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Created March 22, 2012 15:11
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VB - Time Tracker App that opens results in Excel Spreadsheet
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement.TaskbarClock
Imports System.Security.Principal
Imports System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access
Imports System.Globalization
Public Class Time_Tracker
Dim timeStart As DateTime 'Time when timer starts
Dim timeEnd As DateTime 'Time when timer ends
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim ident As String = SystemInformation.UserName
'Get user settings
Dim OleConn2 As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Time_Tracker\Time_Tracker.accdb;")
Dim OleCmd2 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM User_Settings WHERE User = '" & ident.ToString & "'", OleConn2)
Dim OleDa2 As New OleDbDataAdapter(OleCmd2)
Dim dt2 As New DataTable
If (dt2.Rows.Count > 0) Then
Dim x = dt2.Rows(0)("Form_X")
Dim y = dt2.Rows(0)("Form_Y")
'Explictly set form location
Me.Location = New Size(x, y)
End If
ToolTip1.SetToolTip(reportsButton, "Set report parameters")
ToolTip1.SetToolTip(start_stop_Timer, "Start and stop your project time")
'Bind Project Type combo box with data from Access
Dim OleConn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Time_Tracker\Time_Tracker.accdb;")
Dim OleCmd As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Project_Type Order By ID", OleConn)
Dim OleDa As New OleDbDataAdapter(OleCmd)
Dim dt As New DataTable
projectName.DataSource = dt
projectName.ValueMember = "Project_Type"
projectName.DisplayMember = "Project_Type"
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Closing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing
'If user attempts to close the tracker and it is, automatically save the time
If (projectTime.Text = "00:00:00") Then
e.Cancel = False 'dont cancel the closing event
If (Not projectTime.Text = "00.00.00") Then
Timer1.Stop() 'Stops if it was started
timeEnd = DateTime.Now
Dim span As TimeSpan = timeEnd.Subtract(timeStart)
'Dim result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to save this project", "caption", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
'If (result = DialogResult.No) Then
'Exit Sub
'ElseIf (result = DialogResult.Yes) Then
'Insert research results
Dim researchInsert As String = "No"
If (research.Checked = True) Then
researchInsert = "Research"
End If
'Insert meeting/phone results
Dim meetingPhoneInsert As String = "No"
If (meetingPhone.Checked = True) Then
meetingPhoneInsert = "Meeting/Phone"
End If
'Get the fund number associated with the project type
Dim conn0 As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Time_Tracker\Time_Tracker.accdb;")
Dim cmd0 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT Fund_Number FROM Project_Type WHERE Project_Type = '" & projectName.Text & "'", conn0)
Dim oleDA As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd0)
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim fundNumber As Integer = 0
If (dt.Rows.Count > 0) Then
If (Not IsDBNull(dt.Rows(0)("Fund_Number"))) Then
fundNumber = dt.Rows(0)("Fund_Number")
End If
Dim currentDate As Date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Time_Tracker\Time_Tracker.accdb;")
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("Insert Into Time_Tracker(Project_User,Project_Name,Project_Time,[Project_Date],Notes,Research,Meeting_Phone,Fund_Num)Values(@name, '" & projectName.Text & "','" & span.TotalSeconds & "','" & currentDate & "','" & projectNotes.Text & "','" & researchInsert & "','" & meetingPhoneInsert & "','" & fundNumber & "')", conn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", SystemInformation.UserName)
'MessageBox.Show("Your project has been submitted")
'Reset Project Time
e.Cancel = False
MessageBox.Show("Your project could not be saved")
End If
End If
End If
'If (projectTime.Text = "00:00:00") Then
' e.Cancel = False 'dont cancel the closing event
' If (Not projectTime.Text = "00.00.00") Then
' MessageBox.Show("Do you want to submit this project time?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
' If (DialogResult.Yes) Then
' e.Cancel = True 'cancel the closing event
' Exit Sub
' Else
' If (DialogResult.No) Then
' e.Cancel = False 'dont cancel the closing event
' End If
' End If
' End If
'End If
End Sub
Private Sub start_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles start_stop_Timer.Click
If (Timer1.Enabled = False) Then
timeStart = DateTime.Now 'Changes time to current time
Timer1.Start() 'Starts timer
If (Timer1.Enabled = True) Then
Timer1.Stop() 'Stops if it was started
timeEnd = DateTime.Now
Dim span As TimeSpan = timeEnd.Subtract(timeStart)
'Dim result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to save this project", "caption", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
'If (result = DialogResult.No) Then
'Exit Sub
'ElseIf (result = DialogResult.Yes) Then
'Insert research results
Dim researchInsert As String = "No"
If (research.Checked = True) Then
researchInsert = "Research"
End If
'Insert meeting/phone results
Dim meetingPhoneInsert As String = "No"
If (meetingPhone.Checked = True) Then
meetingPhoneInsert = "Meeting/Phone"
End If
'Get the fund number associated with the project type
Dim conn0 As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Time_Tracker\Time_Tracker.accdb;")
Dim cmd0 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT Fund_Number FROM Project_Type WHERE Project_Type = '" & projectName.Text & "'", conn0)
Dim oleDA As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd0)
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim fundNumber As Integer = 0
If (dt.Rows.Count > 0) Then
If (Not IsDBNull(dt.Rows(0)("Fund_Number"))) Then
fundNumber = dt.Rows(0)("Fund_Number")
End If
Dim currentDate As Date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Time_Tracker\Time_Tracker.accdb;")
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("Insert Into Time_Tracker(Project_User,Project_Name,Project_Time,[Project_Date],Notes,Research,Meeting_Phone,Fund_Num)Values(@name, '" & projectName.Text & "','" & span.TotalSeconds & "','" & currentDate & "','" & projectNotes.Text & "','" & researchInsert & "','" & meetingPhoneInsert & "','" & fundNumber & "')", conn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", SystemInformation.UserName)
'MessageBox.Show("Your project has been submitted")
'Reset Project Time
projectTime.Text = "00.00.00"
projectNotes.Text = ""
research.Checked = False
meetingPhone.Checked = False
MessageBox.Show("Your project could not be saved")
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim devTime As TimeSpan = DateTime.Now.Subtract(timeStart)
projectTime.Text = devTime.Hours.ToString("00") & ":" & devTime.Minutes.ToString("00") & ":" & devTime.Seconds.ToString("00")
End Sub
Private Sub reports_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles reportsButton.Click
End Sub
Private Sub ToolTip1_Popup(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PopupEventArgs) Handles ToolTip1.Popup
End Sub
Private Sub Panel1_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub createReport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub editTime_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles editTime.Click
Dim accessApp As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application
accessApp.OpenCurrentDatabase("C:\Time_Tracker\Time_Tracker.accdb", Exclusive:=False)
accessApp.Visible = True
End Sub
End Class
'Reports section
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Imports Microsoft
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Globalization
Public Class Reports
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Get user name and set the form location on the screen
Dim currentUser As String = SystemInformation.UserName
Dim OleConn2 As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Time_Tracker\Time_Tracker.accdb;")
Dim OleCmd2 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM User_Settings WHERE User = '" & currentUser.ToString & "'", OleConn2)
Dim OleDa2 As New OleDbDataAdapter(OleCmd2)
Dim dt2 As New Data.DataTable
If (dt2.Rows.Count > 0) Then
Dim x = dt2.Rows(0)("Form_X")
Dim y = dt2.Rows(0)("Form_Y")
'Explictly set form location
Me.Location = New Size(x, y)
End If
'Set the prior month value for the monthly report
Dim thisMonth As New DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 1)
'First day of the last month
reportStartDate.Text = thisMonth.AddMonths(-1)
'Last day of the last month
reportEndDate.Text = thisMonth.AddDays(-1)
'Month Of Report defaults to previous month
'Convert the previous date to a character string
Dim previousMonth As String = Month(Now) - 1
If (previousMonth = 1) Then
previousMonth = "January"
monthOfReport.Text = previousMonth
ElseIf (previousMonth = 2) Then
previousMonth = "Febuary"
monthOfReport.Text = previousMonth
ElseIf (previousMonth = 3) Then
previousMonth = "March"
monthOfReport.Text = previousMonth
ElseIf (previousMonth = 4) Then
previousMonth = "April"
monthOfReport.Text = previousMonth
ElseIf (previousMonth = 5) Then
previousMonth = "May"
monthOfReport.Text = previousMonth
ElseIf (previousMonth = 6) Then
previousMonth = "June"
ElseIf (previousMonth = 7) Then
previousMonth = "July"
monthOfReport.Text = previousMonth
ElseIf (previousMonth = 8) Then
previousMonth = "August"
monthOfReport.Text = previousMonth
ElseIf (previousMonth = 9) Then
previousMonth = "September"
ElseIf (previousMonth = 10) Then
previousMonth = "October"
monthOfReport.Text = previousMonth
ElseIf (previousMonth = 11) Then
previousMonth = "November"
monthOfReport.Text = previousMonth
ElseIf (previousMonth = 12) Then
previousMonth = "December"
monthOfReport.Text = previousMonth
End If
End Sub
Private Sub exitButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles exitButton.Click
Me.Visible = False
Time_Tracker.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub monthlyReport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles monthlyReport.Click
'Get digit value of month selected
'If the selected month is ahead of the current month we will get the prior year data for that month
'Represents the numeric value of the text month
Dim monthDigit As Integer
'Represents the current date
Dim reportYear As Integer = DateTime.Now.Year
'Represents the current month
Dim thisMonth As Integer = DateTime.Today.Month
If (monthOfReport.Text = "January") Then
monthDigit = 1
If (monthDigit > thisMonth) Then
reportYear = DateTime.Now.Year - 1
End If
End If
If (monthOfReport.Text = "Febuary") Then
monthDigit = 2
If (monthDigit > thisMonth) Then
reportYear = DateTime.Now.Year - 1
End If
End If
If (monthOfReport.Text = "March") Then
monthDigit = 3
If (monthDigit > thisMonth) Then
reportYear = DateTime.Now.Year - 1
End If
End If
If (monthOfReport.Text = "April") Then
monthDigit = 4
If (monthDigit > thisMonth) Then
reportYear = DateTime.Now.Year - 1
End If
End If
If (monthOfReport.Text = "May") Then
monthDigit = 5
If (monthDigit > thisMonth) Then
reportYear = DateTime.Now.Year - 1
End If
End If
If (monthOfReport.Text = "June") Then
monthDigit = 6
If (monthDigit > thisMonth) Then
reportYear = DateTime.Now.Year - 1
End If
End If
If (monthOfReport.Text = "July") Then
monthDigit = 7
If (monthDigit > thisMonth) Then
reportYear = DateTime.Now.Year - 1
End If
End If
If (monthOfReport.Text = "August") Then
monthDigit = 8
If (monthDigit > thisMonth) Then
reportYear = DateTime.Now.Year - 1
End If
End If
If (monthOfReport.Text = "September") Then
monthDigit = 9
If (monthDigit > thisMonth) Then
reportYear = DateTime.Now.Year - 1
End If
End If
If (monthOfReport.Text = "October") Then
monthDigit = 10
If (monthDigit > thisMonth) Then
reportYear = DateTime.Now.Year - 1
End If
End If
If (monthOfReport.Text = "November") Then
monthDigit = 11
If (monthDigit > thisMonth) Then
reportYear = DateTime.Now.Year - 1
End If
End If
If (monthOfReport.Text = "December") Then
monthDigit = 12
If (monthDigit > thisMonth) Then
reportYear = DateTime.Now.Year - 1
End If
End If
Dim currentUser As String = SystemInformation.UserName
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Time_Tracker\Time_Tracker.accdb;")
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("SELECT DISTINCT Project_User,Project_Name,Fund_Num,Sum(Project_Time) As Total,(SELECT Sum(Project_Time) As ResearchTime FROM Time_Tracker WHERE Month(Project_Date) = '" & monthOfReport.Text & "' AND Research LIKE 'Research' OR Meeting_Phone LIKE 'Meeting/Phone') As OtherTime FROM Time_Tracker WHERE Month(Project_Date) = '" & monthDigit & "' AND Year(Project_Date) = '" & reportYear & "' Group By Project_User,Project_Name,Fund_Num", conn)
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)
Dim dt As New Data.DataTable
'Check if ANY of the rows returns data
If (dt.Rows.Count > 0) Then
'Create word application
Dim excelApp As Excel.Application
Dim excelWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim workSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim misValue As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value
excelApp = New Excel.Application
excelApp.Visible = True
excelWB = excelApp.Workbooks.Add(misValue)
workSheet = excelWB.Sheets("sheet1")
workSheet = CType(excelWB.Worksheets(1), Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)
'Create Report Header
Dim currentyear As String = Year(Now)
workSheet.Range("A1,O1").Value = "Time Tracker - Monthly Report By Project" & Space(30) & monthOfReport.Text & Space(1) & reportYear
workSheet.Range("A1,O1").Font.Bold = True
workSheet.Range("A1,O1").Font.Size = "16"
workSheet.Range("A1,O1").Font.FontStyle = "Georgia"
'Set column width
'row 2
workSheet.Range("A2").ColumnWidth = 30
workSheet.Range("B2").ColumnWidth = 30
workSheet.Range("C2").ColumnWidth = 30
workSheet.Range("D2").ColumnWidth = 30
workSheet.Range("E2").ColumnWidth = 30
'workSheet.Range("F2").ColumnWidth = 30
'Add user
workSheet.Range("A2").Value = "Project User"
workSheet.Range("B2").Value = dt.Rows(0)("Project_User").ToString()
workSheet.Range("A2").Font.Bold = True
'Set column header width
'Create column headers
workSheet.Range("A3").Value = "Project"
workSheet.Range("B3").Value = "Fund Number"
workSheet.Range("C3").Value = "Development Time"
workSheet.Range("D3").Value = "Other Time"
workSheet.Range("A3", "F3").Font.Bold = True
'Add row 1 data
workSheet.Range("A4").Value = dt.Rows(0)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B4").Value = dt.Rows(0)("Fund_Num").ToString()
'Format Dev Time Row 1
Dim t As Long = dt.Rows(0)("Total") / 3600
Dim total As String = t.ToString()
workSheet.Range("C4").Value = total
'Get other time for the month
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(0)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D4").Value = "N/A" & Space(1) & monthOfReport.Text
'Dim ot As Long = dt.Rows(0)("OtherTime") / 3600
'Dim otherTotal As String = ot.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D4").Value = dt.Rows(0)("Total").ToString("00:00:00")
End If
'If the dt has data, there's a small chance no other rows will have data after row 1
'so me must check if the dt is greater than the next row we are retreiving
'If not we exit the sub
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 1) Then
Exit Sub
'Add row 2 data
workSheet.Range("A5").Value = dt.Rows(1)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B5").Value = dt.Rows(1)("Fund_Num").ToString()
'Format Dev Time Row 2
Dim t1 As Long = dt.Rows(1)("Total") / 3600
Dim total1 As String = t1.ToString()
workSheet.Range("C5").Value = total1
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(1)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D5").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot1 As Long = dt.Rows(1)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal1 As String = ot1.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D5").Value = otherTotal1
End If
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 2) Then
Exit Sub
'Add row 3 data
workSheet.Range("A6").Value = dt.Rows(2)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B6").Value = dt.Rows(2)("Fund_Num").ToString()
'Format Dev Time Row 3
Dim t2 As Long = dt.Rows(2)("Total") / 3600
Dim total2 As String = t2.ToString()
workSheet.Range("C6").Value = total2
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(2)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D6").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot2 As Long = dt.Rows(2)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal2 As String = ot2.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D6").Value = otherTotal2
End If
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 3) Then
Exit Sub
'Add row 4
workSheet.Range("A7").Value = dt.Rows(3)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B7").Value = dt.Rows(3)("Fund_Number").ToString()
'Format Time Row 4
Dim t3 As Long = dt.Rows(3)("Total") / 3600
Dim total3 As String = t3.ToString()
workSheet.Range("C7").Value = total3.ToString()
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(3)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D7").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot3 As Long = dt.Rows(2)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal3 As String = ot3.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D7").Value = otherTotal3.ToString()
End If
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 4) Then
Exit Sub
'Add row 5
workSheet.Range("A8").Value = dt.Rows(4)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B8").Value = dt.Rows(4)("Fund_Num").ToString()
'Format Time Row 5
Dim t4 As Long = dt.Rows(4)("Total") / 3600
Dim total4 As String = t4.ToString()
workSheet.Range("C8").Value = total4
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(4)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D8").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot4 As Long = dt.Rows(2)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal4 As String = ot4.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D8").Value = otherTotal4
End If
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 5) Then
Exit Sub
'Add row 6
workSheet.Range("A9").Value = dt.Rows(5)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B9").Value = dt.Rows(5)("Fund_Num").ToString()
'Format Time Row 6
Dim t5 As Long = dt.Rows(5)("Total") / 3600
Dim total5 As String = t5.ToString()
workSheet.Range("C9").Value = total5
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(5)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D9").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot5 As Long = dt.Rows(5)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal5 As String = ot5.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D9").Value = otherTotal5
End If
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 6) Then
Exit Sub
'Add row 7
workSheet.Range("A10").Value = dt.Rows(6)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B10").Value = dt.Rows(6)("Fund_Number").ToString()
'Format Time Row 7
Dim t6 As Long = dt.Rows(6)("Total") / 3600
Dim total6 As String = t6.ToString()
workSheet.Range("C10").Value = total6
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(6)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D10").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot6 As Long = dt.Rows(6)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal6 As String = ot6.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D10").Value = otherTotal6
End If
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 7) Then
Exit Sub
'Add row 8
workSheet.Range("A11").Value = dt.Rows(7)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B11").Value = dt.Rows(7)("Fund_Num").ToString()
'Format Time Row 8
Dim t7 As Long = dt.Rows(7)("Total") / 3600
Dim total7 As String = t7.ToString()
workSheet.Range("C11").Value = total7
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(7)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D11").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot7 As Long = dt.Rows(7)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal7 As String = ot7.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D11").Value = otherTotal7
End If
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 8) Then
Exit Sub
'Add row 9
workSheet.Range("A12").Value = dt.Rows(8)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B12").Value = dt.Rows(8)("Fund_Num").ToString()
'Format Dev Time Row 9
Dim t8 As Long = dt.Rows(8)("Total") / 3600
Dim total8 As String = t8.ToString()
workSheet.Range("C12").Value = total8
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(8)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D12").Value = "N/A"
'Format othe time
Dim ot8 As Long = dt.Rows(8)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal8 As String = ot8.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D12").Value = otherTotal8
End If
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 9) Then
Exit Sub
'Add row 10
workSheet.Range("A13").Value = dt.Rows(9)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B13").Value = dt.Rows(9)("Fund_Num").ToString()
'Format Time Row 10
Dim t9 As Long = dt.Rows(9)("Total") / 3600
Dim total9 As String = t9.ToString()
workSheet.Range("C13").Value = total9
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(9)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D13").Value = "N/A"
Dim ot9 As Long = dt.Rows(9)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal9 As String = ot9.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D13").Value = total9
End If
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 10) Then
Exit Sub
'Add Row 11
workSheet.Range("A14").Value = dt.Rows(10)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B14").Value = dt.Rows(10)("Fund_Num").ToString()
'Format Time Row 11
Dim t10 As Long = dt.Rows(10)("Total") / 3600
Dim total10 As String = t10.ToString()
workSheet.Range("C14").Value = total10
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(10)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D14").Value = "N/A"
Dim ot10 As Long = dt.Rows(10)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal10 As String = ot10.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D14").Value = total10
End If
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 11) Then
Exit Sub
'Add Row 12
workSheet.Range("A15").Value = dt.Rows(11)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B15").Value = dt.Rows(11)("Fund_Num").ToString()
'Format Time Row 12
Dim t11 As Long = dt.Rows(11)("Total") / 3600
Dim total11 As String = t11.ToString()
workSheet.Range("C15").Value = total11
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(11)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D15").Value = "N/A"
Dim ot11 As Long = dt.Rows(11)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal11 As String = ot11.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D15").Value = total11
End If
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 12) Then
Exit Sub
'Add Row 13
workSheet.Range("A16").Value = dt.Rows(12)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B16").Value = dt.Rows(12)("Fund_Num").ToString()
'Format Time Row 13
Dim t12 As Long = dt.Rows(12)("Total") / 3600
Dim total12 As String = t12.ToString()
workSheet.Range("C16").Value = total12
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(12)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D16").Value = "N/A"
Dim ot12 As Long = dt.Rows(12)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal12 As String = ot12.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D16").Value = total12.ToString()
End If
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 13) Then
Exit Sub
'Add Row 14
workSheet.Range("A17").Value = dt.Rows(13)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B17").Value = dt.Rows(13)("Fund_Num").ToString()
'Format Time Row 14
Dim t13 As Long = dt.Rows(13)("Total") / 3600
Dim total13 As String = t13.ToString()
workSheet.Range("C17").Value = total13
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(13)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D17").Value = "N/A"
Dim ot13 As Long = dt.Rows(13)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal13 As String = ot13.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D17").Value = total13.ToString()
End If
End If
If (dt.Rows.Count > 14) Then
Exit Sub
'Add Row 15
workSheet.Range("A18").Value = dt.Rows(14)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B18").Value = dt.Rows(14)("Fund_Num").ToString()
'Format Time Row 15
Dim t14 As Long = dt.Rows(14)("Total") / 3600
Dim total14 As String = t14.ToString()
workSheet.Range("C18").Value = total14
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(14)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D18").Value = "N/A"
Dim ot14 As Long = dt.Rows(14)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal14 As String = ot14.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D18").Value = otherTotal14.ToString()
End If
End If
MessageBox.Show("No data matched your criteria")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub createReport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles createReport.Click
Dim currentUser As String = SystemInformation.UserName
'Check if the converted start date is a proper date value
If (IsDate(reportStartDate.Text)) Then
'do nothing
MessageBox.Show("Incorrect date value")
End If
'Check if the converted end date is a proper date value
If (IsDate(reportEndDate.Text)) Then
'do nothing
MessageBox.Show("Incorrect date value")
End If
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Time_Tracker\Time_Tracker.accdb")
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("SELECT DISTINCT Project_User,Project_Name,Fund_Num,(SELECT Sum(Project_Time) FROM Time_Tracker) As Total,(SELECT SUM(Project_Time) FROM Time_Tracker WHERE Research = 'Research' OR Meeting_Phone = 'Meeting/Phone') AS OtherTime,(SELECT MIN(Project_Date) FROM Time_Tracker WHERE Project_Date BETWEEN @ReportStart AND @ReportEnd) As MinDate,(SELECT MAX(Project_Date) FROM Time_Tracker WHERE Project_Date BETWEEN @ReportStart AND @ReportEnd) As MaxDate FROM Time_Tracker WHERE Project_Date BETWEEN @ReportStart AND @ReportEnd Group By Project_User,Project_Name,Fund_Num ", conn)
cmd.Parameters.Add(New OleDbParameter("@ReportStart", OleDbType.DBDate)).Value = reportStartDate.Text
cmd.Parameters.Add(New OleDbParameter("@ReportEnd", OleDbType.DBDate)).Value = reportEndDate.Text
cmd.Parameters.Add(New OleDbParameter("@ReportStart1", OleDbType.DBDate)).Value = reportStartDate.Text
cmd.Parameters.Add(New OleDbParameter("@ReportEnd1", OleDbType.DBDate)).Value = reportEndDate.Text
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)
Dim dt As New Data.DataTable
'Check if ANY of the rows returns data
If (dt.Rows.Count = 0) Then
MessageBox.Show("No data matched your criteria")
If (dt.Rows.Count > 0) Then
'Create word application
Dim excelApp As Excel.Application
Dim excelWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim workSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim misValue As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value
excelApp = New Excel.Application
excelApp.Visible = True
excelWB = excelApp.Workbooks.Add(misValue)
workSheet = excelWB.Sheets("sheet1")
workSheet = CType(excelWB.Worksheets(1), Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)
'Create Report Header
workSheet.Range("A1").Value = "Time Tracker - By Date Range" & Space(30) & "For" & Space(1) & reportStartDate.Text & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & reportEndDate.Text
workSheet.Range("A1").Font.Bold = True
workSheet.Range("A1").Font.Size = "16"
workSheet.Range("A1").Font.FontStyle = "Georgia"
'Set column width
workSheet.Range("A2").ColumnWidth = 30
workSheet.Range("B2").ColumnWidth = 30
workSheet.Range("C2").ColumnWidth = 30
workSheet.Range("D2").ColumnWidth = 50
workSheet.Range("E2").ColumnWidth = 50
'Add user
workSheet.Range("A2").Value = "Project User"
workSheet.Range("B2").Value = dt.Rows(0)("Project_User").ToString()
workSheet.Range("A2").Font.Bold = True
'Create column headers
workSheet.Range("A3").Value = "Project"
workSheet.Range("B3").Value = "Fund Number"
workSheet.Range("C3").Value = "Development Time"
workSheet.Range("D3").Value = "Other Time"
workSheet.Range("E3").Value = "Period"
workSheet.Range("A3", "F3").Font.Bold = True
'Add row 1 data
'Format Dev Time Row 2
Dim t As Long = dt.Rows(0)("Total") / 3600
Dim total As String = t.ToString()
workSheet.Range("A4").Value = dt.Rows(0)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B4").Value = dt.Rows(0)("Fund_Num").ToString()
workSheet.Range("C4").Value = total.ToString()
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(0)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D4").Value = "N/A"
'Format Other Time
Dim ot As Long = dt.Rows(0)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal As String = ot.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D4").Value = otherTotal
End If
'Add project period
Dim minDate As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(0)("MinDate"))
Dim maxDate As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(0)("MaxDate"))
workSheet.Range("E4").Value = minDate.ToShortDateString() & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & maxDate.ToShortDateString()
'If the dt has data, there's a small chance no other rows will have data after row 1
'so me must check if the dt is greater than the next row we are retreiving
'We will hardcode the rows up to a certain amount and exit if any hard coded row is empty
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 1) Then
Exit Sub
'Format Dev Time Row 2
Dim t1 As Long = dt.Rows(1)("Total") / 3600
Dim total1 As String = t1.ToString()
'Add row 2 data
workSheet.Range("A5").Value = dt.Rows(1)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B5").Value = dt.Rows(1)("Fund_Num").ToString()
workSheet.Range("C5").Value = total1
'Add other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(1)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D5").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot1 As Long = dt.Rows(1)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal1 As String = ot1.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D5").Value = otherTotal1
End If
'Get project period
Dim minDate1 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(1)("MinDate"))
Dim maxDate1 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(1)("MaxDate"))
workSheet.Range("E5").Value = minDate1.ToShortDateString() & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & maxDate1.ToShortDateString()
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 2) Then
Exit Sub
'Format Dev Time Row 3
Dim t2 As Long = dt.Rows(2)("Total") / 3600
Dim total2 As String = t2.ToString()
'Add row 3 data
workSheet.Range("A6").Value = dt.Rows(2)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B6").Value = dt.Rows(2)("Fund_Num").ToString()
workSheet.Range("C6").Value = total2.ToString()
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(2)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D6").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot2 As Long = dt.Rows(2)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal2 As String = ot2.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D6").Value = otherTotal2.ToString()
End If
'Add project period
Dim minDate2 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(2)("MinDate"))
Dim maxDate2 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(2)("MaxDate"))
workSheet.Range("E6").Value = minDate2.ToShortDateString() & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & maxDate2.ToShortDateString()
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 3) Then
Exit Sub
'Format Dev Time Row 4
Dim t3 As Long = dt.Rows(3)("Total") / 3600
Dim total3 As String = t3.ToString()
'Add row 4
workSheet.Range("A7").Value = dt.Rows(3)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B7").Value = dt.Rows(3)("Fund_Num").ToString()
workSheet.Range("C7").Value = total3.ToString()
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(3)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D7").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot3 As Long = dt.Rows(3)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal3 As String = ot3.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D7").Value = otherTotal3
End If
'Get project period
Dim minDate3 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(3)("MinDate"))
Dim maxDate3 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(3)("MaxDate"))
workSheet.Range("E7").Value = minDate3.ToShortDateString() & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & maxDate3.ToShortDateString()
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 4) Then
Exit Sub
'Format Dev Time Row 5
Dim t4 As Long = dt.Rows(4)("Total") / 3600
Dim total4 As String = t4.ToString()
'Add row 5
workSheet.Range("A8").Value = dt.Rows(4)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B8").Value = dt.Rows(4)("Fund_Num").ToString()
workSheet.Range("C8").Value = total4
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(4)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D8").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot4 As Long = dt.Rows(4)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal4 As String = ot4.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D8").Value = "N/A"
End If
'Add project period
Dim minDate4 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(4)("MinDate"))
Dim maxDate4 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(4)("MaxDate"))
workSheet.Range("E8").Value = minDate4.ToShortDateString() & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & maxDate4.ToShortDateString()
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 5) Then
Exit Sub
'Format Dev Time Row 6
Dim t5 As Long = dt.Rows(5)("Total") / 3600
Dim total5 As String = t5.ToString()
'Add row 6
workSheet.Range("A9").Value = dt.Rows(5)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B9").Value = dt.Rows(5)("Fund_Num").ToString()
workSheet.Range("C9").Value = total5
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(5)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D9").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot5 As Long = dt.Rows(5)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal5 As String = ot5.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D9").Value = otherTotal5
End If
'Get project period
Dim minDate5 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(1)("MinDate"))
Dim maxDate5 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(1)("MaxDate"))
workSheet.Range("E9").Value = minDate5.ToShortDateString() & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & maxDate5.ToShortDateString()
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 6) Then
Exit Sub
'Format Dev Time Row 7
Dim t6 As Long = dt.Rows(6)("Total") / 3600
Dim total6 As String = t6.ToString()
'Add row 7
workSheet.Range("A10").Value = dt.Rows(6)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B10").Value = dt.Rows(6)("Fund_Nunm").ToString()
workSheet.Range("C10").Value = total6
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(6)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D10").Value = "N/A"
'Fomrat other time
Dim ot6 As Long = dt.Rows(6)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal6 As String = ot6.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D10").Value = otherTotal6
'Get project period
Dim minDate6 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(6)("MinDate"))
Dim maxDate6 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(6)("MaxDate"))
workSheet.Range("E10").Value = minDate6.ToShortDateString() & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & maxDate6.ToShortDateString()
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 7) Then
Exit Sub
'Format Dev Time Row 8
Dim t7 As Long = dt.Rows(7)("Total") / 3600
Dim total7 As String = t7.ToString()
'Add row 8
workSheet.Range("A11").Value = dt.Rows(7)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B11").Value = dt.Rows(7)("Fund_Num").ToString()
workSheet.Range("C11").Value = total7
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(7)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D11").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot7 As Long = dt.Rows(1)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal7 As String = ot7.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D11").Value = otherTotal7
End If
'Get project period
Dim minDate7 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(7)("MinDate"))
Dim maxDate7 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(7)("MaxDate"))
workSheet.Range("E11").Value = minDate7.ToShortDateString() & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & maxDate7.ToShortDateString()
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 8) Then
Exit Sub
'Format Dev Time Row 9
Dim t8 As Long = dt.Rows(8)("Total") / 3600
Dim total8 As String = t8.ToString()
'Add row 9
workSheet.Range("A12").Value = dt.Rows(8)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B12").Value = dt.Rows(8)("Fund_Number").ToString()
workSheet.Range("C12").Value = total8
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(8)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D12").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot8 As Long = dt.Rows(8)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal8 As String = ot8.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D12").Value = otherTotal8
End If
'Get project period
Dim minDate8 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(8)("MinDate"))
Dim maxDate8 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(8)("MaxDate"))
workSheet.Range("E12").Value = minDate8.ToShortDateString() & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & maxDate8.ToShortDateString()
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 9) Then
Exit Sub
'Format Dev Time Row 10
Dim t9 As Long = dt.Rows(9)("Total") / 3600
Dim total9 As String = t9.ToString()
'Add row 10
workSheet.Range("A13").Value = dt.Rows(9)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B13").Value = dt.Rows(9)("Fund_Num").ToString()
workSheet.Range("C13").Value = total9
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(9)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D13").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot9 As Long = dt.Rows(9)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal9 As String = ot9.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D13").Value = otherTotal9
End If
'Get project period
Dim minDate9 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(9)("MinDate"))
Dim maxDate9 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(9)("MaxDate"))
workSheet.Range("E13").Value = minDate9.ToShortDateString() & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & maxDate9.ToShortDateString()
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 10) Then
Exit Sub
'Format Dev Time Row 11
Dim t10 As Long = dt.Rows(10)("Total") / 3600
Dim total10 As String = t10.ToString()
'Add Row 11
workSheet.Range("A14").Value = dt.Rows(10)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B14").Value = dt.Rows(10)("Fund_Num").ToString()
workSheet.Range("C14").Value = total10
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(10)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D14").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot10 As Long = dt.Rows(10)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal10 As String = ot10.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D14").Value = otherTotal10.ToString()
End If
'Get project period
Dim minDate10 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(10)("MinDate"))
Dim maxDate10 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(10)("MaxDate"))
workSheet.Range("E14").Value = minDate10.ToShortDateString() & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & maxDate10.ToShortDateString()
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 11) Then
Exit Sub
'Format Dev Time Row 12
Dim t11 As Long = dt.Rows(11)("Total") / 3600
Dim total11 As String = t11.ToString()
'Add Row 12
workSheet.Range("A15").Value = dt.Rows(11)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B15").Value = dt.Rows(11)("Fund_Num").ToString()
workSheet.Range("C15").Value = total11
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(11)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D15").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot11 As Long = dt.Rows(11)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal11 As String = ot11.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D15").Value = otherTotal11
End If
'Get project period
Dim minDate11 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(11)("MinDate"))
Dim maxDate11 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(11)("MaxDate"))
workSheet.Range("E15").Value = minDate11.ToShortDateString() & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & maxDate11.ToShortDateString()
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 12) Then
Exit Sub
'Format Dev Time Row 13
Dim t12 As Long = dt.Rows(12)("Total") / 3600
Dim total12 As String = t12.ToString()
'Add Row 13
workSheet.Range("A16").Value = dt.Rows(12)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B16").Value = dt.Rows(12)("Fund_Num").ToString()
workSheet.Range("C16").Value = total12.ToString()
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(12)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D16").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot12 As Long = dt.Rows(12)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal12 As String = ot12.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D16").Value = otherTotal12
End If
'Get project period
Dim minDate12 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(12)("MinDate"))
Dim maxDate12 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(12)("MaxDate"))
workSheet.Range("E16").Value = minDate12.ToShortDateString() & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & maxDate12.ToShortDateString()
End If
If (Not dt.Rows.Count > 13) Then
Exit Sub
'Format Dev Time Row 14
Dim t13 As Long = dt.Rows(13)("Total") / 3600
Dim total13 As String = t13.ToString()
'Add Row 14
workSheet.Range("A17").Value = dt.Rows(13)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B17").Value = dt.Rows(13)("Fund_Num").ToString()
workSheet.Range("C17").Value = total13
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(13)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D17").Value = "N/A"
'Format other time
Dim ot13 As Long = dt.Rows(13)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal13 As String = ot13.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D17").Value = otherTotal13
End If
'Get project period
Dim minDate13 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(13)("MinDate"))
Dim maxDate13 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(13)("MaxDate"))
workSheet.Range("E17").Value = minDate13.ToShortDateString() & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & maxDate13.ToShortDateString()
End If
If (dt.Rows.Count > 14) Then
Exit Sub
'Format Dev Time Row 15
Dim t14 As Long = dt.Rows(14)("Total") / 3600
Dim total14 As String = t14.ToString()
'Add Row 15
workSheet.Range("A18").Value = dt.Rows(14)("Project_Name").ToString()
workSheet.Range("B18").Value = dt.Rows(14)("Fund_Num").ToString()
workSheet.Range("C18").Value = total14.ToString()
'Get other time
If (IsDBNull(dt.Rows(14)("OtherTime"))) Then
workSheet.Range("D18").Value = "N/A"
Dim ot14 As Long = dt.Rows(14)("OtherTime") / 3600
Dim otherTotal14 As String = ot14.ToString()
workSheet.Range("D18").Value = otherTotal14
End If
'Get project period
Dim minDate14 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(14)("MinDate"))
Dim maxDate14 As Date = Date.Parse(dt.Rows(14)("MaxDate"))
workSheet.Range("E18").Value = minDate14.ToShortDateString() & Space(1) & "-" & Space(1) & maxDate14.ToShortDateString()
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub reportStartDate_LostFocus(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles reportStartDate.LostFocus
If (Not Regex.Match(reportStartDate.Text, "^(([1-9])|(0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))\/(([0-9])|([0-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))\/(([0-9][0-9])|([1-2][0,9][0-9][0-9]))$").Success) Then
Dim rDate As String = reportStartDate.Text.Trim
'Iterate through all possible date scenarios and properly appending the necessary characters to create propert short string format
'If date format is #/#
If (rDate.Length = 3 And IsNumeric(rDate.Length - 1)) Then
reportStartDate.Text = rDate & "/" & Now().Year
End If
'If date format is #/#/
If (rDate.Length = 4 And IsNumeric(rDate.Length - 1) = False) Then
reportStartDate.Text = rDate & Now().Year
End If
'If date format is #/## or ##/#
If (rDate.Length = 4 And IsNumeric(rDate.Length - 1)) Then
reportStartDate.Text = rDate & Now().Year
End If
'If date format is #/##/
If (rDate.Length = 5 And IsNumeric(rDate.Length - 1) = False) Then
reportStartDate.Text = rDate & Now().Year
End If
'If date format is ##/##
If (rDate.Length = 5 And IsNumeric(rDate.Length - 1)) Then
reportStartDate.Text = rDate & "/" & Now().Year
End If
'If date format is ##/##/
If (rDate.Length = 6) Then
reportStartDate.Text = rDate & Now().Year
End If
End If
'If (IsDate(reportStartDate.Text) = False) Then
' reportStartDate.Text = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1)
'End If
End Sub
Private Sub reportEndDate_LostFocus(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles reportEndDate.LostFocus
If (Not Regex.Match(reportEndDate.Text, "^(([1-9])|(0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))\/(([0-9])|([0-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))\/(([0-9][0-9])|([1-2][0,9][0-9][0-9]))$").Success) Then
Dim rDate As String = reportEndDate.Text
Dim slash As String = "/"
'Iterate through all possible date scenarios and properly appending the necessary characters to create propert short string format
'If date format is #/#
If (rDate.Length = 3 And IsNumeric(rDate.Length - 1)) Then
reportEndDate.Text = rDate & slash & Now().Year
'If date format is #/#/
ElseIf (rDate.Length = 4 And IsNumeric(rDate.Length - 1) = False) Then
reportEndDate.Text = rDate & Now().Year
'If date format is #/## or ##/#
ElseIf (rDate.Length = 4 And IsNumeric(rDate.Length - 1)) Then
reportEndDate.Text = rDate & slash & Now().Year
'If date format is #/##/
ElseIf (rDate.Length = 5 And IsNumeric(rDate.Length - 1) = False) Then
reportEndDate.Text = rDate & Now().Year
'If date format is ##/##
ElseIf (rDate.Length = 5 And IsNumeric(rDate.Length - 1)) Then
reportEndDate.Text = rDate & slash & Now().Year
'If date format is ##/##/
ElseIf (rDate.Length = 6) Then
reportEndDate.Text = rDate & Now().Year
End If
End If
'Dim endDate As Date = Date.Parse(reportEndDate.Text)
If (IsDate(reportEndDate.Text) = False) Then
reportEndDate.Text = "Incorrect Date"
'Do Nothing
End If
End Sub
End Class
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