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Created June 21, 2017 02:20
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{-# language DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
module Rasa.Ext.Views.Internal.CoTree where
import Data.List as L
class Monoid g => Group g where
identity :: g
identity = mempty
(|+|) :: g -> g -> g
(|+|) = mappend
invert :: g -> g
class (Group r) => Ring r where
(|*|) :: r -> r -> r
class Ring r => DivRing r where
divide :: r -> r -> r
data Cmd =
Mv FilePath FilePath
| Rm FilePath
| Restore FilePath
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Sequenceable a =
Sequential [Sequenceable a]
| Concurrent [Sequenceable a]
| Single a
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
instance Applicative Sequenceable where
pure = Single
Single f <*> a = fmap f a
Sequential xs <*> y = Sequential $ fmap (<*> y) xs
Concurrent xs <*> y = Concurrent $ fmap (<*> y) xs
instance Monad Sequenceable where
Single a >>= f = f a
Sequential xs >>= f = Sequential ((>>= f) <$> xs)
Concurrent xs >>= f = Concurrent ((>>= f) <$> xs)
instance Monoid (Sequenceable a) where
mempty = Concurrent []
Concurrent [] `mappend` y = y
x `mappend` Concurrent [] = x
Concurrent xs `mappend` Concurrent ys = Concurrent (xs ++ ys)
Single x `mappend` Concurrent ys = Concurrent (Single x:ys)
Concurrent xs `mappend` Single y = Concurrent (Single y:xs)
x `mappend` Concurrent ys = Concurrent (x:ys)
Concurrent xs `mappend` y = Concurrent (y:xs)
x `mappend` y = Concurrent [x, y]
instance Group (Sequenceable Cmd) where
invert (Sequential xs) = Sequential . L.reverse . fmap invert $ xs
invert (Concurrent xs) = Concurrent $ fmap invert xs
invert (Single x) = Single $ inv x
inv (Mv src dest) = Mv dest src
inv (Restore fp) = Rm fp
inv (Rm fp) = Restore fp
instance Ring (Sequenceable Cmd) where
Sequential xs |*| Sequential ys = Sequential (xs ++ ys)
x |*| Sequential ys = Sequential (x:ys)
Sequential xs |*| y = Sequential (xs ++ [y])
x |*| y = Sequential [x, y]
infixl 6 |+|
infixl 6 |*|
andThen :: Ring r => r -> r -> r
andThen a b = a |*| b
concurrently :: Group r => r -> r -> r
concurrently a b = a |+| b
series :: [a] -> Sequenceable a
series = Sequential . fmap pure
conc :: [a] -> Sequenceable a
conc = Concurrent . fmap pure
prog :: Sequenceable Cmd
prog =
pure (Mv "start" "end")
`andThen` pure (Mv "end" "start")
`concurrently` series [Restore "file", Restore "otherfile"]
`andThen` pure (Rm "important-file")
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