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Last active July 15, 2017 17:25
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{-# language DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
module FreeForget where
import Data.Distributive
import Data.Functor.Rep
import Data.Functor.Adjunction
import Data.Char
newtype Forget a = Forget { getForget :: a } deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
data TaggedF t a = Tagged
{ getTag :: t
, untag :: a
} deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
type Tagged = TaggedF (Maybe String)
instance Distributive Tagged where
distribute fa = Tagged mempty (untag <$> fa)
instance Distributive Forget where
distribute fa = Forget (getForget <$> fa)
instance Representable Tagged where
type Rep Tagged = ()
index (Tagged _ a) () = a
tabulate describe = Tagged mempty (describe ())
instance Representable Forget where
type Rep Forget = ()
index (Forget a) () = a
tabulate describe = Forget (describe ())
instance Adjunction Forget Tagged where
unit a = Tagged Nothing (Forget a)
counit (Forget (Tagged _ a)) = a
-- leftAdjunct :: (Forget a -> b) -> a -> Tagged b
-- rightAdjunct :: (a -> Tagged b) -> Forget a -> b
instance Adjunction Tagged Forget where
unit a = Forget (Tagged Nothing a)
counit (Tagged _ (Forget a)) = a
-- leftAdjunct :: (Tagged a -> b) -> a -> Forget b
-- rightAdjunct :: (a -> Forget b) -> Tagged a -> b
overUntagged :: (Tagged a -> b) -> a -> b
overUntagged f = getForget . leftAdjunct f
overTagged :: (a -> b) -> Tagged a -> b
overTagged f = rightAdjunct (Forget <$> f)
applyTag :: Tagged String -> String
applyTag (Tagged Nothing s) = s
applyTag (Tagged (Just tag) s) = tag ++ ": " ++ s
-- We can now call applyTag over Either of Tagged or untagged strings:
resA, resB :: String
resA = overUntagged applyTag "Testing"
-- resA == "Testing"
resB = applyTag (Tagged (Just "MyTag") "Testing")
-- resB == "MyTag: Testing"
upperCase :: String -> String
upperCase = fmap toUpper
-- We can also lift regular string functions up to run on tags (but they forget the tags):
resC, resD :: String
resC = overTagged upperCase (Tagged (Just "MyTag") "Testing")
-- resC == "TESTING"
resD = upperCase "Testing"
-- resD == "TESTING"
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