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Last active April 21, 2019 00:31
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function New-ModuleOverview {
Generates a Markdown file with a short description of each public command in a module.
Finds all the public commands in a specified module and produces a simple Markdown file detailing the description or synopsis (user choice) for each.
Name of the module to generate an overview for. If the module isn't already loaded then it will be loaded.
Output path for the Markdown file. Must end in .md.
.PARAMETER HelpContent
Which piece of help content should be used in the generated content, either Synopsis or Description. Defaults to Synopsis
Append to the end of an existing Markdown file.
New-ModuleOverview -ModuleName TLS -Path .\
This will generate an overview of the TLS module and output it to in the current directory.
New-ModuleOverview -ModuleName DISM -Path .\ -Append
This will generate an overview of the DISM module and output it to an existing in the current directory.
New-ModuleOverview -ModuleName PSScheduledJob -Path .\ -HelpContent Description
This will generate an overview of the PSScheduledJob module using the description from each help comment and output it to in the current directory.
param (
if ($_.Extension -ne '.md') {
throw 'Path should be to a Markdown (md) file.'
[string]$HelpContent = 'Synopsis',
if (-not(Get-Module $ModuleName)) {
Import-Module -Name $ModuleName
$OutString = "# About $ModuleName*`n`n"
$Commands = Get-Command -Module $ModuleName
Foreach ($Command in $Commands) {
$OutString += "## $($Command.Name)`n`n"
try {
if ($HelpContent -eq 'Description') {
$OutString += "$((Get-Help $Command.Name).Description.Text)`n`n`n"
else {
$OutString += "$((Get-Help $Command.Name).Synopsis)`n`n`n"
catch {
if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -like 'TypeNotFound*') {
Write-Warning "Failed to get help for $($Command.Name) due to: $($_.Exception.Message)"
else {
Write-Error $_ -ErrorAction Continue
if ($Append) {
Add-Content -Value $OutString -Path $Path
else {
Set-Content -Value $OutString -Path $Path -Force
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