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Created April 18, 2013 03:52
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Easy Bundles for .NET MVC4 - Blog post with explanation here:
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Optimization;
namespace System.Web.Mvc
public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
public static IHtmlString Script(this HtmlHelper helper, params string[] urls)
var bundleDirectory = "~/Scripts/bundles/" + MakeBundleName(".js", urls);
var thisBundle = new ScriptBundle(bundleDirectory).Include(urls);
return Scripts.Render(bundleDirectory);
public static IHtmlString Style(this HtmlHelper helper, params string[] urls)
var bundleDirectory = "~/Styles/bundles/" + MakeBundleName(".css", urls);
var thisBundle = new StyleBundle(bundleDirectory).Include(urls);
return Styles.Render(bundleDirectory);
private static string MakeBundleName(string type, params string[] urls)
var bundleSections = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in urls)
bundleSections.Add(item.Replace("~/", "").Replace("/", ".").Replace(type, ""));
return string.Join("+", bundleSections.ToArray());
//Syntax usage example
@Html.Script("~/Scripts/foo.js", "~/Scripts/bar.js")
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