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Created May 16, 2022 11:41
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import { DB } from "";
import { Application } from "";
import AsciiTable from "";
import { createTable, createData, apiInstructions } from "./data.js";
let db;
// This is a functioning back-end.
// Everything is set up except for the database connections
const app = new Application();
app.get("/", async (context) => {
let title = "All Rentals";
let query = `SELECT * FROM property`;
const { searchParams } = new URL(context.url);
* @todo ================TASK================
* If the user wants to hide unavailable rentals, they will add ?filter=true to the url
* If they do this, modify the SQL query to only return available rentals
* Also, modify the title to say "Available Rentals" instead of "All Rentals"
* The user should be able to combine both parameters (e.g. ?sort=true&filter=true)
* */
if (searchParams.get("filter")) {
title = "Available Rentals";
query += " WHERE available = true";
* @todo ===============END-TASK================
* */
* @todo ================TASK================
* If the user wants to sort results by price, they will add ?sort=true to the url
* If they do this, modify the SQL query to sort by price (ascending)
* */
if (searchParams.get("sort")) query += " ORDER BY price ASC";
* @todo ===============END-TASK================
* */
const results = [...(await db.query(query)).asObjects()];
if (searchParams.get("json")) {
context.json(results, 200);
return `${apiInstructions}${await formatData(title, results)}`;
});"/", async (context) => {
const { house_number, city, price } = await context.body;
* @todo ================TASK================
* The user has added a new rental,
* We can find the rental data inside the post body
* If the property already exists in the database (same house_number and city)
* Reply with: { response: "Property already exists" }
* */
const isExisting = `SELECT * FROM property WHERE house_number = ? AND city = ?`;
const result = (await db.query(isExisting, [house_number, city])).asObjects();
if ([...result].length) return { response: "Property already exists" };
* @todo ===============END-TASK================
* */
* @todo ================TASK================
* Now save this rental to the database
* - Set created_at to the current date and time
* - Set available to true
* reply with { response: "Added to database" }
* */
await db.query(
`INSERT INTO property (house_number, city, price, created_at, available)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);`,
[house_number, city, price, new Date(), true]
* @todo ===============END-TASK================
* */
return { response: "Added to database" };
app.get("/:id", async (context) => {
* @todo ================TASK================
* search this ID in the database
* if it doesn't exist, return { response: "Property not found" }
* If it does exist, reply with the Object
* */
const { id } = context.params;
const result = await db.query(`SELECT * FROM property WHERE id = ?`, [id]);
const json = [...result.asObjects()];
if (json.length === 0)
return context.json({ response: "Property not found" });
* @todo ===============END-TASK================
* */
app.put("/:id/off", async (context) => {
* @todo ================TASK================
* Mark this propery as off the market (no longer available)
* If id does not exist Reply with this JSON: { error: `id ${id} not found` }
* If it was already off the market, Reply with this JSON: `{ error: Already taken }`
* */
const { id } = context.params;
const results = await db.query(
`SELECT available FROM property WHERE id = ?`,
const [result] = results.asObjects();
if (!result) {
context.json({ error: `id ${id} not found` });
if (!result.available) {
context.json({ error: "Already taken" });
await db.query(`UPDATE property SET available = false WHERE id = ?`, [id]);
* @todo ===============END-TASK================
* */
context.json({ success: "marked as not available" });
/* #############################################################################
🪑 PropertyRentals
Do not edit below this line
############################################################################# */
async function start(instanceDB) {
db = instanceDB;
try {
await db.query(createTable);
await db.query(createData);
if (isProduction()) console.log("🌱 Database created");
} catch (error) {
if (isProduction())
console.log("✅ Database found (To reset database, delete rentals.db)");
app.start({ port: 3000 });
if (isProduction()) console.log("Server running on http://localhost:3000");
async function formatData(title, results) {
if (!results.length) return "No results found.";
const table = new AsciiTable(title).setHeading(Object.keys(results[0]));
for (let row of results) table.addRow(Object.values(row));
return await table.toString();
function isProduction() {
return !Deno.args.includes("--quiet");
await start(new DB("rentals.db"));
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