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Created April 13, 2020 13:37
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Companion Playground to the Second Post on Generics
// This is a completely generic protocol. You can use any type for "T".
protocol GenericBaseProtocol {
associatedtype T
var myProperty: T {get set}
init(_ myProperty: T )
// You can declare both Comparable and non-Comparable types with this protocol.
// This is Comparable
class GenClassB: GenericBaseProtocol {
typealias T = Int
var myProperty: T = 0
// When you conform to a protocol with an init(), you need to add the "required" keyword to your implementation.
required init(_ myProperty: T ) {
self.myProperty = myProperty
// This is non-Comparable
class GenClassA: GenericBaseProtocol {
typealias T = [String:String]
var myProperty: T = [:]
required init(_ myProperty: T ) {
self.myProperty = myProperty
// This will not work. You cannot redefine associated types in a protocol extension.
//extension GenericBaseProtocol {
// associatedtype T: Comparable
// var myProperty: T {get set}
// This will not work. You cannot add an associatedType via an extension.
//extension GenericBaseProtocol {
// associatedtype S
// Now, here we will add conditional extensions to the original, generic protocol.
// These allow classes based on this protocol to act as Equatable and Comparable, if the data type is Comparable,
// or just Equatable, if the data type is Equatable, but not Comparable.
// This extension is for when the class is not Equatable.
// The == always returns false, and we have an isEquatable Bool that tells us the class is not Equatable.
// Thanks to Alain T. for his guidance:
// This is the default extension, implementing non-functional stubs.
extension GenericBaseProtocol {
static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return false
static func <(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return false
static func >(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return false
var isEquatable:Bool { return false }
var isComparable:Bool { return false }
// This extension uses the Equatable protocol (Comparable extends Equatable). Note the capitalized "Self".
// If the class is Equatable, then we return a true for isEquatable.
// This extension is used when the associated type conforms to the Equatable protocol.
extension GenericBaseProtocol where T: Equatable {
static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs.myProperty == rhs.myProperty
var isEquatable:Bool { return true }
// This extension is used when the associated type conforms to the Comparable protocol.
extension GenericBaseProtocol where T: Comparable {
static func <(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs.myProperty < rhs.myProperty
static func >(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs.myProperty > rhs.myProperty
var isComparable:Bool { return true }
// Here, we define a Comparable type
class GenClassB3: GenericBaseProtocol {
typealias T = Int
var myProperty: T = 0
required init(_ myProperty: T ) {
self.myProperty = myProperty
// Test the Comparable behavior
let lhs2 = GenClassB3(3)
let rhs2 = GenClassB3(4)
print ( "lhs2 is" + (lhs2.isEquatable ? "" : " not") + " Equatable." )
print ( "lhs2 is" + (lhs2.isComparable ? "" : " not") + " Comparable." )
print ( "rhs2 is" + (rhs2.isEquatable ? "" : " not") + " Equatable." )
print ( "rhs2 is" + (rhs2.isComparable ? "" : " not") + " Comparable." )
let leftEqualToRight2 = lhs2 == rhs2
let leftGreaterThanRight2 = lhs2 > rhs2
let leftLessThanRight2 = lhs2 < rhs2
let rightEqualToLeft2 = rhs2 == lhs2
let rightGreaterThanLeft2 = rhs2 > lhs2
let rightLessThanLeft2 = rhs2 < lhs2
let leftEqualToLeft2 = lhs2 == GenClassB3(3)
let rightEqualToRight2 = lhs2 == GenClassB3(4)
// Here, we define a type that is not Comparable.
class GenClassB3A: GenericBaseProtocol {
typealias T = [String]
var myProperty: T = []
required init(_ myProperty: T ) {
self.myProperty = myProperty
let lhs2A = GenClassB3A(["HI"])
let rhs2A = GenClassB3A(["Howaya"])
print ( "lhs2A is" + (lhs2A.isEquatable ? "" : " not") + " Equatable." )
print ( "lhs2A is" + (lhs2A.isComparable ? "" : " not") + " Comparable." )
print ( "rhs2A is" + (rhs2A.isEquatable ? "" : " not") + " Equatable." )
print ( "rhs2A is" + (rhs2A.isComparable ? "" : " not") + " Comparable." )
// Because of the game we played up there, these will compile, but the comparisons will always fail.
let leftEqualToRight2A = lhs2A == rhs2A
let leftGreaterThanRight2A = lhs2A > rhs2A
let leftLessThanRight2A = lhs2A < rhs2A
let rightEqualToLeft2A = rhs2A == lhs2A
let rightGreaterThanLeft2A = rhs2A > lhs2A
let rightLessThanLeft2A = rhs2A < lhs2A
let leftEqualToLeft2A = lhs2A == GenClassB3A(["HI"])
let rightEqualToRight2A = lhs2A == GenClassB3A(["Howaya"])
// Here, we define an Equatable (but not Comparable) type
class GenClassB4: GenericBaseProtocol {
typealias T = Bool
var myProperty: T = false
required init(_ myProperty: T ) {
self.myProperty = myProperty
let lhs2B = GenClassB4(true)
let rhs2B = GenClassB4(true)
print ( "lhs2B is" + (lhs2B.isEquatable ? "" : " not") + " Equatable." )
print ( "lhs2B is" + (lhs2B.isComparable ? "" : " not") + " Comparable." )
print ( "rhs2B is" + (rhs2B.isEquatable ? "" : " not") + " Equatable." )
print ( "rhs2B is" + (rhs2B.isComparable ? "" : " not") + " Comparable." )
let leftEqualToRight2B = lhs2B == rhs2B
let leftGreaterThanRight2B = lhs2B > rhs2B
let leftLessThanRight2B = lhs2B < rhs2B
let rightEqualToLeft2B = rhs2B == lhs2B
let rightGreaterThanLeft2B = rhs2B > lhs2B
let rightLessThanLeft2B = rhs2B < lhs2B
let leftEqualToLeft2B = lhs2B == GenClassB4(true)
let rightEqualToRight2B = lhs2B == GenClassB4(false)
// This defines a new protocol, based on Comparable.
protocol GenericBaseProtocolBothCompType: Comparable {
associatedtype T: Comparable
var myProperty: T {get set}
init(_ myProperty: T )
// You cannot define a protocol extension initializer.
//extension GenericBaseProtocolBothCompType {
// init(_ myProperty: T ) {
// self.myProperty = myProperty
// }
// This extension satisfies the Equatable protocol.
extension GenericBaseProtocolBothCompType {
static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs.myProperty == rhs.myProperty
// This extension satisfies the Comparable protocol.
extension GenericBaseProtocolBothCompType {
static func <(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs.myProperty < rhs.myProperty
// This is an error. It will not work, because Dictionary is not Comparable.
//class GenClassA2: GenericBaseProtocolBothCompType {
// typealias T = [String:String]
// var myProperty: T = [:]
class GenClassB2: GenericBaseProtocolBothCompType {
typealias T = Int
var myProperty: T = 0
required init(_ myProperty: T ) {
self.myProperty = myProperty
let lhs = GenClassB2(3)
let rhs = GenClassB2(4)
let leftEqualToRight = lhs == rhs
let leftGreaterThanRight = lhs > rhs
let leftLessThanRight = lhs < rhs
let rightEqualToLeft = rhs == lhs
let rightGreaterThanLeft = rhs > lhs
let rightLessThanLeft = rhs < lhs
let leftEqualToLeft = lhs == GenClassB2(3)
let rightEqualToRight = lhs == GenClassB2(4)
// This defines a new protocol, based on Comparable, and leaves the associated type as a free agent.
protocol GenericBaseProtocolBothCompType2: Comparable {
associatedtype T
var myProperty: T {get set}
init(_ myProperty: T )
// However, these won't work, as the data type is not Comparable.
//// This extension satisfies the Equatable protocol.
//extension GenericBaseProtocolBothCompType2 {
// static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
// return lhs.myProperty == rhs.myProperty
// }
//// This extension satisfies the Comparable protocol.
//extension GenericBaseProtocolBothCompType2 {
// static func <(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
// return lhs.myProperty < rhs.myProperty
// }
// These will work, because you are specifying that the type needs to be Equatable/Comparable.
// This extension satisfies the Equatable protocol.
extension GenericBaseProtocolBothCompType2 where T: Equatable {
static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs.myProperty == rhs.myProperty
// This extension satisfies the Comparable protocol.
extension GenericBaseProtocolBothCompType2 where T: Comparable {
static func <(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs.myProperty < rhs.myProperty
class GenericClassFromType2: GenericBaseProtocolBothCompType2 {
typealias T = Int
var myProperty: T = 0
required init(_ myProperty: T ) {
self.myProperty = myProperty
let lhs4 = GenericClassFromType2(3)
let rhs4 = GenericClassFromType2(4)
let leftEqualToRigh4t = lhs4 == rhs4
let leftGreaterThanRight4 = lhs4 > rhs4
let leftLessThanRight4 = lhs4 < rhs4
let rightEqualToLeft4 = rhs4 == lhs4
let rightGreaterThanLeft4 = rhs4 > lhs4
let rightLessThanLeft4 = rhs4 < lhs4
let leftEqualToLeft4 = lhs4 == GenericClassFromType2(3)
let rightEqualToRight4 = lhs4 == GenericClassFromType2(4)
// This protocol has two associated types.
protocol GenericBaseProtocolWithTwoTypes {
associatedtype T
associatedtype S
var myProperty1: T {get set}
var myProperty2: S {get set}
init(myProperty1: T, myProperty2: S)
// This will not work. You need to define and implement BOTH types.
//class GenericTwoTypes: GenericBaseProtocolWithTwoTypes {
// typealias T = Int
// var myProperty1: T
// required init(myProperty1: T) {
// self.myProperty1 = myProperty1
// }
struct GenericTwoTypesStruct: GenericBaseProtocolWithTwoTypes {
typealias T = Int
typealias S = [String:String]
var myProperty1: T
var myProperty2: S
// You do not need the "required" keyword when implementing a struct from the protocol.
init(myProperty1: T, myProperty2: S) {
self.myProperty1 = myProperty1
self.myProperty2 = myProperty2
class GenericTwoTypesClass: GenericBaseProtocolWithTwoTypes {
typealias T = Int
typealias S = [String:String]
var myProperty1: T
var myProperty2: S
required init(myProperty1: T, myProperty2: S) {
self.myProperty1 = myProperty1
self.myProperty2 = myProperty2
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