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Created January 22, 2021 14:41
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import data.equiv.basic data.option.basic
import tactic
universe u
axiom weak_univalence {α β : Sort*} : α ≃ β → α = β
def propext2 {p q : Prop} (h : p ↔ q) : p = q :=
weak_univalence ⟨, h.mpr, λ _, rfl, λ _, rfl⟩
section propext_free
lemma option.is_some_of_ne_none {α : Type*} {o : option α} : o ≠ none → o.is_some :=
option.cases_on o (λ h, (h rfl).elim) (λ _ _, rfl)
-- lemma option.some_injective {α : Type*} : function.injective (@some α) :=
-- λ x y h, by injection h
section exact
/- copied from core -/
variables {α : Sort u} [s : setoid α]
include s
private def rel (q₁ q₂ : quotient s) : Prop :=
quotient.lift_on₂ q₁ q₂
(λ a₁ a₂, a₁ ≈ a₂)
(λ a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ a₁b₁ a₂b₂,
propext2 (iff.intro
(λ a₁a₂, setoid.trans (setoid.symm a₁b₁) (setoid.trans a₁a₂ a₂b₂))
(λ b₁b₂, setoid.trans a₁b₁ (setoid.trans b₁b₂ (setoid.symm a₂b₂)))))
local infix `~` := rel
private lemma rel.refl : ∀ q : quotient s, q ~ q :=
λ q, quot.induction_on q (λ a, setoid.refl a)
private lemma eq_imp_rel {q₁ q₂ : quotient s} : q₁ = q₂ → q₁ ~ q₂ :=
assume h, eq.rec_on h (rel.refl q₁)
lemma quotient.exact2 {a b : α} : ⟦a⟧ = ⟦b⟧ → a ≈ b :=
assume h, eq_imp_rel h
end exact
end propext_free
def equiv_of_eq {α β : Sort u} (h : α = β) : α ≃ β :=
{ to_fun := h,
inv_fun := eq.mpr h,
left_inv := eq.drec_on h (λ _, rfl),
right_inv := eq.drec_on h (λ _, rfl) }
lemma unique_choice {α : Sort*} (hs : subsingleton α) (h : nonempty α) : α :=
have α = punit, from let ⟨a⟩ := h in weak_univalence
{ to_fun := λ _,,
inv_fun := λ _, a,
left_inv := λ _, subsingleton.elim _ _,
right_inv := λ _, subsingleton.elim _ _ },
section option_inj
def option_fun_aux {α β : Type u} (h : option α ≃ option β) (a : α) : option β :=
option.rec_on (h (some a)) (h none) some
def option_fun_aux_is_some {α β : Type u} (e : option α ≃ option β) (a : α) :
(option_fun_aux e a).is_some :=
rw [option_fun_aux],
cases h : e a,
{ dsimp,
refine option.is_some_of_ne_none _,
assume h₁,
rw ← h₁ at h,
exact option.no_confusion (e.injective h) },
{ exact rfl }
def option_fun {α β : Type u} (e : option α ≃ option β) (a : α) : β :=
option.get (option_fun_aux_is_some e a)
def option_fun_option_fun {α β : Type u} (e : option α ≃ option β) (a : α) :
option_fun e.symm (option_fun e a) = a :=
rw [option_fun, option_fun],
apply option.some_injective _,
rw [option.some_get, option_fun_aux],
rw option.some_get,
cases h : e.symm (option_fun_aux e a),
{ rw option_fun_aux at h,
cases h₂ : e (some a),
{ refine e.injective _,
rw [equiv.apply_symm_apply, h₂] },
{ rw h₂ at h,
dsimp at h,
rw [← h₂, equiv.symm_apply_apply] at h,
exact option.no_confusion h } },
{ dsimp,
rw [option_fun_aux] at h,
cases h₂ : e (some a),
{ rw h₂ at h,
dsimp at h,
rw [equiv.symm_apply_apply] at h,
exact option.no_confusion h },
{ rw h₂ at h,
dsimp at h,
have := congr_arg e h,
rw equiv.apply_symm_apply at this,
rw this at h₂,
exact (e.injective h₂).symm } }
lemma option_inj_aux {α β : Type u} (e : option α ≃ option β) : α = β :=
{ to_fun := option_fun e,
inv_fun := option_fun e.symm,
left_inv := option_fun_option_fun _,
right_inv := λ _, begin
conv in e {rw ← e.symm_symm },
rw [option_fun_option_fun]
end }
lemma option_inj {α β : Type u} (e : option α = option β) : α = β :=
option_inj_aux (equiv_of_eq e)
end option_inj
lemma nonempty_equiv_option {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α] : nonempty α →
nonempty {β : Type u // option β = α} :=
λ ⟨a⟩, ⟨⟨{b : α // b ≠ a}, weak_univalence
{ to_fun := λ b, option.cases_on b a subtype.val,
inv_fun := λ b, if hba : b = a then none else some ⟨b, hba⟩,
left_inv := λ b, option.cases_on b (dif_pos rfl) (λ ⟨_, _⟩, dif_neg _),
right_inv := λ b, if h : b = a then by dsimp; rw [h, dif_pos rfl]
else by dsimp; rw dif_neg h }⟩⟩
lemma decidable_choice {α : Sort u} [decidable_eq α] : nonempty α → α :=
λ h, have {β : Type u // option β = plift α},
from unique_choice ⟨λ x y, subtype.eq $ option_inj $ by rw [x.2, y.2]⟩
(nonempty.elim h (λ a, nonempty_equiv_option ⟨plift.up a⟩)),
plift.rec_on ( none) id
section em
parameter (p : Prop)
def r : setoid bool :=
{ r := λ x y : bool, p ∨ x = y,
iseqv := ⟨λ _, or.inr rfl,
λ x y hxy, hxy.elim or.inl (or.inr ∘ eq.symm),
λ x y z hxy hyz, hxy.elim or.inl
(λ hxy, hyz.elim or.inl (λ hyz, or.inr $ by rw [hxy, hyz]))⟩ }
def suspension : Type := quotient r
instance suspension_to_bool_decidable : decidable_eq (suspension → bool) :=
λ f g, decidable_of_iff (f ( _ tt) = g ( _ tt) ∧
(f ( _ ff) = g ( _ ff)))
⟨λ hfg, funext $ λ s, quot.ind (λ b, bool.cases_on b hfg.2 hfg.1) s,
λ hfg, by rw hfg; exact ⟨rfl, rfl⟩⟩
lemma nonempty_subtype_bool (s : suspension) : nonempty
{b : bool // _ r b = s} :=
let ⟨b, hb⟩ := quot.exists_rep s in ⟨⟨b, hb⟩⟩
lemma g (s : suspension) : bool :=
(decidable_choice (nonempty_subtype_bool s)).1
set_option type_context.unfold_lemmas true
lemma quot_mk_g (s : suspension) :' (g s) = s :=
(decidable_choice (nonempty_subtype_bool s)).2
lemma g_injective : function.injective g :=
function.left_inverse.injective quot_mk_g
lemma p_iff_g_tt_eq_g_ff : p ↔ g (' tt) = g (' ff) :=
⟨λ hp, congr_arg _ (quotient.sound' (or.inl hp)),
λ h, (@quotient.exact2 _ (id _) _ _ (g_injective h)).elim
(λ h, bool.no_confusion h)⟩
lemma prop_decidable : decidable p :=
decidable_of_iff _ p_iff_g_tt_eq_g_ff.symm
end em
def choice {α : Sort u} : nonempty α → α :=
@decidable_choice α (λ _ _, prop_decidable _)
#print axioms choice
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