import Data.Function ((&)) |
import Data.Map (Map) |
import qualified Data.Map as Map |
import Data.Text (Text) |
import qualified Data.Text as Text |
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, Nat, Symbol, symbolVal) |
import Servant |
import qualified Web.Cookie as Cookie |
-- | Allows deserializing a single cookie in a servant route. |
-- |
-- E.g. |
-- @@ |
-- "my-route" |
-- :> Cookie "color-scheme" ColorScheme |
-- :> ... |
-- @@ |
-- |
-- The handler will receive a value of type @Maybe (CookieVal "color-scheme" ColorScheme)@ |
-- The redundant Maybe wrapper is unfortunate, but can be mostly ignored by using |
-- 'cookieVal' as a view pattern when binding. |
type Cookie (s :: Symbol) a = Header "Cookie" (CookieVal s a) |
-- | The type used to deserialize individual cookie values. |
newtype CookieVal (s :: Symbol) a = CookieVal {getCookieVal :: Maybe a} |
-- | Elegantly collapses the duplicate Maybe wrapping on a cookie val, use in a view |
-- pattern when binding: |
-- |
-- @@ |
-- useCookieVal :: CookieVal "color-scheme" ColorScheme |
-- useCookieVal (cookieVal -> Just ColorScheme) = ... |
-- useCookieVal _ = ... |
-- @@ |
cookieVal :: Maybe (CookieVal s a) -> Maybe a |
cookieVal mayCV = mayCV >>= getCookieVal |
instance (KnownSymbol s, FromHttpApiData a) => FromHttpApiData (CookieVal s a) where |
parseQueryParam _ = error "CookieVal used outside of Header field" |
parseHeader bs = |
parseHeader bs |
& ( \case |
Left txt -> Left txt |
Right (CookieMap m) -> |
case Map.lookup (Text.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @s)) m of |
Nothing -> Right (CookieVal Nothing) |
Just valTxt -> CookieVal . Just <$> parseQueryParam valTxt |
) |
type Cookies = Header "Cookie" CookieMap |
-- | This type is used by 'Cookies' and 'CookieVal' as a way to deserialize the Cookie header |
-- into a map to be used by a route. |
newtype CookieMap = CookieMap {cookieMap :: Map Text Text} |
instance FromHttpApiData CookieMap where |
parseQueryParam _ = error "CookieMap used outside of Header field" |
parseHeader bs = Right . CookieMap . Map.fromList $ Cookie.parseCookiesText bs |