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Created May 11, 2020 09:04
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  • Save ChrisMacNaughton/aa9833c2596ce2eceed72ad7d818e347 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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- action: pause
completed at: "2020-05-11 08:26:30"
id: "1"
status: completed
unit: keystone-hacluster/0
- action: pause
completed at: "2020-05-11 08:26:34"
id: "2"
status: completed
unit: keystone/1
- action: pause
completed at: "2020-05-11 08:26:30"
id: "3"
status: completed
unit: keystone-hacluster/1
- action: pause
completed at: "2020-05-11 08:26:35"
id: "4"
status: completed
unit: keystone/2
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp
icey icey-serverstack serverstack/serverstack 2.7.6 unsupported 08:25:40Z
App Version Status Scale Charm Store Rev OS Notes
keystone 13.0.2 active 3 keystone jujucharms 495 ubuntu
keystone-hacluster active 3 hacluster jujucharms 131 ubuntu
mysql 5.6.37 active 1 percona-cluster jujucharms 365 ubuntu
mysql-hacluster waiting 0 hacluster jujucharms 131 ubuntu
Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
keystone/0* active idle 1 5000/tcp Unit is ready
keystone-hacluster/2 active idle Unit is ready and clustered
keystone/1 active idle 2 5000/tcp Unit is ready
keystone-hacluster/0* active idle Unit is ready and clustered
keystone/2 active idle 3 5000/tcp Unit is ready
keystone-hacluster/1 active idle Unit is ready and clustered
mysql/0* active idle 0 3306/tcp Unit is ready
Machine State DNS Inst id Series AZ Message
0 started 4764d81a-4203-425f-90a4-746b91a7529f xenial nova ACTIVE
1 started 461a084e-d773-4df5-84e3-02522ec22f64 xenial nova ACTIVE
2 started ce28fc97-51b6-43ce-a43d-e365cb30e6f5 xenial nova ACTIVE
3 started 8170ac56-d129-4f20-8700-fd1c476484a6 xenial nova ACTIVE
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp
icey icey-serverstack serverstack/serverstack 2.7.6 unsupported 09:02:18Z
App Version Status Scale Charm Store Rev OS Notes
keystone 13.0.2 active 3 keystone jujucharms 495 ubuntu
keystone-hacluster active 3 hacluster jujucharms 131 ubuntu
mysql 5.6.37 active 1 percona-cluster jujucharms 365 ubuntu
mysql-hacluster waiting 0 hacluster jujucharms 131 ubuntu
Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
keystone/0* active idle 1 5000/tcp Unit is ready
keystone-hacluster/2 active idle Unit is ready and clustered
keystone/1 active idle 2 5000/tcp Unit is ready
keystone-hacluster/0* active idle Unit is ready and clustered
keystone/2 active idle 3 5000/tcp Unit is ready
keystone-hacluster/1 active idle Unit is ready and clustered
mysql/0* active idle 0 3306/tcp Unit is ready
Machine State DNS Inst id Series AZ Message
0 started 4764d81a-4203-425f-90a4-746b91a7529f xenial nova ACTIVE
1 started 461a084e-d773-4df5-84e3-02522ec22f64 bionic nova Running
2 started ce28fc97-51b6-43ce-a43d-e365cb30e6f5 bionic nova Running
3 started 8170ac56-d129-4f20-8700-fd1c476484a6 bionic nova Running
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp
icey icey-serverstack serverstack/serverstack 2.7.6 unsupported 08:31:32Z
App Version Status Scale Charm Store Rev OS Notes
keystone 13.0.2 active 3 keystone jujucharms 495 ubuntu
keystone-hacluster maintenance 3 hacluster jujucharms 131 ubuntu
mysql 5.6.37 active 1 percona-cluster jujucharms 365 ubuntu
mysql-hacluster waiting 0 hacluster jujucharms 131 ubuntu
Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
keystone/0* active idle 1 5000/tcp Unit is ready
keystone-hacluster/2 active idle Unit is ready and clustered
keystone/1 maintenance idle 2 5000/tcp Paused. Use 'resume' action to resume normal service.
keystone-hacluster/0* maintenance idle Paused. Use 'resume' action to resume normal service.
keystone/2 maintenance idle 3 5000/tcp Paused. Use 'resume' action to resume normal service.
keystone-hacluster/1 maintenance idle Paused. Use 'resume' action to resume normal service.
mysql/0* active idle 0 3306/tcp Unit is ready
Machine State DNS Inst id Series AZ Message
0 started 4764d81a-4203-425f-90a4-746b91a7529f xenial nova ACTIVE
1 started 461a084e-d773-4df5-84e3-02522ec22f64 xenial nova ACTIVE
2 started ce28fc97-51b6-43ce-a43d-e365cb30e6f5 xenial nova ACTIVE
3 started 8170ac56-d129-4f20-8700-fd1c476484a6 xenial nova ACTIVE
$ alias js="juju status"
$ js > juju-status-before.txt
$ for unit in keystone-hacluster/0 keystone/1 keystone-hacluster/1 keystone/2; do juju run-action $unit pause; done
Action queued with id: "1"
Action queued with id: "2"
Action queued with id: "3"
Action queued with id: "4"
$ juju show-action-status > action-status.txt
$ js > juju-status-paused.txt
$ juju set-series keystone bionic
$ # Upgrade the leader first
$ juju upgrade-series 1 prepare bionic -y
machine-1 started upgrade series from "xenial" to "bionic"
keystone/0 pre-series-upgrade hook running
keystone/0 pre-series-upgrade completed
keystone-hacluster/2 pre-series-upgrade hook running
keystone-hacluster/2 pre-series-upgrade completed
machine-1 binaries and service files written

Juju is now ready for the series to be updated.
Perform any manual steps required along with "do-release-upgrade".
When ready, run the following to complete the upgrade series process:

juju upgrade-series 1 complete
$ for machine in 2 3; do juju upgrade-series $machine prepare bionic -y & done
machine-2 started upgrade series from "xenial" to "bionic"
machine-3 started upgrade series from "xenial" to "bionic"
keystone-hacluster/1 pre-series-upgrade hook running
keystone-hacluster/0 pre-series-upgrade hook running
keystone-hacluster/1 pre-series-upgrade completed
keystone-hacluster/0 pre-series-upgrade completed
keystone/1 pre-series-upgrade hook running
keystone/2 pre-series-upgrade hook running
keystone/1 pre-series-upgrade completed
machine-2 binaries and service files written

Juju is now ready for the series to be updated.
Perform any manual steps required along with "do-release-upgrade".
When ready, run the following to complete the upgrade series process:

juju upgrade-series 2 complete
keystone/2 pre-series-upgrade completed
machine-3 binaries and service files written

Juju is now ready for the series to be updated.
Perform any manual steps required along with "do-release-upgrade".
When ready, run the following to complete the upgrade series process:

juju upgrade-series 3 complete
$ juju run --machine=1,2,3 'sudo apt update'
$ juju run --machine=1,2,3 'sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt --assume-yes \
    -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" \
    -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" dist-upgrade'
$ juju run --machine=1,2,3 --timeout=1200s 'sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
    do-release-upgrade -f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive'
$ juju run --machine=1,2,3 'sudo reboot'
$ juju config keystone openstack-origin=distro
$ juju upgrade-series 1 complete
$ juju upgrade-series 2 complete
$ juju upgrade-series 3 complete
$ js > juju-status-done.txt
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