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Created May 5, 2011 13:28
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Django Nested Regroup Example (Group by category foreign key, then month of start date)
def events_index(request, year):
selected_year = Year.objects.get(title=year)
events_list = Event.objects.filter(year ='category','start_date')
return render_to_response('events_list.html', {"events_list": events_list})
{% regroup events_list by category.title as events_list_by_category %}
{% for category in events_list_by_category %}
<h2>{{ category.grouper }}</h2>
{% regroup category.list by start_date.month as events_list_by_month %}
{% for month in events_list_by_month %}
<h3>{{ month.grouper }}</h3>
{% for event in month.list %}
<h4>{{ event.title }}</h4>
<p>{{ event.start_date }}</p>
<p>{{ event.category.title }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
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Thank you very much, this saved me a bunch of time.

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This is nice, you can really nest with the reqgroup template tag. One of the best default templatetags

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This does not work well with postgresql

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