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Last active August 12, 2020 17:19
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  • Save ChrisLynchHPE/ad5c9b4691aff5b879654a22a289dda6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$NetworksWithAssociations = @()
# Get associated newtorks with server profiles
$NetworksWithAssociations += (Send-OVRequest -Uri '/rest/index/associations?name=SERVER_PROFILE_TEMPLATE_TO_NETWORK').members
# Get associated newtorks with server profile templates
$NetworksWithAssociations += (Send-OVRequest -Uri '/rest/index/associations?name=server_profiles_to_networks').members
# Get list of networks associated with network sets
$NetworksWithAssociations += (Send-OVRequest -Uri '/rest/index/associations?name=NETWORKSET_TO_NETWORK').members
# Get list of networks associated with uplink sets
$NetworksWithAssociations += (Send-OVRequest -Uri '/rest/index/associations?name=UPLINK_SET_TO_NETWORK').members
# Get list of networks associated with logical interconnect groups
$NetworksWithAssociations += (Send-OVRequest -Uri '/rest/index/associations?name=LOGICAL_INTERCONNECT_GROUP_TO_NETWORK').members
# Get the unique URI's from the collection
$UniqueNetworkUris = $NetworksWithAssociations | select childUri -unique
# Get all network resources
# You can add the -Type parameter in order to compare a specific set of network types that are not associated with other network resources
$Networks = Get-OVNetwork
# Get the list of networks that have no association
$Results = (Compare-Object $networks.uri -DifferenceObject $UniqueNetworkUris.childUri | ? SideIndicator -eq '<=').InputObject
ForEach ($UnassociatedNetworkUri in $Results) {
$Net = Send-OVRequest -Uri $UnassociatedNetworkUri
Write-Host ("'" + $ + "'") -Foreground Red -NoNewLine
Write-Host " is not associated with any other resource, and will be removed"
## Delete the network object. Uncomment to remove the network
# Send-OVRequest -Uri $UnassociatedNetworkUri -Method DELETE -OutVariable Tasks
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