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Last active November 21, 2019 08:27
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  • Save ChrisPritchard/ed66b6083ad756d92a886e529934c537 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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open System.Security.Cryptography
let encrypt psk (iv: byte[]) (inData: byte[]) =
use aesObj = Aes.Create ()
aesObj.Mode <- CipherMode.ECB
aesObj.Padding <- PaddingMode.None
let zeroIv = Array.create 16 0uy
let encryptor = aesObj.CreateEncryptor (psk, zeroIv)
let counter = Array.init 16 (fun i -> iv.[i])
let rec incrementCounter i =
counter.[i] <- counter.[i] + 1uy
if counter.[i] <> 0uy || i = 0 then ()
else incrementCounter (i - 1)
let ctrOut = Array.create 16 0uy
let output = Array.create inData.Length 0uy
let mutable pos = 0
let rec encrypt () =
if pos >= inData.Length then
encryptor.TransformBlock (counter, 0, 16, ctrOut, 0) |> ignore
for i = 0 to 15 do
if pos < inData.Length then
output.[pos] <- inData.[pos] ^^^ ctrOut.[i]
pos <- pos + 1
incrementCounter 15
encrypt ()
encrypt ()
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apparently implements AES 128 CTR mode, intended for compatibility with something in the nodejs world. dotnet doesnt support CTR (counter mode) encryption natively, but its basically ECB no padding with a counter buffer thing, like above.

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