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Powershell script for TeamCity build warnings (fixed for 2018 / removed guest from end of urls used to fetch last builds log file)
Processes an MSBuild log, and creates a report of build warnings; integrates with TeamCity
Local Test:
.\BuildWarningReportGenerator.ps1 -BuildLogPath "<path to build log directory>\BuildLog.log" -BuildCheckoutDirectoryPath "<path to build checkout directory>\" -BuildArtifactRepositoryUrl "http://<server:port>/repository/download/<build configuration id>/"
Write-Host "================================================================================"
Write-Host $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class BuildWarning
public string Solution { get; private set; }
public string Project { get; private set; }
public string WarningMessage { get; private set; }
public string WarningCode { get; private set; }
public string Key { get; private set; }
public bool IsNew { get; set; }
private static readonly Regex warningMessageKeyRegex = new Regex(@"^(?<before>.*)\([0-9,]+\)(?<after>: warning .*)$");
public BuildWarning(string solution, string project, string warningMessage, string warningCode)
Solution = solution;
Project = project;
WarningMessage = warningMessage;
WarningCode = warningCode;
var match = warningMessageKeyRegex.Match(WarningMessage);
Key = Solution + "|" + Project + "|" + match.Groups["before"].Value + match.Groups["after"].Value;
Write-Host "============================================================"
Write-Host "Getting warnings"
[string] $sln
[System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[int,string]] $projectStack = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[int,string]"
[System.Collections.Generic.List``1[BuildWarning]] $warnings = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List``1[BuildWarning]"
[System.Collections.Generic.List``1[string]] $projWarningKeys = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List``1[string]"
Foreach ($line in Get-Content -ErrorAction Stop $BuildLogPath)
if ($line -match '^(?<leadingSpace> +)(?<content>\S.*)$')
[int] $i = $matches['leadingSpace'].Length / 4
[string] $content = $matches['content']
if ($content -match '^Project .* is building ".*\\(?<solution>.*\.sln)" .*$')
$sln = $matches['solution']
[BuildWarning] $xnewWarning = New-Object BuildWarning($sln, "", "", "")
elseif ($content -match '^Project .* is building ".*\\(?<project>.*?)" .*$')
$projectStack[$i] = $matches['project']
if ($projectStack[$i].EndsWith("tmp_proj"))
$projectStack[$i] = $projectStack[$i-1]
#$warnings += New-Object BuildWarning("", $projectStack[$i], "") # for troubleshooting
elseif ($content -match '^(?<warningMessage>.*warning (?<warningCode>\w*): .*)$')
[BuildWarning] $newWarning = New-Object BuildWarning($sln, $projectStack[$i-1], $matches['warningMessage'], $matches['warningCode'])
# avoid duplicates
if ( -not $projWarningKeys.Contains($newWarning.Key))
[System.Int32] $warningCount = $warnings | where { $_.WarningMessage -ne "" } | measure | % { $_.Count }
Write-Host "$warningCount warnings"
# Set TeamCity status/statistic"
Write-Host "##teamcity[buildStatus text='{build.status.text}; Build warnings: $warningCount']"
Write-Host "##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='buildWarnings' value='$warningCount']"
Write-Host "============================================================"
Write-Host "Writing warnings file"
# file output
[string] $warningFileRelativePath = Join-Path $BuildCheckoutDirectoryPath "BuildWarnings.txt"
Write-Host ("Writing " + $warningFileRelativePath)
$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] (Join-Path (pwd) $warningFileRelativePath )
$stream.WriteLine("#Build Warnings")
$stream.WriteLine("#" + $warningCount + " warnings")
$stream.WriteLine("#Generated " + (Get-Date -format g))
$warnings | where { $_.WarningMessage -ne "" } | Sort-Object Key | foreach { $stream.WriteLine($_.Key) }
# Publish as artifact (needs to be visible to allow guest download)
Write-Host ("##teamcity[publishArtifacts 'BuildWarnings.txt =>']")
# Getting previous warnings
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BuildArtifactRepositoryUrl)) {
Write-Host "============================================================"
Write-Host "Getting previous warnings, determining new/old"
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $previousWarnings = @()
# Retrieve prior warnings; first try last completed build (even if tests failed build, still use that list of warnings)
[string] $previousWarningsUrl = $BuildArtifactRepositoryUrl + ".lastFinished/!BuildWarnings.txt"
Write-Host ("Retrieving " + $previousWarningsUrl)
$previousWarnings = ((new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString($previousWarningsUrl)) -split "`r`n"
Write-Host $Error
# Retrieve prior warnings (if lastFinished not found, try lastSuccessful)
$previousWarningsUrl = $BuildArtifactRepositoryUrl + ".lastSuccessful/!BuildWarnings.txt"
Write-Host ("Retrieving " + $previousWarningsUrl)
$previousWarnings = ((new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString($previousWarningsUrl)) -split "`r`n"
Write-Host $Error
# Remove header block and trailing blank line
$previousWarnings = $previousWarnings | where { -not $_.StartsWith("#") -and $_ -ne "" }
Write-Host ("Previous warnings: " + $previousWarnings.Count)
# Mark New warnings, count new/old
$warnings | where { $previousWarnings -notcontains $_.Key } | % { $_.IsNew = $true }
[int] $newCount = $warnings | where { $_.WarningMessage -ne "" -and $_.IsNew } | measure | % { $_.Count }
[int] $oldCount = $warningCount - $newCount
Write-Host ("Of the " + $warningCount + " current warnings, " + $newCount + " are new, " + $oldCount + " are old")
# Amend TeamCity status
Write-Host ("##teamcity[buildStatus text='{build.status.text}; Build warnings: $warningCount (+" + $newCount + "/-" + ($previousWarnings.Count - $oldCount) + ")']")
Write-Host "============================================================"
Write-Host "Writing warnings report"
[string] $warningReportRelativePath = Join-Path $BuildCheckoutDirectoryPath "BuildWarningReport.html"
Write-Host ("Writing " + $warningReportRelativePath)
$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] (Join-Path (pwd) $warningReportRelativePath )
$stream.WriteLine("<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- relies on TeamCity's jQuery - another option would be to use a CDN -->
<script src=`"/js/jquery/jquery-1.11.1.min.js`"></script>
body {
font: 82%/1.5em `"Helvetica Neue`", Arial, sans-serif;
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
span.filter {
display: inline-block;
background-color: #FC0;
white-space: nowrap;
padding: 1px 6px 0px 4px;
border: 1px solid white;
border-radius: 6px;
span.filter > input[type=checkbox] { vertical-align: top; }
span.filter.outline { border-color: black; } { background-color: #F30; }
span.filter.gray { background-color: #CCC; } { color: #F30; }
span.filter.hide, .hide-wc, .hide-state { display: none; }
<script type=`"text/javascript`">
function refreshTree() {
// Show all filtered-out projects and collapsed solutions/projects
`$('li.sln, li.proj, li > ul').show();
// Hide projects with 0 warnings (based on current filter)
if (!`$('#showAllSolutions').prop('checked'))
`$('li.sln, li.proj').each(function( index ) {
`$(this).toggle(`$(this).find('ul li.warning:visible').length > 0);
// Update counts (based on current filter)
`$('li.sln, li.proj').each(function( index ) {
`$(this).find('label').html(`$(this).find('label').attr('data-value') + ' (' + `$(this).find('ul li.warning:visible').length + ')');
// Re-collapse collapsed projects
`$('li.collapsed > ul').hide();
`$(document).ready(function() {
// If JS is supported, show filters and initialize counts
// Setup handler for new/old filters
`$('span.filter > input[type=checkbox][data-warning-state]').change(function() {
`$('.' + `$(this).attr('data-warning-state')).toggleClass('hide-state', !`$(this).prop('checked'));
// Setup handler for 'all/none' checkbox
`$('#allCodes').change(function() {
var checked = `$(this).prop('checked');
`$('span.filter > input[type=checkbox][data-code]').prop('checked', checked);
`$('li[data-code]').toggleClass('hide-wc', !checked);
// Setup click handlers for filters, to show/hide warnings
`$('span.filter > input[type=checkbox][data-code]').change(function() {
`$('li[data-code=' + `$(this).attr('data-code') + ']').toggleClass('hide-wc', !`$(this).prop('checked'));
// setup 'all/none' checkbox
var checkedCount = `$('span.filter > input[data-code]:checked').length;
var uncheckedCount = `$('span.filter > input[data-code]:not(:checked)').length;
`$('#allCodes').prop('checked', (uncheckedCount == 0));
`$('#allCodes').prop('indeterminate', (checkedCount > 0 && uncheckedCount > 0));
`$('#expandAll').click(function() {
`$('#collapseAll').click(function() {
`$('li.sln, li.proj').addClass('collapsed');
`$('#showAllSolutions').change(function() {
// Setup click handler for Solution/Project headers, to collapse/expand
`$('li > label').click(function() {
// Setup click handler for warning, to highlight the corresponding filter
`$('li.warning').click(function(ev) {
`$('span.filter > input[data-code=' + `$(this).attr('data-code') + ']').parent().addClass('outline');
// Setup click handler for document, to remove highlight
`$(document).click(function() {
<h1>Build Warnings ($warningCount)</h1>")
# Filters
if ($warningCount -gt 0)
$stream.WriteLine(" <div>")
if (($newCount -gt 0) -and ($oldCount -gt 0))
$stream.WriteLine(" <span class='filter hide red'><input type='checkbox' checked='checked' data-warning-state='new' />New ($newCount)</span>")
$stream.WriteLine(" <span class='filter hide gray'><input type='checkbox' checked='checked' data-warning-state='old' />Old ($oldCount)</span>")
$stream.WriteLine(" <span class='filter hide'><input type='checkbox' checked='checked' id='allCodes' /></span>")
$warnings | Group-Object WarningCode | where { $_.Name -ne "" } | sort Count -Descending | foreach { "<span class='filter hide'><input type='checkbox' checked='checked' data-code='$($_.Name)'/>$($_.Name) ($($_.Count))</span>" } | foreach { $stream.WriteLine(" " + $_) }
$stream.WriteLine(" <span class='filter hide gray' title='Expand all solutions and projects' id='expandAll'>Expand All</span>")
$stream.WriteLine(" <span class='filter hide gray' title='Collapse all solutions and projects' id='collapseAll'>Collapse All</span>")
$stream.WriteLine(" <span class='filter hide gray' title='Show solutions with no warnings'><input type='checkbox' id='showAllSolutions' />Show All Solutions</span>")
$stream.WriteLine(" </div>")
# Warnings hierarchy
$stream.WriteLine(" <ul>")
[string] $currSln = ""
[string] $currProj = ""
foreach ($warning in $warnings)
# for troubleshooting
#$stream.WriteLine(" <!-- $currSln|$currProj - $("$($warning.IsNew)|$($warning.Key)")-->")
# Check solution/project, open new list if necessary
if ($currProj -ne $warning.Project -or $currSln -ne $warning.Solution)
if ($currProj -ne "")
$stream.WriteLine(" </ul>")
$stream.WriteLine(" </li>")
$currProj = ""
if ($currSln -ne $warning.Solution)
if ($currSln -ne "")
$stream.WriteLine(" </ul>")
$stream.WriteLine(" </li>")
$stream.WriteLine(" <li class='sln collapsed'>")
$stream.WriteLine(" <label data-value=`"$($warning.Solution)`">$($warning.Solution)</label>")
$stream.WriteLine(" <ul>")
$currSln = $warning.Solution
if ($warning.Project -ne "")
$stream.WriteLine(" <li class='proj collapsed'>")
$stream.WriteLine(" <label data-value=`"$($warning.Project)`">$($warning.Project)</label>")
$stream.WriteLine(" <ul>")
$currProj = $warning.Project
# Write list item
if ($warning.WarningMessage -ne "")
$stream.WriteLine(" <li class='warning $(if ($warning.IsNew) { "new" } else { "old" })' data-code='$($warning.WarningCode)'>$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($warning.WarningMessage))</li>")
<div>$(Get-Date -format g)</div>
# Publish as artifact
Write-Host ("##teamcity[publishArtifacts 'BuildWarningReport.html => .teamcity/']")
Write-Host "Complete"
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