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Created September 5, 2023 17:08
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import Mathlib.GroupTheory.SemidirectProduct
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.FreeGroup
open FreeGroup SemidirectProduct Multiplicative
def freeAction : Multiplicative ℤ →* MulAut (FreeGroup (Multiplicative ℤ)) :=
zpowersHom _ (freeGroupCongr (MulAction.toPermHom (Multiplicative ℤ)
(Multiplicative ℤ) (ofAdd 1)))
#print mint
example : FreeGroup Bool ≃*
(FreeGroup (Multiplicative ℤ) ⋊[freeAction] Multiplicative ℤ) :=
(FreeGroup.lift (fun b => if b then inl (of 1) else inr (ofAdd 1)))
(SemidirectProduct.lift (FreeGroup.lift (fun z =>
MulAut.conj (zpowersHom _ (of false) z) (of true)))
(zpowersHom _ (of false))
intro g
rcases ofAdd.surjective g with ⟨z, rfl⟩
ext s
simp [MulAut.conj_apply, freeAction, MulAction.toPerm_apply]
induction z using Int.induction_on generalizing s with
| hz => simp
| hp z ih =>
rw [← map_zpow, ← map_zpow, zpow_add, MulAut.mul_apply,
zpow_one, freeGroupCongr_apply, map.of, ih, MulAction.toPerm_apply,
smul_eq_mul, toAdd_mul, toAdd_ofAdd, ← MulAut.mul_apply,
← MulAut.mul_apply, ← zpow_add, ← add_assoc, zpow_add]
simp [sub_eq_add_neg]
| hn z ih =>
rw [← map_zpow, ← map_zpow, zpow_sub, MulAut.mul_apply,
MulAut.inv_def, zpow_one, freeGroupCongr_symm,
freeGroupCongr_apply, map.of, ih, MulAction.toPerm_symm_apply,
smul_eq_mul, toAdd_mul, toAdd_inv, toAdd_ofAdd, ← MulAut.mul_apply,
← MulAut.mul_apply, ← zpow_add, ← add_assoc, zpow_add]
simp [sub_eq_add_neg]))
(by ext b; cases b <;> simp)
apply SemidirectProduct.hom_ext
· apply FreeGroup.ext_hom
simp only [← map_zpow, MulAut.conj_apply]
simp only [_root_.map_mul, map_zpow, lift.of, if_false, if_true,
simp only [← map_zpow, ← inl_aut, ← _root_.map_inv, freeAction,
freeGroupCongr_apply, zpowersHom_apply]
simp [MulAction.toPermHom_apply, MulAction.toPerm_apply, Int.toAdd_zpow, toAdd_ofAdd, one_mul, inl_inj]
intro a
rcases ofAdd.surjective a with ⟨z, rfl⟩
rw [toAdd_ofAdd]
induction z using Int.induction_on with
| hz => simp
| hp z ih =>
rw [add_comm, zpow_add, MulAut.mul_apply, ih]
| hn z ih =>
rw [sub_eq_add_neg, add_comm, zpow_add, MulAut.mul_apply, ih]
simp [MulAut.inv_def]
· apply MonoidHom.ext_mint
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