : set K)),
{ letI := is_noetherian_adjoin_finset s (λ x _, is_int x),
letI := module.is_noetherian.finite (zmod p) (algebra.adjoin (zmod p) (s : set K)),
have alg_fintype := finite_dimensional.fintype_of_fintype
(zmod p) (algebra.adjoin (zmod p) (s : set K)),
have hsubset : subsemiring.closure (s : set K) ≤
(algebra.adjoin (zmod p) (s : set K)).to_subsemiring,
from subsemiring.closure_le.2
(galois_connection.le_u_l algebra.gc _),
exact (set.finite.subset ⟨alg_fintype⟩ hsubset).fintype },
let res : (fin n → subsemiring.closure (s : set K)) →
(fin n → subsemiring.closure (s : set K)) :=
λ x i, ⟨eval ps (λ j, (x j)) i, eval_mem _ _ hs₁ _ (λ j, (x j).2) _⟩,
have hres_inj : function.injective res,
{ intros x y hxy,
funext i,
simp only [res, subtype.ext_iff, function.funext_iff] at hxy,
exact congr_fun (hinj (funext hxy)) i },
have hres_surj : function.surjective res,
from fintype.injective_iff_surjective.1 hres_inj,
cases hres_surj (λ i, ⟨v i, hv₁ i⟩) with w hw,
use λ i, w i,
simp only [res, subtype.ext_iff, function.funext_iff] at hw,
exact funext hw
end poly_map
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